-Caveat Lector-

hi, i have been hearing scary talk from London, England, about another
group of people who wear dark clothes and listen to these goth-black metal
music, now they are called "french toast mafia" or so David Smythe said
(one of there members) they have all the resemblences of the trenchcoat
mob (i.e there into quake2, and doom and all these gore games) and Mr.
Smythe said they hate America and Americans, They want no American's in
the country (visiting or otherwise) because what Clinton is doing in
Serbia, and other places in the world (i.e (Iraq, The Middleast) Smythe
said "These Americans dont know shit about the rest of thw world, They are
so naive, I mean look, Clinton bombs the Serbs, but he cant take care of
his *homeground* It makes me sick, Thats why America must die"

Yours, Kris

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