-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded message follows -------

This is one of the longest running attacks on the public purse that ever
existed.  Who else could walk up to the Federal Treasury and buy a tree
worth $20,000 for $3.00 and on top of it, require the taxpayer to build the
road to and from the tree.

Private forest land provides about sixty percent of timber products in the
U.S.---and is quite capable of supplying all the demand, but the timber
cartel doesn't want to buy your trees---why should they, if they can get
them almost for free from land which you partly own..

Not only that, they want to avoid competition further--the Bush
administration is sufficiently in their pocket to impose a huge import duty
on the pretense that the U.S. timber cartel is not subsidized and Canadian
timber is.  So a stickbuilt house will now cost up to $4000 more to protect
Weyerhauser, Boise Cascade et. al. from the free trade that this
administration babbles about.

The Bush Administration is now receiving letters on the subject of weakening
the existing regulations, which are already pretty weak.  If you think the
timber cartel should pay market price for their trees, from private woodlot
owners who pay taxes on them, you might send a letter of protest---snail
mail is more weighty than e-mails.  But an e-mail may be helpful---here is
the address for e-mail.


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Best wishes

Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving
taxicabs and cutting hair.                    ~~George Burns (1896-1996)

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