From: Mike Balog [U.A.I.C. - VT.] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:      Receipant List Supressed:
Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 12:30 Pm Est.
**********************                             !!! __________!!! THIS IS
NOT A TEST - THIS IS NOT A JOKE !!!_________________

 ======== FIND THE ALEX JONES "INFO WARS SITE" -  * infowars.com * =======

                             * * * LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT AT NOON: * * *


RED CHINA has announced in all their Media, "The People's Liberation Daily"
that they Intend to Take "TIAWAIN" By Force. AND That They Intend to Take
AMERICA With a First Strike Long Range Nuclear Attack, and With Neutron
Bombs !!!
Now, We Know, They Are Preparing & Mobilizing NOW with new Civil Defense
Operations, Military Operations. Yesterday, Chinese People on the coast of
China reported heavy overflights of Red Chinease Fighter Squadrons!!! And
heavy troop activity.  SO, Do You Think Pres. Clinton is Prepared? I Doubt
He is "visiting" Bangladesh Right Below China ! This is High Treason !!!

The past several weeks the Chicomms have Threatened to Attack Tiawian daily
to intimidate their free elections. Now they have a New President and
they Announced to the World that They are a Free Independent Nation seperate
Mainland China. The Little Country Said "Bring it On" in a matter of

During the last several months, Red China and Russia had signed a Mutual
Pact. In which it was stated their goal was to attack and destroy the U.S.
and Western
Allies. They have New ICBM's that Can Hit the U.S. Mainland NOW !!!

It is A known Fact, that Pres. Clinton had taken all the Nuke Sub. Captains
First Strike
Missle Codes back. No more Launch on First Notice Capability!!! He has also
the same to the U.S.A.F.!!! It is a known Fact, that He took Millions in
"Soft Money" for
His Campaign War Chest - Funneled from the Chicomms to the D.N.C.  AND we
been compromised in our Protection and Defense by Stolen Nuke & Neutron
Within the last three weeks, "old" ICMB Minuteman Sites in the Plains States
had been
dismantled and the Silos destroyed. We Do Not Have an Anti-Missle System on
Line Yet!!! The "Congress" still "bickers" among themselves about not
wanting to "anger"
the Chicomms and Russians with authorizing a "New Anti-Missle System. !!! I
Tell the Other Nations to Go to Hell - AND Put OUR Defense First!!!

The Scenero is that: The Red Chinese Figure "America Will not Be So Foolish
as To
Risk the Deaths of 200 Million Americans for a mere 40 Million Tiawianese.".
Will Allow the Chiacomms to Just walk over and take Tiawian ! Even Though
They would Risk the Destruction of the Economic Power Base and Trade Which
Contributes to Asia and the rest of the Global Economy.

Does it make any sense? They already have a great Economy with the Phoney
Favoriate Nation Trading Status? And their Leaders are demanding to be a
part of the Global Economy, joining the W.T.O.  It seems all too plain that
Large Multi -
National Corporations Are the ones Benefiting. At the expense of the "little
Walk in any Large WAL-MART or K-MART, and you will see 85% of all goods
manufactured in China, Tiawian, Off -Shore American Corporations, etc. China
Industries make a lot of products that end up here with the "labels" changed
off shore.
It was Reported by several reliable sources, Newspapers in the Southwest and
that a small continigent of "MEXICAN REGULAR ARMY TROOPS" with Humve's and
Armoured Personal Carriers had crossed over the international boarder with
the U.S.
Going 350 miles (?) inside New Mexico. They were confronted by U.S. Boarder
and had Live Fired Automatic Weapons  at the U.S. Boarder Agents ! The
Agents were
said to return Fire and  call for Backup!!! More Agents arrived and
"captured" the Mexicans. Disarming Them! "The Taco Squad" claims they
"didn't know they were in
the U.S. !" . Oh, Really , They Didn't See the Warning Signs and Barbed Wire
they ran
over with their vehicles? It was an Incurison for the purpose of Testing Our
We should immediately put an armored division down at the Southern Boarder
put up a mine field. It was determined through "intelligance sources" that
Mexico as
corrupt as they are, tied in with the Chicomms. In the Event of
Hostilities - They are Not
Out Allies!!!

* ADVICE * Be Forewarned is Being Prepared. *

Please Be Advised, the National Media IS Controlled! Look at the Recent
Scandel that
CNN had Admitted to having U.S. Army Special Operations Officers Writing
Copy for them for the last three years!!! Not much Real News has been Given
the U.S.
Public. Fluff is more the Norm, Some News, the rest boarders as

The Recent Stepped Up Activity to follow the United Nations Disarming U.S.
As Per State Dept. Directive 7277 written in 1961; Is being PUSHED by NWO
in this Country. Look at all the Postering about the "Legislation" to
"Register" all types
of Civilian Firearms. Have Elaborate, Costly Background Checks,
Registration - Which
Will be Followed by Confisication! "They Prefer" to have us unable to Defend
our Home
land and Families. All the While to tie up our "Trained" Armed Forces all
over the World
in "U.N. Peace Keeping Operations." It should be Plain to you the reader,
the N.W.O
wants America to Be the "Military Enforcer" of their World Plans. Where are
the Funds
Going? To build up their System !  The Chicomms Already have Active Bases on
Panama Canal. Have weapons stashed in Long Beach, CA., have another one in
New Jersery - Diamond Corp. Facility. And have "an airplane assembly company
outside Washington D.C. They are also in Cuba.  The Russians had for years
"secret caches" of arms in the U.S. This was made public months ago !!!

I believe we are in DEFCON 2 Status - We Should be In DEFCON 4 - FULL ALERT.
Therefore, all those who Prepared for Y2K should be on Full Alert Now.
Double check all supplies, fuel - Convinent All the Fuel Prices Are Way Up !
Time to advise All Family & Friends to stay close. Get all "firearms / ammo"
you can be at ready. It would be good advice to locate a trusted individual
with a reloader as well as one with an Amateur Radio. Normal & Cell Phones
Will be the First to go down with an Electro Magnetic Pulse from an Attack.
If You Have Prepared, Then You know what to do. I wish I was
there to help. I offer my "condolences" to All Those Who thought We Are

NOW is the Time to Take A Stand, The Sheeple Need to Wake Up NOW. TIME IS
TOO SHORT. I had hoped and prayed our Country would be More Prepared and
United Long before we came to this state of affairs. Pray and Lock and Load.
Comments? I don't think personal "diatribes" would help.

We need to Be Americans First, Last and Always. United we Stand, Divided We
Fall. The "liberal element" have already sold us out. I pity those Ignorant
Fools - For If We Are Invaded, they will be the First to Go! The 5th Element
is just below the surface ready to Hand Us Over to the Enemy. It is up to
us, We The People to stand the way our Original Patriots Had 225 years ago.
Remember Winstin Churchill said in WW2:, "Never have So Many owed So Much to
So Few."  We need Courage and Resolve Now. It is NOT the time to Falter or
be Squeamish. Knowledge is Power. The Tools of
Our Liberty Teeth Will Help Us Keep Our Freedom.  Our "Allies" can Not Help
Us. We
Have to Help Our Selves. Remember, "Yea are For or Against Us. I f yea are
Then We will Spew you out of our Mouth. " I will Stand Shoulder to Shoulder
with you.
We have No other Choice. The Line in the Sand has been Drawn, the time is
Too Short. Thank you for your time. God Bless Amercia, God Preserve Us All.

~ Mike Balog ~

U.A.I.C.- VT.

FN:Mike Balog
ORG:U.A.I.C. - VT.
TITLE:Special Investigator - Intelligance
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(802) 584-3588
TEL;CELL;VOICE:KB1ELY = Amateur Radio Call Sign
ADR;WORK:;;P.O. Box 932;Montpelier;Vermont;05602;Unuited States of America
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 932=0D=0AMontpelier, Vermont 05602=0D=0AUnuited States of America
ADR;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;P.O. Box 35=0D=0A;Groton;Vermont;05046;United States of America
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 35=0D=0A=0D=0AGroton, Vermont 05046=0D=0AUnited States of America

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