-Caveat Lector-

Subj:    [the_octopus] 'Credible' threat to California bridges
Date:   11/1/01 5:23:38 PM Central Standard Time


BBC News

Thursday, 1 November, 2001, 23:01 GMT
'Credible' threat to California bridges

California Governor Gray Davis says he has received "credible" information
that major bridges in the state - including the Golden Gate Bridge - could
be targeted for attack.

He said that information "from several different sources" spoke of a
possible attempt to blow up the bridges during the rush hour between 2 and 7

He said that there were no plans to close the bridges, and it was up to
commuters to decide whether to drive over them in the coming days.

The bridges at risk, according to Governor Davies. include the Golden Gate
and Bay Bridges in San Francisco, the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles
and the Coronado Bridge in San Diego.

The Golden Gate Bridge has seen tighter security measures since 11
September, with pedestrian and bicycle traffic barred from the bridges for
several weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center.
"The best preparation is to let the terrorists know we know what you're up
to, we're ready, it's not going to succeed,"
- Governor Gray Davis

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