-Caveat Lector-

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Subject:                Claremont Institute Precepts: Out of Proportion
Date sent:              Mon, 24 May 1999 16:20:28 -0700

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS |                                       | May 24, 
Visit <http://www.claremont.org> |                                               | No. 

In a strange week, the little is made large, and the large

The United States Senate has decided to put a stop to
gunfire in schools. They have done this by requiring that
child locks be provided when new weapons of certain types
are sold, and that background checks of those purchasing
guns in some situations be made. Now, in America there are
and have been for a long time more guns than there are
people. After this law is passed, this will still be the
case. The existence of many guns in our country is old, but
this rash of the shootings in schools is new. Simple common
sense would suggest that we look elsewhere for the cause.

Many who object to these new controls on guns say that a
better method would be to regulate by some means what is
shown in movies. Violent movies--also common for a long
time--apparently are thought to be the cause of this rash
of shootings in schools.

Both these proposals have in common that they pay little
attention to the local and particular facts either in
Colorado or Georgia where the shootings have happened. They
also have in common that they propose to regulate the vast
majority of the people who had nothing to do with either
event and are never going to shoot anyone for any reason--
unless it be to defend themselves or other innocent
parties. They also have in common that they touch upon,
perhaps infringe upon, the first and second articles of the
Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is important.

Look for a moment at the facts in Colorado. There, two
young boys were permitted for a significant part of their
upbringing to live in a culture of torture and death. They
were permitted to run a little factory in their homes to
manufacture murderous weapons (which cannot be banned,
unless we ban pipes and fertilizer and ammonia). They were
permitted to keep weapons in their bedrooms without comment
from their parents. The principal of the school, who is
full of praise for himself and his colleagues for their
handling of the situation, did not notice that these two
young men were threatening their fellow students with death
and manifesting strange behavior constantly. The local
police did not respond to multiple warnings from neighbors
that these young men were dangerous.

We have some correspondence in our office from a parent
there in Littleton, a parent who had children in the school
on that day. He is astonished at how the school authorities
preen themselves on their fine work.

These local facts in Colorado suggest where the real
problems lie. Children cannot be raised by national
bureaucracies. They must be raised by people who know their
names. The best people to do this are their parents. After
that, the best are their teachers, and after them, the
principal, and after him, the local authorities. Most of
the people who occupied these particular stations in
Littleton are now being celebrated as heroes. Of course
they have suffered, and so sympathy is due to them. On the
other hand, without doubt they are the people nearest the
problem. Is it wrong to say that a father, a grown man,
should have exercised his power to forbid an adolescent to
make and keep weapons and to threaten his schoolmates with

Even if we forget for the moment the purposes of the
Constitution and the limits it places upon government
action, we can still see that the solutions we are adopting
are no solutions at all. If we want to prevent our country
from becoming a barbarous place where no one is safe--and
where everyone is unarmed--we must work very hard to
restore the authority and responsibility of the family.
Nothing short of this will help, not even a little, and
some of the measures being enacted into law will actually
make the situation worse.

Bad government imposes a terrible cost. Right now in
America there is no party willing to address the real
problems before us. The leader of the day has abused his
overwhelming power in relation to a young girl barely of
age. He is no model for a situation like this. Those in
supposed opposition to him reverse themselves literally
from day-to-day in fear of opinion polls. If these people
will not do the duties they have assumed under the
Constitution, we should get new ones. Happily, there is an
election next year.

We must find the courage to look at the facts as they are.

Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Edward J. Erler has
written a fine op-ed, "A Modest Proposal on Gun Control,"
which brings a little sanity and clear thinking to the
question that grips the nation. I invite you to read it on
the Claremont Institute's website at
<http://www.claremont.org/publications/erler1.cfm>, or go
to our home page at <http://www.claremont.org>.

Larry P. Arnn
President, The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 1999 The Claremont Institute

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