-Caveat Lector-
Hello all,
And if you don't like numbers I am sorry, because this post gets very tedious indeed, but if you have time, please glance at it.
‘Foucault's 9.11 Pendulum’ 
An ‘End Time 9.11 Conspiracy Theory?’
We should not forget that the author of ‘Foucault's Pendulum’ is Umberto Eco, a professor of semiotics, an expert of codes, signs, and hidden meanings.
Umberto Eco first heard about the pendulum (which swings in the Conservatoire des Arts et Mètiers in Paris) from a professor of civil engineering and architecture at Cornell University. The instrument, a twenty-eight kilo silver ball with a needle point, hanging by wire from a fixed point on the ceiling sixty-seven meters above, was invented by Jean Bernard Lèon Foucault (1819-68) to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth; it swings perpetually, given momentum by the instability of the solid floor beneath it.
Foucault's Pendulum is an adventure story about men who have planned that their organization will rule the world, by establishing a New World Order.
The narration of the story is by a person named Causaubon, a scholar who writes his doctoral dissertation on the Knights Templar, and establishes himself a business in Milan. He accepts a job as consultant for the Garamond Press and works with two other men. These three men perhaps in their research for a book entitled ‘The History of Metals’, advertise for manuscripts about the histories of secret societies and so gather together many esoteric documents and ‘invent’ a hermetic plot and curiously the results of their endeavors goes beyond their paranoid fantasy. The story tells us of the Earth's 'telluric currents’ that is the psychic forces which control the land, seas, and skies.
While Casaubon is visiting Garamond Press, the other two men, Belbo and Diotallevi are visited by a Colonel Ardenti, who they later find out was a Nazi SS collaborator and veteran of the French Foreign Legion. Ardenti brings them a manuscript that claims to be the ‘Templar Plan’.
The three men ‘decided’ that they had discovered a plan that the Templars had put in place 600 to 700 years ago, a plan to become masters of the world by controlling the Telluric Currents inside the Earth
What is remarkable is how compelling the ‘Plan' can seem, though the reader knows it to be false. And reading the novel, it is possible to watch the three men become obsessed and irrational, fabricating unlikely 'ifs' in order to fit missing pieces. 'Not bad, not bad at all,' Diotallevi said. 'To arrive at the truth through the painstaking reconstruction of a false text.'
The story goes on to where one of the men tells the plan to a person who is involved in Hermetic mythology and he tells it as if it's a ‘true’ story. He also tells that he knows the about the completed map but can't divulge this information. Then he is hunted down by the Hermetic group and is taken to the place in Paris in time for the Summer Solstice. He ‘refuses’ to divulge the map (because it doesn't exist of course) and he is ‘threatened’ by having the Pendulum's wire wrapped round his neck. He still refuses to say anything and is killed by the pendulum and so is hanged by, and swings upon the pendulum to his death. The book soon finishes.
Now I suggest Umberto Eco, this professor of semiotics, an expert of codes, signs, and hidden meanings, gives us a three clues which seemingly shows us a diabolical truth. First it is a ‘Templar Plan’ made between 600 and 700 years ago, and counting down from the year 2001 to 1314 with the death of Jacques Molay, the last Knights Templar Grand Master, is 687 years.
Next, we are told the ‘Pendulum of Death’ is 200 feet long, about 67 meters, and has a 28 kilo weight, say 61.374 pounds.
So to decode what the ‘Time Masters’ wanted to tell their chosen ones, and I know not if Jean Bernard Lèon Foucault (1819-68) the inventor of the Pendulum, was a ‘Time Master’ or not, I take the Pendulum’s weight of 61.374 pounds x 7,000 grains per one pound weight, is 432,130 grains. Then I multiply the weight by the length of the Pendulum at 200 feet, x 3 the number is 259,282,800.
And to establish what is ‘hidden’ in 259,282,800.
Anyway, the Serpent has the reference 17 or 170 etc.
Next I take the reference number for male human blood at 227 and so blood shed in warfare. This is because male human blood weighs some 67.189 pounds per cubic foot, (slightly heavier than female blood) and one Ancient Egyptian cubic cubit at 5.06778 cubic feet, when filled, weighs 340.5 pounds or 227 x 1.5.
So the Serpent Rouge can have the reference made up of 17,000 x Blood at 227 x Blood at 67.1891 pounds is the ‘Pendulum of Death’ at 259,282,800.
Thus, the ‘Foucault's Pendulum’ symbolizes the ‘Serpent Rouge’.
So to the Time Master’s of 9.11.
The Knights Templar have never forgot the day of burning.
The ‘Foucault's Pendulum’ weight at 61.374 pounds is seemingly a ‘Time Master’s Key’.
Jacques de Molay (1244-1314) served as the 23rd Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and earlier he was appointed to the position of Visitor General in Britain, and later elevated to the post of Grand Preceptor of England. And after the death of Theobald Gaudin, the 22nd Grand Master, Jacques de Molay became the 23rd Grand Master, and moved from England to Cyprus, where he remained until Clement V summoned him to France in 1307. And on October 13th 1307 he was arrested by King Philip the Fair but it was not until March 18th (Old Style) 1314 that was taken to a Parisian island in the Seine, and executed by being burnt to death, along with Geoffrey de Charney, then the preceptor of Normandy. And in the year 1314 the Order of the Knights Templar was outlawed throughout France, and the Knights Templar never forgot the burning to death of their 23rd Grand Master.
And counting from March 28th (New Style) 1314 until the five minutes past midnight when the Maya calendar ends on December 22nd 2012 after the ‘Long Count’ of 1,872,000 days, the end of the ‘Age of the Jaguar’, a ‘Day of Chaos’ beginning on August 9th 3114BC, is 698.7365074 years
And counting from March 28th (New Style) 1314 until the collapse of the World Trade Center’s North Tower at 10:28:31am (based on seismic waves recorded at Palisades New York) it is 687.458426 years.            
(The accuracy is determined by diving part of the year by the year, for example 10:28:31am is day 0.436469 + day 253 for September 11th, is 253.436469 days and divided by 365.242198 days + year 2001 is 2001.693886 less March 28th that is day 86 and so is 1314.235460 a difference of 687.458426 years).
Next I multiply both 698.7365074 years x  365.242198 days x 687.458426 years x 365.242198 days is equivalent to 1,038,000,000 x 61.734 pounds weight, the Pendulum’s bob weight.
And so the reference number 1,038,000,000 is 1200 x 865,000 miles the diameter of the Sun, (and remember we are counting from the day of the burning of the Grand Master).  The Sun’s measurement can consist of the Serpent at 17,000 x 6 + Fire, the Spirit, at 109,000 x 7.
And the Statue of Miss Liberty at 127 + 911 is 1038 and so on.
So it seems as if Umberto Eco’s ‘Foucault's Pendulum’ really does show an ‘End Time Templar Conspiracy Theory’, but then the Twin Towers would have to be detonated within to ensure they each came down on time. And surely such thinking should not enter the mind of any right thinking American.
The Serpent, that is the cobra of Delta Egypt, has a 17 incubation period, and so the basic reference number for the Serpent is 17, and refers to protector Serpent goddess, and one of two goddess tokens that are the Serpent - Vulture insignia of the Pharaoh. The Vulture protector goddess of Upper Egypt has a 42 day incubation period so 17 + 42 is the reference 59, for the Pharaoh’s insignia. And 59 days x 6 is 354 days, and, according to the Book of Enoch, the cycle of the Moon in the other world, and the Moon is, the Biblical symbol of the Ruler of Darkness. Also Gravity is ‘Darkness’ at 177,000 miles per second or thrice 59,000 and 59 is a reference of the Knights Templar.
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