-Caveat Lector-

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Wednesday April 2, 2003; 10:46 p.m. EST
Eagleburger: NY Times Asked Me to Trash Bush

Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger revealed late Wednesday
that the New York Times recently asked him to write an essay on the
Iraq war - but only on the condition that he would be critical of the
Bush administration.

"About ten days ago I was approached by the New York Times to write an
op-ed piece," Eagleburger told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes."
"When I talked to them about it I was told, 'What we want is criticism
of the administration.'"

"They told you that?" asked an incredulous Sean Hannity.

"Yes, right out, flat out," Eagleburger replied. "He told me, 'We want
criticism of the administration.'

"Needless to say," the former Secretary of State added, "I did not
write the op-ed piece."


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