-Caveat Lector-

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"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become."

-- Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Pythagoras' Fun House
The newest addition to the Conscious Evolution family, Pythagoras' Fun
House focuses on numerical and geometric insights into ancient and
modern wisdom.Click here now!

The Sacred Landscape Geometry
of Rennes-le-Chateau.
Simon Miles' original research into the origins of Sacred Geometry in
the ancient grid-map of To-Mera, and its relationship to stellar
formations and etheric formative forces.

The Fleming-Roche Tarot
Now complete!
Click the image of the Tarot Fool to see a one-of-a-kind tarot deck
created by your webmaster and a close friend, back in the dark ages.

The CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION site is currently under construction. Please
bear with us while we plan and grow.
In the meantime. please stop by our discussion forum now!

Thanks, and welcome.

<A HREF="http://www.consciousevolution.com/Rennes/Default.htm">Sacred
Landscape Geometry 99: The Solution to t

Sacred Landscape Geometry 99


Simon Miles


"In the manuscript, of course, there was also the map, or, rather, a
precise description of the map, of the original. It's surprising; you
can't imagine how simple the solution is. The map was within everyone's
grasp, in full view; why thousands of people have passed it every day
for centuries. And the method of orientation is so elementary that you
just have to memorise the pattern and the map can be reproduced on the
spot, anywhere.

"So simple and so unexpected....Imagine - this is just to give you an
idea - it's as if the map were inscribed in the Pyramid of Cheops, its
elements displayed for everyone to see, and for centuries people have
read and reread and deciphered the pyramid, seeking other allusions,
other calculations, completely overlooking its incredible splendid
simplicity. A masterpiece of innocence. And fiendish cunning. The
Templars of Provins were wizards."
•from the novel Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

Newly Revised and Updated: May 6, 1999:

This site documents an on-going investigation into the origins of
geometry reportedly marked into the landscape in the positions of
certain ancient churches, chateaux and mountain peaks around the ancient
hilltop village of Rennes-le-Château, France. This project began as an
independent attempt to verify or disprove the findings of Henry Lincoln,
as published in his book The Holy Place (1991), and more recently in The
Key to the Sacred Pattern (1997). It grew to encompass further material
on the landscape geometry presented in the books GenIsis (1985) and
Geneset (1994), by David Wood (with Ian Campbell), and The Tomb of God
(1996) by Richard Andrews and Paul Schellenburger. A prolonged study and
meditation on the 1:25,000 scale map of the region led to a series of
decisive breakthroughs in understanding the nature of what is on display
in this enigmatic geometric riddle. In short, they led to the solution
to the puzzle of the origins of the geometry. In the pages which follow,
detailed evidence will be presented with the aim of providing some
satisfying answers to the basic questions posed by Lincoln: where, when,
how, why and by whom.

On the other hand, there is no attempt here to tackle the usual
conundrums of the Rennes affair; the matter of Sauniere's wealth, the
mysterious parchments, the competing geneaological claims , or the
machinations of the Knights Templars , Rosicrucians and the Priory of
Sion. However, it is hoped that by putting forward a detailed hypothesis
for the true nature and origins of the landscape geometry at
Rennes-le-Château, it may help to clear a path to a resolution of some
at least of these other intriguing questions.

Beyond these purely "local" concerns, the activities of the map-makers
reveal a web of relations which extend across Europe and beyond. The
mystery of Rennes-le-Château becomes a gateway to an entirely new
understanding of the world-conception of the ancients, and hints at a
forgotten spiritual technology with possible far-reaching implications
for the future of mankind and our relationshipto the earth and cosmos.

Ancient stone cross with village of Rennes-le-Château in the background.
Photo courtesy of Marcus Williamson

Part One: The Zodiac Grid Map of Europe:

- in which the location of Rennes-le-Chateau is shown to have been
determined by a grid map of the Ancient Egyptians, and an extraordinary
mapping of the heavens onto the surface of the earth is unveiled...

Part Two: The Constellation of Crux and Its Use as a Meridian Calibrator

- in which a series of mountains peaks in perfect north-south alignment
are discovered, together with the surprising method by which such a
result was achieved by the landscape engineers. As a bonus, the precise
date of the original construction activity is revealed...

Part Three: The Solution to the Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau

- the sequence of steps by which the puzzle was definitively solved, and
the original method by which the map of Rennes may be re-drawn using the
tools of the ancient geometer...

Part Four: The Earth Grid and the Etheric Formative Forces

- fusing the mechanical and the moral: signposts to a spiritual science
of the future.

To be continued...

The Compass of the Wise: from an anonymous16th century alchemical

image hand-colored by Adam McLean: by courtesy of The Alchemy Website

Links to explore

This site dedicated to the memory and lifework of J.Ralston Skinner:
"None but proof of an extraordinary kind as to ability to reconstruct
after the mental conception of what the architect intended to represent,
ought to become, or will become acceptable. This is especially the case
where the building of the mass dates back beyond what may be called the
historic age and where every theory advanced must rest or support upon
it's own intrinsic merit, unsupported by positive evidence of any kind
filtering through the historical channels of the world."

Skinner: The Source of Measures (1894)


Ignotum per Ignotius*

collage novel




* Ignotum per ignotius, obscurantum per obscurantius:

the unknown by the more unknown, the obscure by the even more obscure;

that is to say:

a situation where the explanation of a thing is more difficult to
understand than the thing itself.

© 1999 Simon M. Miles. All rights reserved.

Your comments are welcome:


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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