-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 8 Jun 2001 03:59:21 EDT
Subject:                Danforth's Supreme Gambit
To:                     undisclosed-recipients:;


Waco Tragedy News


Danforth's Supreme Gambit
by James Bovard

Last week marked the official launch of former Sen. John Danforth's
campaign to snare a nomination to the Supreme Court. Danforth got a
splash in the Washington Post on Friday, in which he declared that the
sought to stonewall his Special Counsel investigation of Waco. Danforth
stated his belief that the FBI may not have turned over all the evidence to
his investigators. But he reassured the Post and the Establishment that,
regardless of whatever evidence the FBI withheld, "there is no chance
it would have any effect on our findings."

It is unusual for a prosecutor to absolve his target after publicly
admitting that he failed to fulfill his duty to gather all the necessary
information to make an informed judgment. But Danforth went much

Earlier this year, Danforth sent a personal note to Janet Reno: "I've heard
you talk about the decision you made in Waco. I have had the chance
as your
special counsel to review that decision. I did not pass judgment on it in
my report but I want you to know that I think you did exactly the right

Perhaps Danforth gives Reno credit for the fact that, despite the final
assault Reno authorized on April 19, 1993, most children in Texas didn't
die that day. Danforth apparently considers it no blemish that Reno
initially justified the final assault because of ongoing child abuse --
yet, after this charge collapsed, Reno shrugged off her error: "I now
understand that nobody in the [FBI] told me that it was ongoing. We
briefed, and I misunderstood." It was a harmless error, except for the
who were gassed or burned to death after Reno misunderstood. Danforth
presumably approves of Reno's statement in congressional testimony
when she
compared the 54-ton tanks used in the final assault to a "good rent-a-
Reno clearly knew what she was doing when she personally chose
Danforth to
investigate her, the Justice Department, and the FBI.

Danforth's recent comments highlight how he continues to view Waco
primarily as an opportunity to offer personal absolution to the federal
government and high-ranking government officials. As for his critics,
Danforth has a term for them. As the Post put it, Danforth complains
'conspiracy theorists' will always find fault with his investigation."

Danforth rushed to issue his Waco report days before George W. Bush
announced his vice-presidential choice. Now, with the Supreme Court
ending later this month and rumors of pending retirements, Danforth is
racing to get his name in the news again.

Unfortunately for Danforth, his credibility continues to deteriorate week
by week. A key part of Danforth's investigation into Waco was the
re-enactment of the FBI's final assault. However, filmmaker Mike
charged in a <A HREF="http://www.flirproject.com/";>new
(www.flirproject.com) that Danforth's team tested the wrong weapons and
ammo in the re-enactment -- producing results not worth a plug nickel.
Bovard, <A
Latest Waco Fireball</A>).

On June 1, an Associated Press article quoted Robert Stewart, one of
Danforth's chief investigators, conceding that the re-enactment failed to
use the same type of assault rifle the FBI used on the final day at Waco.
Since Danforth's report focused heavily on muzzle flash evidence to
that no federal agents fired at Davidians before and after their home burst
into flames, use of the wrong weapon makes a mockery of Danforth's

Filmmaker McNulty says regarding the use of the wrong weapon for the
re-enactment: "The question is what did Danforth know and when did he
it?" McNulty suggests that if Danforth knowingly misrepresented the
accuracy of the re-enactment, he may face problems regarding 18 U.S.
Section 1001 -- making false statements to a federal officer -- for his
comments to Federal Judge Walter Smith and U.S. attorneys, as well
as his
testimony to the U.S. Senate. (Given the way this law is administered,
however, only private citizens normally face legal peril.)

In any event, Congress shouldn't wait for a Danforth nomination to the
Supreme Court to question him about his $12 million investigation of
and why he turned it into a self-promotion gambit for himself.

James Bovard is the author of "Feeling Your Pain": The Explosion &
Abuse of
Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years (St. Martin's Press).

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Best Wishes

If a poet has any obligation toward society, it is to write well.  Being
in the minority, he has no other choice.  Failing this duty, he sinks
into oblivion.  Society, on the other hand, has no obligation toward the
poet.  A majority by definition, society thinks of itself as having
other options than reading verses, no matter how well written.  Its
failure to do so results in its sinking to that level of locution at
which society falls easy prey to a demagogue or a tyrant.  This is
society's own equivalent of oblivion.   - Joseph Brodsky

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