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From:                   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                ZNet Commentary / Aug15 / Media Critics of the World Unite / 
Serge Halimi
Date sent:              Sat, 14 Aug 1999 21:51:41 +0100

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Serge Halimi.

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Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


Media critics of the world, unite!
By Serge Halimi

Few contries publish as many books and articles on media criticism as the
United States. Logically, all of this good work has little to no effect on
the shaping and publication of news. Any adequate criticism, which
describes media indoctrination (overt or "innocent") as the natural
by-product of a system of domination, cannot expect to find "mistakes" and
should hardly insist on reform. What is too essential to be "repaired" is
bound to remain unsalvageable within the existing system. It is.

So, what is puzzling is something else. Why do media critics in the U.S.
often seem so ignorant of, and indifferent to, what happens elsewhere in
the world, especially when a comparative approach would add a lot to the
effectiveness of their work? Like the following ideas: no, America is not
so "exceptional"; yes, the personal ideas and antics of Dan Rather,
Barbara Walters, Thomas Friedman, and Larry King matter very little in the
end; elsewhere too, unexceptional exceptions abound, other "fast thinkers"
can be trusted to speak for those who already own the world.

But whereas we know about you, many of us, you don't about us. We know
about the General Electrics and the Disneys who own your NBCs and ABCs. We
know about your pundits, your great communicators, their former
communications directors (George Stephanopoulos's latest book, for
instance, is just about to be published into French). We know about Matt
Drudge, Oprah and the Fall of the Wall (at the LA Times). What do you know
about us ? How many Americans, even among media analysts, care in any way
about the European reach and power of TF1 and Vivendi?

When you describe for us the way in which Pete Williams, the Pentagon
spokesman during the Gulf War, became, almost immediately after the war,
the NBC correspondent at the Pentagon, we understand something about the
connection between the military and a network whose parent company,
General Electric, sells weapons to the Pentagon. We understand something
about ownership, power, and propaganda.

Likewise, for you, would it not be helpful to know that TF1, the largest
television network in Europe, treats very generously the foreign leaders
who decide big governement contracts on behalf of Bouygues, the huge
building conglomerate which owns a large share of TF1. Like the late King
Hassan II of Morocco who let Bouygues build the Casablanca mosque. Like
Angola's Jonas Savimbi who was counted on to sign Bouygues for off-shore
drilling platforms. Like the president of the Ivory Coast who granted
Bouygues the water and electricity markets in his country. Would it not be
helpful to American critics of the media to know that Vivendi, the largest
employer in France, owns one of the biggest French television station,
Canal Plus, and scores of magazines ; that its president, Jean-Marie
Messier, was the governement official who, between 1986 and 1988,
organized the privatization of the company he now directs ? More
generally, how many Americans have any idea of how the war in Kosovo was
covered in France, Nigeria, India?

And, regarding pundits, do you imagine how stale the political, cultural,
and economic discourse can be when a mere thirty commentators, who
basically agree that we live in the best of worlds and who live in the
same neighborhoods of Paris, pontificate on everything, trade favors and
positions, "debate" one another, thus setting the perimeter of what the
discussion should be about? Of course, you can imagine. After all, the
United States has set the model for this not-so-subtle indoctrination
cloaked in the lordly theories of democratic intercourse. Still, Americans
rarely seem to even try to enrich their analyses with examples drawn from
outside the United States. Just how many articles - not to mention books!
- published between New York and Los Angeles address media issues through
non-American cases and lenses ? This is too bad, of course : nothing
explains better the systemic nature of the media beast we are fighting
than a journey through some of the countries it has ideologically
reshaped, making them more pliable to the interests by which it is owned.

In Gannett's Newseum, near Arlington cemetery, there is an exhibit
"narrating" the history of journalism. Unsurprisingly, it only tells a
history of American journalism. In this parochialism, however, Gannett is
hardly different from its most ferocious critics.

Serge Halimi
Le Monde diplomatique
21, bis rue Claude Bernard
75242 Paris Cedex 05
Tel : 01-42-17-28-61
Courriel bureau / Office email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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