-Caveat Lector-

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Official Seeks Closure of Zimbabwe Paper

Associated Press Writer

January 30, 2003, 11:00 PM EST

HARARE, Zimbabwe -- The information minister told Zimbabwe's
Supreme Court that the country's only independent daily newspaper
is illegal and should be punished for flouting stringent media laws,
court officials said Thursday.

The Daily News has refused to register with the government as
required by the laws, the minister, Jonathan Moyo, said in a sworn
statement to the court, the officials said.

Moyo is the architect of the media laws, which critics say are aimed
at stifling criticism of the government.

The Daily News admits refusing to register and has asked the court
to strike down the law, saying it violates rights to free expression and
association. The court has not scheduled a hearing.

Moyo said until courts or Parliament repealed the media act it should
be obeyed. He asked the Supreme Court to dismiss the newspaper's
application and force it to comply or shut down, the officials said.

Authorities have cracked down on independent journalists in recent

Police have arrested 14 local independent journalists, including several
from The Daily News, mainly on charges of publishing "falsehoods"
that carry a penalty of up to two years in jail. The only journalist to be
tried so far was acquitted.

The new laws also require foreign journalists to apply for government
approval before coming to Zimbabwe. The government routinely denies
the requests.

No action has been taken against journalists working for state-controlled

On Monday, Japanese Ambassador Tsuneshige Iiyama said he had not
made remarks attributed to him in the state Herald newspaper criticizing
the leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. The paper
is closely controlled by Moyo.

Parts of the article were "totally fabricated," the ambassador said in a
letter to Herald editor Pikirayi Deketeke. Iiyama also said Moyo had
raised "Zimbabwe's bad image."

And last week James Morris, the U.N. special envoy to the southern
African hunger crisis, complained the Herald fabricated a remark
attributed to him praising Zimbabwe's often-violent seizures of
white-owned commercial farms.

Morris protested a second time after claiming his first protest letter
was published in the paper with key words edited out to change the

Three journalists, two of them Americans with government press
accreditation, were detained by police for seven hours Tuesday and
denied telephone calls and access to a lawyer.

On Wednesday, five foreign Lutheran church workers were deported
after being accused of being undercover journalists trying to gather
information on aid projects to help the Lutheran World Federation raise funds.
 The Associated Press

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