-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                ZNet Commentary / Oct 16 / Pakistan / Tariq Ali
Date sent:              Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:35:21 +0100

Here is a bonus ZNet Commentary Delivery from Tariq Ali. The article
appeared in the British Observer/Guardian, Oct 14...and is so timely and
informative that I couldn't resist sending it along... If any readers know
how to contact Tariq Ali, please pass along that information to me.

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Here then is today's bonus ZNet Commentary...


Tariq Ali
Thursday October 14, 1999

Pakistan is, once again, in the throes of a serious crisis. The country is
under martial law. The elected prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, his brother,
Shahbaz and General Ziaudin, the head of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI)
are under house arrest. Ever since its foundation in 1947, the Pakistani
state has been plagued by a failure to establish strong democratic
institutions. The reason is simple. From 1951 onwards, when the country
had become a US pawn in the cold war, Washington felt that the army was
the best guarantor of Washington's interests in the region. General Ayub
Khan's dictatorship (1958-68) was openly backed by the US state
department, till it was swept aside by a popular uprising that lasted
three months. General Zia's monstrous regime (1977-89) was spawned by the
Pentagon and the Defense Intelligence Agency, eager for a proxy to take on
the Russians in Afghanistan.

For the third time in its traumatic history, the army has seized power,
this time, apparently, against the advice of the US. The people -
disillusioned, apathetic, weary - appear indifferent to the fate of their
venal politicians. There is widespread disgust at the inability of
successive governments to control the scale of corruption. For several
years now, the decay at the heart of the administration had become a
national scandal. Politicians were so busy lining their own pockets that
they had little time to ponder the welfare of the country and its people.

In 1997 a palace coup, orchestrated by her own hand-picked president,
removed Benazir Bhutto. It was alleged that she and her husband, Senator
Asif Zardari, had used the Prime Minister's House to amass a large private
fortune, estimated at somewhere close to $1bn.

In the subsequent general elections, her long-time opponent, Nawaz Sharif
scored a triumph, winning 80% of the seats in parliament, but on the basis
of an exceptionally low turn-out. Only 25% of the electorate bothered to
vote. Benazir's supporters punished her by staying at home. The new
government had promised a great deal, but nothing changed.

The country continued to rot. Pakistan has never been able to provide the
bulk of its population with either free education or health, but in the
past it could offer food to the poor at subsidised prices and protect
innocent lives from random killings. No longer. Everything is falling
apart. A country that spends billions to fund its arsenal of nuclear
weapons, forces its poor to eat grass. The suicide rate among the poor,
driven insane by poverty, has risen sharply over the last decade. Last
January a transport worker in Hyderabad, who had not been paid for two
years, soaked himself in petrol and set himself alight outside the Press
Club. He left behind a letter: "I have lost patience. Me and my fellow
workers have been protesting the non-payment of our salaries for a long
time. But nobody takes any notice. My wife and mother are seriously ill
and I have no money for their treatment. My family is starving and I am
fed up with quarrels. I don't have the right to live. I am sure the flames
of my body will reach the houses of the rich one day."

The Sharif brothers and their father, strong believers in globalisation
and neo-liberal economics, helped create an enterprise culture in which
they genuinely believed that everything was for sale, including
politicians, civil servants and, yes, generals. There were widespread
rumours that, in order to buy time and make yet more money, the Sharif
family had provided sackfuls of general-friendly dollars to bolster their
support in the army. A section of the high command was enraged by this
civilian interference.

The immediate cause of the latest coup was Sharif's decision to sack the
army chief, General Musharraf while he was on an official visit to Sri
Lanka and appoint General Ziaudin in his place. Just as Pakistan TV was
showing Sharif appointing and congratulating the new army chief, the old
army pulled the plug and the country's TV screens went blank. Ziaudin, as
the ISI boss, is the main supplier of the Taliban army in Afghanistan. He
is sympathetic to the fundamentalist cause and loathed by officers, who
value the secular side of the army and enjoy drinking whisky to the tune
of bagpipes at regimental dinners.

Musharraf's supporters inside the army moved swiftly. Once Nawaz Sharif's
instruction that the plane returning the general to Pakistan be diverted
to a foreign country was ignored and Musharraf landed at a Karachi Airport
secured by the army it became obvious that the government would be
toppled. The bloated Pakistan army - one of the Pentagon's spoilt brats in
Asia - hated becoming a cold war orphan. "Pakistan was the condom the
Americans needed to enter Afghanistan," a retired general told me last
year. "We've served our purpose and they think we can just be flushed down
the toilet."

Last year the army, fearful that a forced rapprochement with India might
lead to a relegation of its status and power and a reduction of its
budget, played the nuclear card. This was followed by an adventurous
border clash with India in Kashmir during which Pakistan received a severe
drubbing. This increased tensions with the government which tried to pin
the entire blame for the botched operation on the army. Now General
Musharraf has seized power in the country, but in changed conditions.

The army is no longer a unified institution. Well organized groups of
Islamic zealots have penetrated its core. Unlike the older and more
traditional religious parties, the Soldiers of the First Four Caliphs, the
Soldiers of Muhammed, the Soldiers of Medina and the Volunteers are all
hungry for power. Their preferred model is that of the Taliban and earlier
in the year one of their factions seized several villages in the
North-West Frontier province and declared the area to be under "Islamic
law". A public destruction of TV sets and dish antennae took place in the
village of Zargari. If such a faction were ever to take over the Pakistan
army - and the possibility is not as remote as it seemed a few years ago -
then the possession of nuclear weapons would acquire a frightening new

If Washington refuses to tolerate a new dictator, the most likely scenario
is a caretaker government staffed by IMF-approved technocrats. That, too,
will achieve little, for the only serious and rational alternative to
domestic chaos is a long-term treaty of friendship and trade with India, a
new permanent settlement which could form the basis of a larger EU-style
confederation of south Asian republics. For over 50 years, Pakistan has
turned its back on India, imagining it could replace its giant neighbour
by cultivating links with the gulf states and Saudi Arabia. The strategy
has been a political and economic failure, leaving the country denuded of
a skilled labour force and incapable of meeting its own basic needs.

In recent years there have been a few signs in that politicians of the
main secular parties were beginning to explore a new economic deal with
India. Pressure from the fundamentalists and the army sent their heads
quickly back into the sand. And yet this remains the only rational
solution in the medium term. All other options are bleak beyond belief.
The ISI-armed fundamentalists are waiting in the wings. If they decided to
split the army it would unleash a bloody civil war, with devastating
consequences for the region. If the politicians of the sub-continent fail
to devise a way of living together, they might end up dying together.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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