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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

'Mega Fix': The dazzling political deceit that led to 9/11
Stunning new DVD documents Clinton-Kerry disinformation campaign

Posted: September 14, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

In a stunning and surprisingly entertaining new 90-minute DVD video documentary – titled "Mega Fix" – Emmy-award-winning filmmaker Jack Cashill traces the roots of September 11 to the perfect storm of disinformation that surrounded the Clintons' desperate drive for the White House in the years 1995-1996.

Cashill leads the viewer from Oklahoma City to Dubrovnik, where Ron Brown's plane crashed, to the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia to the destruction of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island to the Olympic Park bombing.

As Cashill proves beyond dispute in this DVD, these are not multiple conspiracies, but all part of one major political fix, the mother of all fixes – the Mega Fix.

Clinton-Kerry deceit

In 1998, as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. John Kerry made no public comment about the fate of TWA Flight 800. But after Sept. 11, 2001, he implied to Larry King that the plane's destruction was a terrorist act, a charge he repeated to Chris Matthews two weeks later on "Hardball."

The Kerry gesture did not surprise writer/ producer/historian Jack Cashill. He had been watching Kerry and the Clintons play deadly games with American security for the last eight years. In his new feature-length production, "Mega Fix," he shows how and why.

A Ph.D. in American studies from Purdue, Cashill has produced and directed the much-acclaimed "The Holocaust through Our Own Eyes" and the Emmy Award-winning "The Royal Years," among others. When he teamed up with James Sanders three years ago to produce the documentary "Silenced" and the book "First Strike," both on the fate of TWA Flight 800, he began to discern the pattern of political deceit that marked the election cycle of 1995-1996. The research on his new best seller, "Ron Brown's Body," confirmed his suspicions.

It was not, however, until he collaborated with "The Third Terrorist" author and former Oklahoma City TV reporter Jayna Davis on a series of WorldNetDaily articles about the Oklahoma City bombing that he understood the true depth of the problem and the connection between these seemingly disparate events. "Mega Fix" connects the proverbial dots.

Shot in HDTV, "Mega Fix" might aptly be described as "documentary stand-up," a cross between the standard documentary and the one-man narrative perhaps best captured by Spalding Gray in the film, "Swimming to Cambodia."

Although entertaining, and often amusing, the thesis of "Mega Fix" is deadly serious: In the aftermath of the November 1994 electoral debacle, the Clintons and their operatives –Richard Clarke, Sandy Berger, Jamie Gorelick among others – finessed or fixed all terrorist investigations to enhance Clinton's reelection. This meant denying or downplaying any Islamic connections, particularly to the Ramzi Yousef circle and its known plans to attack American aviation.

After the Oklahoma City bombing, the White House made the "Middle-Eastern looking" John Doe #2 disappear. With the help of a friendly media, the Clintons then focused all attention on the two "right-wingers," Nichols and McVeigh, and attributed their revolutionary urges to Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.

They turned Ron Brown into Martin Luther King while suppressing the investigation into his death. They swept the Khobar Towers disaster under the rug. They ignored all Islamic trails to the Olympic Park bombing and hung the innocent Richard Jewell out to dry until the election. And most spectacularly of all, they transformed the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 into a mechanical failure.

Tying all of this together, "Mega Fix" is an exquisitely documented, no-nonsense account of the mother of all political fixes.

"Mega Fix" proved to be a surprise hit at the American Film Renaissance Festival in Dallas on Sept. 11, which itself proved to be a great success. Festival-goers bought out the entire stock of "Mega Fix" DVDs on the first day of the festival.

Now, WorldNetDaily readers can get their copy of "Mega Fix" from WND's online store. And as a valuable added bonus, purchasing "Mega Fix" also qualifies you to receive – FREE – three power-packed issues of WND's acclaimed print magazine, Whistleblower (a $22.50 value)! Watch for the FREE offer during checkout!

Get the DVD documentary of the year – "Mega Fix" – available now from WND!

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