-Caveat Lector-

HAS THIS HAPPENED TO TWO MILLION AMERICANS to varying degrees?  Or is this
all false memory syndrome disinfo and if so, for what purpose?

But IMO, somewhere in the following four-part series, lies TRUTH, curled,
and VERY venemous.  Read it, weep, and then...  This series is two radio
interviews of two women - Cisco Wheeler and "Brice Taylor" - who say they
were victims of intergenerational illuminatist ritual satanic mind
control/abuse.  Are these interviews the specious results of "recovered
memory therapies" and therefore, false memory syndrome? But then...
McMartin Preschool?  Presidio Daycare?  Apparently now, after archeological
explorations of the leveled McMartin Daycare site in Manhattan Beach, CA,
it appears that the tunnels the children talked about in GREAT detail were
REAL. Incidently, the McMartins were found "not guilty."  But the
excavations happened after the trial.

This series is a two-hour or more read, but worth it.

May God Bless US and open our eyes...


SOME EXCERPTS from both interviews, to begin with:

"I think that historically now - I have been able now to read back and to
understand that the occult plans for this New World Order go back
generations and were built on very heavily with what seemingly looks like
religious ideology. I believe that the occult belief system and the
evilness of that and the destructiveness, and certainly interlaced with
superstitious belief is what continues to allow these things to proliferate
as people's belief systems. They belief these perversions give them the
power to take it forward into these times. I think that it's like for the
satanists to believe that these satanic rituals and all of the perversions
that are done during these rituals allow them in their belief system to
believe they are gaining power by doing all these horrors and stealing
energy from children and babies, in all of the different ways they are
killing. It allows them to continue on. Until these belief systems are
cleaned up and until people (the good people on the planet) are able to
weave through their own denial that this level of atrocity could still be
going on today, I think that's where the problem lies. It's until the
people who are perpetrating this occultic belief meet up with the denial of
people, even Christians, who can't believe this and say they are frightened
by it, and don't want to deal with it - it's my experience in watching that
if people do nothing that the children continue to be tortured and abused."

"From what I understand and from the first persona accounts I hear, the
people who are my age and go back even older and younger are talking about
the amount of children in preschools that have been programmed, that may
have not been in a generational ritual abuse ties, but who have been
programmed and used in the pornography and prostitution in order to create
great avenues of funding. I think that combined with kids who are found
missing of the street and kidnapped in an attempt to use them as a means of
funding - all of this horror continues to go unchecked by the public
population that finds all of this so incredulous - that they don't even
believe it. So here we have survivors and children who are also
revictimized by a disbelieving public and oftentimes uninformed mental
health and church system who are unable to believe that this kind of
atrocity has gone on, so they are unable to come to these children's aid or
to the adult survivors who are attempting to find avenues of relief and
help in order to stop this and help themselves."

"From what I heard on the inside, in my experience sitting among these
so-called [nwo] elite people, the financial elite - their plan is for a
world takeover because they feel that genetically and in every other way
physicially, the populations of the earth are inferior - of an inferior
genetic strain. What they are attempting to do is to bring down the
population through various contrived means - which is a whole other subject
all on its own - in order to bring these people to death so that the planet
will be left pristine and untouched for their future progeny.


"What I understood was that they were planning a complete and utter
economic collapse of the nations that would make the Depression of 1929
look like child's play and through that, bringing people financially to
their knees, they would then come in and control them, and bring in
whatever other measures they would want to in the guise of rescue - when it
certainly wouldn't be that at all. Personally I would like to put a call
out to people who are in any way spiritually connected, knowing that this
plan can never be able to be brought about as the people even at the higher
levels that are participating, may be participating without knowing what
they have been participating in, such as members of the intelligence
community who have been compartmentalized in their knowledge of what
projects they were participating in. I would certainly put scientists that
are inventors in that category. I would put people that are in the Masonic
Order that are perhaps at the lower levels and are serving the King at the
higher levels without realizing that what they are putting their energy
into thinking that they are helping children and people that are in need of
help - what they are doing actually is serving the highest levels of evil
and corruption and destruction of men, women and children. People need to
realize that these people they are serving are turning against their own
and that we need to take back our own spiritual power and stay connected
spiritually in order to know what to do and how to act, and how to see the
truth, and how to discern what lies and propaganda and strategies have been
given over the television, over movies with intentional strategies.

"So I would just ask people to please open their eyes, and to begin to not
just take what they see that is given out by the government and the
intelligence community as truth and reality, but to begin to question and
think on their own."

"They need to understand that the Illuminati are satanists and that there
isn't anything they will not do. They are gods unto themselves. They think
they are gods and they are only serving lucifer. They have taken oaths to
lucifer to serve him as their prince, as the father of light. They have
taken blood oaths in order to see this, to see it done, to see the
fulfillment of the end-time, to see the antichrist take his throne. They
have done this for centuries."

"I think there are people they have in positions of power, not only in the
military but in political and religious circles who are themselves under
mind control and can be used as puppets to do whatever they are instructed
to do from higher up levels. People think that we elect our presidents and
I have sat with the people who planned who the presidents were going to be
and groomed them, and told them what to do, and what to say, and how to say
it, and when to say it, and when not to. And I delivered all kinds of
messages of instructions to presidents and world leaders about what to do
and what not to do. I watched as people who were good people and weren't
involved were manipulated, brainwashed and controlled by persons like
myself who were programmed, dressed in jewels and beautiful clothes, with
all the fancy and sophisticated sexual innuendoes and techniques that I
myself, my daughter, others were programmed to do and go in and just -- if
these men were at all able to be coerced they were manipulated and then
they were blackmailed. These people who are in positions of power know how
to find out and research what people's weaknesses are, whether they are
sex, drugs, sexual perversion, financial gain -- they lure them in and once
people have been forced and coerced to participate and do the dirty deed -
and a lot of times it was filmed, videotaped and documented - and these
people who were already in positions of financial, political, whatever
power, were then told 'this will be public knowledge and information if you
don't go along with us'.

"I watched people being coerced at the highest levels at parties of the
elite, where cocaine was flowing, drugs, alcohol, whatever anyone wanted -
sex with children, whatever - anything they wanted - people were given. It
was perversion at the highest level."

"I believe that the people in the world are going to wake up some day very
soon and realize that the stock market has crashed, that financially the
world has been crushed. They are going to realize that their food and grain
has been contaminated, that their medical field has been dominated by the
Illuminati medical force because the Illuminati has infiltrated every
aspect of our lives. They are going to realize that we don't have the
freedom to even speak for our children, that the government has more to say
in regards to our children than we do, they can take them and control them
at any given point. We are going to realize that the churches are not what
they seem to have been - that the churches have been infiltrated. There is
nothing left. There is nothing that has not been touched by the Illuminati
and its family."

"I believe that people need to understand there is a time to weep, and
there is a time for war, every man and every woman should have the insight
or the foreknowledge within themselves the answer to themselves. When they
look around, if they are honest with themselves, they can see that the
world is falling apart at its seams, something big is coming down, they
need to look at themselves. Listen to themselves. Look and see and hear
what is happening around them, and they need to start preparing themselves
for the worst because the worst is coming. They need to be in a place, and
in a state of mind that when the military soldiers are knocking at their
doors and come after their children to take them down, that they say "not
me, not me, not me and my house." We are in a fight. There is a time to

"I think if people continue to ignore the profound and deep effect of what
children receive as visual and auditory images in childhood - the effect it
has on their entire psyche and the framework for which they set up belief
systems. Even if they {films] are not programming, for the rest of their
lives we need to be mindful of what children are seeing and I think people
have yet to look at how serious the havoc that is being wreaked on children
really is. If people look with the eyes of a child to the Disney films and
to a lot of the things children are watching on television and in movies,
it is horrific."


illuminatist mind control, satanism, nwo - Part I

CKLN-FM Mind Control Series

Cisco Wheeler Interview

CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto, Ontario

Mind Control Series

Producer/Interviewer Wayne Morris:

Good morning, and welcome to The International Connection. We are in week
#40 in our radio series on mind control, and today we begin an interview
with Cisco Wheeler, co-author of "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave" and other books about trauma-based
conditioning. Cisco is a mind control victim of one of the Illuminati
families. She is a descendant of Ulysses S. Grant and has managed to gain a
certain amount of freedom from her family's control. She is currently
working with Fritz Springmeier to help other victims of mind control heal.
Cisco rarely does interviews, so we are very fortunate to be able to bring
you this interview with Cisco Wheeler.

I would like to start off by asking you what your background is and how you
first became involved in trauma-based conditioning mind control.

Cisco Wheeler:

I was first involved as an infant. My father came from a transgenerational
satanic family. My life was planned according to a particular structure,
from the beginning, as my father was a programmer for the Illuminati and
the U.S. government.

Wayne Morris:

What political/military connections did your family have that you are aware

Cisco Wheeler:

We had a very strong political background. My father had political
connections; my Great Uncle was General Earl Grant Wheeler, he was a direct
descendant of Ulysses Grant. General Earl Wheeler was the head of the
American military in the Vietnam War. He was the Joint Chief of Staff so we
had a very strong political background. My father was also a Grand Master
within the Illuminati. He worked on the west coast during the Vietnam War
with his uncle who headed the military, to run drugs into this country to
create a drug culture. The purpose of that was to destroy the structure
within the family unit. The drug culture was the real purpose behind the
Vietnam War. My father was also with the USO shows in the military as he
was a musician; he was also involved with the CIA; and he was a 33rd degree
Mason. Because of his being a Grand Master within the Illuminati, he was
very strongly connected to America's political sturcture. Because of the
generational ties within the Illuminati, from the planned time of my
conception, I entered into a world that was well structured, and well
planned. And as a structured slave within the Illuminati, I too became
connected to America's political structure. As a small child I was groomed
to sexually service the so-called elite within this political structure.

Wayne Morris:

Are you talking people in the White House?

Cisco Wheeler:

Yes. President Eisenhauer is the first president that I remember. He
befriended me as a small child. I would sit on his lap, sang to him, there
were sexual gestures back and forth. I was being trained. I entertained
governors, mayors, ministers. I was trained in sexual activity there, and I
was part of the Illuminati function within the British Royal Family during
elite meetings.

Wayne Morris:

How young do you remember when you started being subjected to trauma
conditioning ... from birth?

Cisco Wheeler:

I was traumatized in the womb.

Wayne Morris:

How did you first realize that your family was connected with the

Cisco Wheeler:

If you understand multliplicity, you understand there are many layers in
the system. Because there are many layers, parts of ourself knew, and had
many memories of certain things happening in our life, but the front part
of our system that faced the outside world, they had no recall or memory at
all that associated them to Illuminati programming or trauma based mind
control. So if I speak for the front part of our mind, they knew nothing
was wrong at all, outside of knowing they had a very abusive childhood.
They didn't really know anything was wrong until my father died. When he
died, that freed our mind to be able to retrieve memory, and at that point,
they understood something was wrong. They started hearing voices and having
flashbacks and having information that was retrieved, that they knew they
didn't have a "history" of and they couldn't figure out what happened.

Where did this come from? This isn't the way I think. Why would I be
thinking about sexual issues when I have no recall of ever being sexually
abused or why do I remember that I was in a certain place but yet I don't
remember ... it's all second hand. Do you understand what I am saying? So,
it wasn't until after my father died that they started breaking down the
hypnotic walls within the mind that protected me from knowing what
happened. Over a period of time, because of memory retrieval and
flashbacks, and the trauma it was causing, they became extremely suicidal
and they didn't believe in suicide, they sought help. They went into a
hospital for nine weeks and started working with a therapist, and after a
time period they realized it wasn't normal to want to die when your father
died, and we found out there was a real deep problem.

Wayne Morris:

Did these initial therapists that you worked with have knowledge of mind
control or trauma based conditioning techniques at the time?

Cisco Wheeler:

Very vaguely. We were one of the first multiples diagnosed in this area and
we basically worked with our therapist and she learned. She made a
commitment to us, and what she didn't know, she found out.

Wayne Morris:

Your father was your main handler and programmer, and how old were you when
he died?

Cisco Wheeler:

My father was my handler and programmer, and I was forty years old when he

Wayne Morris:

How did you manage to break free of your family's control of your life at
that time? Did other people step in ...

Cisco Wheeler:

When the Master dies, generally the slave also dies, but because of our
determination to fight the programming and to get to the bottom of what was
happening within our mind, we were able to fight the suicide programming.
>From there we started a journey into understanding that we were a
structured multiple which we didn't even know what that was ... that we had
a long road ahead of us, a hard road to travel.

Wayne Morris:

Did you have to travel that alone or did other people help you?

Cisco Wheeler:

No. I had a very strong support team. Several people in my support team
were also victims of mind control.

Wayne Morris:

The people that weren't, they had an understanding of the mind control

Cisco Wheeler:

No. We started this journey basically learning to understand ourselves,
listening to ourselves, confronting each other within the system with this
is what is happening with you, putting our notes together and realizing
'hey we are getting our memories separately, we are feeling the same way,
reacting the same way', taking one step at a time because thirteen years
ago, nobody really knew anything about MPD.

Wayne Morris:

Did your father also victimize other people?

Cisco Wheeler:

Most definitely. He was a master programmer.

Wayne Morris:

Did you have brothers and sisters that were affected as well?

Cisco Wheeler:

Not to the degree that I was. I was the firstborn.

Wayne Morris:

Is it because you were the firstborn that you were chosen for this kind of
vitimization or were there other reasons?

Cisco Wheeler:

In part. In the late forties the Illuminati wanted to infilitrate the
churches because they understood the power of God within the structure of
the church, and they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break
down that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the holy
spirit that works within the church. They had to find a way to infiltrate
that, and they wanted to bring the world into the churches so that the
churches wouldn't be so strong spiritually. That was part of my father's
job. In order to do that my father married my mother who was not
Illuminati, nor was she ritual, but she did have a very strong religious
background. She was that perfect example for the world, that perfect wife
for the church, to set examples for other young women in the church. When
my father married her, that was his way to infiltrate the church, through
my mother.

Wayne Morris:

Throughout your father's life, how did he go about infiltrating during this

Cisco Wheeler:

By becoming part of the church, by being a minister, by being ordained, by
getting into the youth groups, becoming very friendly with the Elders and
the Board of Directors within the congregation itself. This was the
Pentecostal churches.

Wayne Morris:

You mentioned your father's role in drug trafficking within the Vietnam
War. Could you expand on that?

Cisco Wheeler:

When the Vietnam soldiers were killed and they brought their bodies back,
drugs were hidden in the cavities in their bodies. My father's
responsibility was to get that from the mortician and it would be a
controlled substance at that point, and he was the handler of that
controlled substance. He wasn't active in Vietnam. He was just the extended
hand that was used within our government to make sure the drugs met their

Wayne Morris:

Once the drugs came over into North America, what were your father's
connections in terms of the distribution at that point?

Cisco Wheeler:

I do not know. I was not allowed to know that. I didn't see it. I was too
young at that time ... well, I wasn't that young, but I was too young to be
a part of that.

Wayne Morris:

Do you consider yourself completely free now of the influence from the
Illuminati and your former perpetrators?

Cisco Wheeler:

No I do not consider myself completely free from the cult influence. We are
continually harassed by external threats. We get a lot of phone calls, we
get bullets in our windows, we get run off the road, we get letters, we get
people that walk up to us in the grocery store and they threaten us. They
let us know in their little way that they know where I am, what I am doing,
and what I am up to, and that it's not over until they say it's over. They
are calling the shots.

Wayne Morris:

Have they been able to access parts of you that you have not dealt with in
terms of healing?

Cisco Wheeler:

In the past they have; at the present time, no. I am very careful on where
I am and what I am doing. I am not careless with my time or my energy, and
I don't set myself up so that they can access me. I have other people
answer my phone. I have other people read my letters. I have other people
that walk before to make sure everything is okay before I walk into
anything that I can't handle.

Wayne Morris:

What effects has the trauma conditioning that you have undergone throughout
your life do you have to deal with currently?

Cisco Wheeler:

I continue to suffer with the trauma based mind control in every aspect of
my life. I have to deal with the fact that my father had a beautiful little
girl and he didn't want her love as that beautiful little girl that was
born to him. I have to deal with the fact that he wanted a little girl but
he wanted her to be shattered into a million pieces so he could structure
every aspect of my life. And then I have to ask myself what did it take to
splinter this 18 month old child into a million pieces? And you deal with
questions like that. It is hard for the mind to comprehend what has been
done to you because the mind always wants to protect itself to some degree
so you take little 'bites' of it. But the mind is always processing
material. Then I have to deal with the fact that they planned this - that's
what structured is. Structured MPD/DID was planned from the time of my
conception and I am afraid that kind of hurts my feelings when I think
about it.

Wayne Morris:

They had a definite structure in terms of knowing what they were doing when
they were traumatizing you, and what the effects that would bring about ...

Cisco Wheeler:

Exactly. They knew from A to Z what they wanted to do with my life and how
they wanted to structure, what they wanted me to be, and what they wanted
me to become. That is slavery. I had to deal with the body, soul and spirit
because all parts of myself have been raped. I continually have to deal
with memories; with spirit issues; issues within me - in my programming;
how they dehumanized me; how they shamed me; how they traumatized me to the
point that I didn't even know who I was, what I was, where I was going. I
didn't even know I was a little girl at some points in my traumatization.
They made sure they dehumanized me to such a point I became a kitten within
myself. To be a little girl was to be tortured, to be punished,
unacceptable. I have to deal with the spiritual issues because I was told
God didn't love me, he raped me, I could no longer have my name in the
Lamb's Book of Life, my name was taken out of the Book of Life, and then
they continued to program me with hypnotically taking my heart from my
body, using drugs, so I didn't even know I had a heart. They dehumanized me
to the point where there was no place to go except the family. No place to

Wayne Morris:

Were there other perpetrators involved in your family, other than your

Cisco Wheeler:

Oh definitely. I am trying to think of where I want to start. My primary
programmer was Dr. Green, who was Dr. Josef Mengele. My other primary
programmer was Dr. Black, who was my father.

Wayne Morris:

When did you realize that Dr. Green was in fact Josef Mengele?

Cisco Wheeler:

I always knew from my internal parts. My deeper parts were programmers and
my father was trained by Mengele, he was his #2 man. We followed in my
father's footsteps. We were also trained to be a programmer. That was our
specialized field.

Wayne Morris:

Did he say or use his name at some points?

Cisco Wheeler:

Yes, he did. As well he went by Dr. Fairchild, Dr. Green.

Wayne Morris:

What's your understanding of Mengele's involvement in mind control across
the continent?

Cisco Wheeler:

I am sure that he infiltrated every state, and I know he has worked up in

Wayne Morris:

What state were you located when he was performing mind control on you?

Cisco Wheeler:

Most of my programming occurred in California and Oregon. In California at
China Lake Naval Base; the Presidio north San Francisco; and the Letterman
Hospital next to the Presidio military base. In Alcatraz there was
programming that went on in the prisons there. And Scotty's Castle in Death
Valley in California. Also in Torrence, California. And at the State Mental
Hospital in Salem, Oregon and in the big Masonic hospital called
Dorenbecker here in Portland.

Wayne Morris:

What time frame would that have been in?

Cisco Wheeler:

1948-9 clear up to the middle 60's.

Wayne Morris:

How did you begin the process of healing yourself into disabling as much as
possible the programming that was done to you?

Cisco Wheeler:

By stabilizing myself. By making sure I was in a safe place where I could do
my work without being infiltrated. By sincerely making that effort to go
towards health above all else. To work diligently on my memories and my
programming, and to be a truth-seeker. To find out, no matter what had been
done to me, I wanted to know what had been done. If you don't know where you
have been, you don't know where you are going. It was very important for me
to go towards health, because once I realized what they had done to me and
the depths of the programming, I was going to stand by and not say anything,
be silent, let it not be spoken ... I was going to beat the programming
which has been hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil. I was going to beat
that. I was going to tell. That was my determination that helped me fight
the trauma of knowing what I had to learn about myself.

Wayne Morris:

The work that you had to go through to accomplish that level of healing -
what does that involve in terms of dealing with your memories?

Cisco Wheeler:

I had to face the pain, the torture, face my own fears of the unknown, face
the fact that my father didn't love me, face the fact that trauma bonding is
not love and no matter what they say as far as in the name of love, there is
no love involved in this. I had to look deep inside myself and find that
spark of life that was left because they so dehumanize you as they are
programming you to be their slave, that for some the light goes out and
there is no hope, but for myself I was fortunate. There was some hope and
there as a light, and that light enabled me to have the courage and the
strength I needed to go towards health.

Wayne Morris:

How did the people around you help you through this?

Cisco Wheeler:

My support team was very helpful. It consisted of three women plus myself.
We were all programmed around the same time by the same programmers. My
father was a very strong in their lives, because he was their programmer.
That tied us together emotionally. All four of us had made the determination
that we were going to walk out of this and that we were going to go toward
health. We became very bonded, not only from what we knew had ritually
happened to us, and through the shared trauma base. We stepped out of that
and started building a new type of friendship of trust, lifting each other
up, building each other up, being there for each other, having a listening
ear, learning how to document our memories, to be there no matter what time
of the day it was for the first five years. We all needed each other at any
given point. Two of the three ladies have medical degrees, the other is a
teacher -- all four of us are free today because we stood together.

In our healing process the first thing we had to acknowledge within
ourselves, and we each had to do this separately, is to acknowledge that we
are MPD, that we are DID, and that we were generational families of
satanism. Yes, we did practice satanism, and yes we were of the Illuminati
bloodline, and yes, there is a lot of dirt in our lives, and yes, we don't
want to look at it. It was too painful to look at. But there came a time
when we wanted to step out of our denial and I think that's the most
important thing in the healing process when I look back - we had the courage
to look at our life and the reality in which it stood. We were programmed to
be a programmer, and that gave us the ability to understand others as well
as ourselves, and we could work together within a group, and we did gain a
lot of strength from one another. But we also had to call a spade a spade.
We couldn't run away from what had happened to us. That was our strength. It
gave us the courage we needed to keep fighting.

Once we realized that yes, we were under mind control, and yes, we were
slaves for the Illuminati - we didn't like the slavery in which we had been
born into. We also didn't like the idea that we never were given a choice as
to what happened to us. We wanted to be free agents. We just didn't know how
to become a free agent. We had to fight for it. It didn't come easy. The
nights were filled with trauma. The days were filled with trauma and pain.
The body, soul and spirit is continually in a warfare as it goes towards
health. It does not like to release the hidden knowledge of what was done to
us, everything was done to us in secret. Because of the programs it didn't
want to unravel itself and to do so was very very painful.

Wayne Morris:

Was the ability for you and the other survivors to be able to find a safe
place, to be able to undergo this work with others - was this a significant
factor in being able to break that control?

Cisco Wheeler:

Oh definitely. Even to the point where we would go to see our therapist, our
handlers would be on the stairs of the building which we would enter to see
our therapist - to let us know that if we said anything that would bring
down the family or to expose the family, that we would pay for it later.
They would be waiting for us. In other words, have a good time, enjoy your
therapist, but we will be here waiting when you get out. The torture that
came - you had to face them every single time you went to see your
therapist, you had to face knowing they could be around a corner, or even
run you off the road on the way to the therapist. They may burn your house
down, or they may put a bullet through one of your children's heads, or
through your bedroom window, or they are going to get to you one way or the
other. You have to work with threats, the lies. That was at the beginning of
our therapy work. Just to get through the trauma of the threat would keep
most people at home. But what it did for us and the other survivors is that
we became so angry that we decided we were going to fight them, even until
death, because it's not over until God says it's over. When He says it's
over, that's fine, we are ready to go home. We are going to fight this. We
are going to win.

Before when we were under mind control and the memories were taken from us,
we didn't have a choice. We didn't have a say in what they did to us. But
this time it is different. We have a say. We could walk into the therapist's
office or we could choose not to. But to have the ability to say 'even until
death I am going to go to therapy, I am going to continue this journey'
there was a lot of strength that came with that, because every time we took
a step in the right direction, it gave us the power that we needed.

Wayne Morris:

So you found a lot of strength in the anger.

Cisco Wheeler:

Even when they got a hold of us in the first five years of our therapy, and
they did get a hold of us, and they did torture us, and they did apply
electrical shock, they did drug us, and they did rape us, over and over,
they continued these things the first five years. Even after the trauma, it
was still worth it. Because it was the first time we knew we were human. We
had been so dehumanized from the trauma of the mind control, that just to
have a spark of humanism, to really have the reality, "I am not a kitten."
"I am a child, I am a woman, I was once a little girl." "It was all lies."
You are willing to die for the truth ...

Wayne Morris:

You mentioned about trauma bonding ... can you explain to our listeners what
that is and what it meant for you in your case?

Cisco Wheeler:

For instance, Dr. Green. He used to put us in the hot cages in the desert
there, they were sweat tanks. He would come out there, after we had no water
and no food for a number of hours (it seemed like days to us). We were told
it was days, but common sense tells us that it was hours. These cages were
set up so we could see outside the cages (like animal cages). In my memory,
off to the left me were other cages ... with small children 2, 3, 4 years
old. Green would come out there and he would have a daisy in his hand and he
would walk through this area where we were being held in these holding
tanks, and he would walk up to me and he would say, "I love you, I love you
not, I love you ..." If he said "I love you not" I knew I was in big trouble
because he had already set a prior example to me by walking in front of the
cage to my left, and he told the little girl that he loved her not when he
reached the last petal of his daisy. At that point, she was taken out, and
she was eliminated in front of me. In other words, her life was taken from
her at that point, to show his power and his control, and what would happen
if Dr. Green ceased to love you.

What I failed to understand as a child, with a child's mind, is that it was
set up. The murder did take place but the thing is, these were what they
called "expendable" children. As for me, I was Illuminati, so they weren't
going to eliminate me because they had a reason for me, they had my life
planned for me. Part of the grooming is to set the stage. The script was
played out when Dr. Green eliminated the child in the cage. I was to see all
this, because it was a power play. If that's love trauma bonding, "I love
you Dr. Green, I love you very very much because you could have said you
didn't love me and I would be dead". He did "love me" because he "spared my
life" - but it also showed me the power that this man had. Try to translate
that into a child's mind when they are only four or five years old.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that the unpredictability of the trauma was a factor in the
trauma bonding?

Cisco Wheeler:

Definitely. You never knew when you were going to be loved and when you
weren't going to be loved - at any point there could be a change of
direction. When my father was kind as my programmer, he was very kind but
when he was ruthless, he was ruthless to the core. There was no humanism. He
became less than a wild animal himself, there was nothing he would not do to
get his point across. We have parts of ourselves that love him dearly to
this day, who will always love him, they look up to him.

Wayne Morris:

How many other children were involved in this, that you were aware of, at
the time?

Cisco Wheeler:

I knew in 1968 that there were over 2 million MKULTRA's. Since then I don't
have the awareness or the knowledge because I am not seeing the paperwork or
the records to tell me how many. If I was making a guess, I would say 10

Wayne Morris:

How did you know 2 million were involved?

Cisco Wheeler:

Because I was a programmer and I saw the documented records on this.

Wayne Morris:

So they have been able to program victims to program other victims ... how
did they go about doing that?

Cisco Wheeler:

They train you on the job. You have to realize within the Illuminati
structure there are many levels to the system. My mothers were trained in
programming. That's at the Illuminati level.

Wayne Morris:

They trained you in programming techniques?

Cisco Wheeler:


Wayne Morris:

What kind of people did they make you perform this kind of programming on?
Were they other Illuminati family members?

Cisco Wheeler:

They were all Illuminati children. We did not work outside of the Illuminati

Wayne Morris:

As an Illuminati family member, what did they have in mind for you, why did
they want to program you?

Cisco Wheeler:

The sole purpose - at the deepest layer of the system - lies mothers. They
are the foundation. You have three mothers who are on a pedestal - their
sole purpose is to rule and reign with the antichrist as his queen when he
takes his throne. As god has a bride, so lucifer has a bride, and that bride
is the mothers of darkness. That is the bottom line.

Wayne Morris:

Who would be this antichrist figure? I have heard of the name, "Lord
Maitreya." Is this one candidate?

Cisco Wheeler:

He is one of the forerunners, a disciple. You have to understand the
luciferian belief system and the way that the structure within the
Illuminati is laid out. It is laid out according to god's word - so that it
can stand, or it can be blasphemous of who god is. But when god sent his son
to the earth, christ had twelve disciples that followed him. The antichrist
is going to be like three in one, and he will also have twelve forerunners.
This is where Maitreya comes in. He is a forerunner. John the Baptist was a
forerunner for christ.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have any information on how they are going to accomplish this?

Cisco Wheeler:

They have already accomplished it ... by taking our constitutional rights
away from us ... by having a government within a government, like a box
within a box. By creating famines, by having wars and rumours of wars, by
the American people and the Canadian people no longer having the freedoms
that once were theirs.

Wayne Morris:

In a global sense, how is this related to what is known as New World Order?

Cisco Wheeler:

The New World Order is a body of people within the Illuminati, thirteen
major bloodlines that rule the world and they set the stage, they play out
the script, and there will be a complete fulfillment of what they have
staged for the American people, Canadians, and the world. There is no doubt
about it.

Wayne Morris:

What kind of things do you expect will occur in the future that relate to

Cisco Wheeler:

I believe that the people in the world are going to wake up some day very
soon and realize that the stock market has crashed, that financially the
world has been crushed. They are going to realize that their food and grain
has been contaminated, that their medical field has been dominated by the
Illuminati medical force because the Illuminati has infiltrated every aspect
of our lives. They are going to realize that we don't have the freedom to
even speak for our children, that the government has more to say in regards
to our children than we do, they can take them and control them at any given
point. We are going to realize that the churches are not what they seem to
have been - that the churches have been infiltrated. There is nothing left.
There is nothing that has not been touched by the Illuminati and its family.

Wayne Morris:

Is there a time when this is going to be implemented in terms of a one
world, military government?

Cisco Wheeler:

Definitely. I expect 1998 to be a year of turmoil as far as people coming to
terms with the knowledge that the government is not what they thought it
was, the church is not what they thought it was, people they have looked up
to are not who they thought they were.

Wayne Morris:

What kinds of things do you believe these power groups who belong to the
Illuminati will try and implement in terms of controlling people's anger and
responses to what they've got planned? What is their retaliation?

Cisco Wheeler:

To eliminate the people as a whole - anyone who doesn't come under
submission of the New World Order will be eliminated.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think they will use the mind controlled victims to implement that?

Cisco Wheeler:

Most definitely.

Wayne Morris:

How do you think that is going to come about?

Cisco Wheeler:

They can use any slave that has been under mind control to accomplish any
goal they have set forth with an access code, they can blow up a bridge,
they can assassinate any leader - a governor, mayor, pastor - anyone that
gets in the Illuminati's path, who will not bend or bow to the Illuminati
structure - they have slaves in force who will just go and eliminate them.
Whatever is needed, it is there. I guarantee you it is there.

Wayne Morris:

There have been quite a number of survivors of mind control talking about
end-times programming where they know they are going to be triggered to do
something. Is this related to that?

Cisco Wheeler:

Yes it is. Most definitely is. There is a clock ticking and it is going to
strike midnight soon, and when it does, all hell is going to break loose
within the world.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have an idea of a date?

Cisco Wheeler:

I do not give dates. I am not God and things can always change. The
timetables can change because of circumstances surrounding what they are
trying to accomplish. It can either rapidly speed up or time can stand still
because everything has to work like a ticking clock - everything has to be
in its place in order for the New World Order to come about. Everything has
to be in its place.

Wayne Morris:

What do you think people can do out there to try to stop this or to prepare
themselves for this?

Cisco Wheeler:

I believe that people need to understand there is a time to weep, and there
is a time for war, every man and every woman should have the insight or the
foreknowledge within themselves the answer to themselves. When they look
around, if they are honest with themselves, they can see that the world is
falling apart at its seams, something big is coming down, they need to look
at themselves. Listen to themselves. Look and see and hear what is happening
around them, and they need to start preparing themselves for the worst
because the worst is coming. They need to be in a place, and in a state of
mind that when the military soldiers are knocking at their doors and come
after their children to take them down, that they say "not me, not me, not
me and my house." We are in a fight. There is a time to fight.

Wayne Morris:

Part of your strength, as you said, has been from your anger in terms of
trying to expose what they have been doing. What have you been doing since
breaking free to a certain degree in terms of exposing what they have been
doing? How have you been getting the word out to the public?

Cisco Wheeler:

I have co-authored three books with Fritz Springmeier, and in co-authoring
these books we have taken our internal information and our knowledge that
we have had because of our own experiences in the Illuminati and we have
put it to the page. In other words, we have written it. Because we are a
programmer, we understand the inside and the heartbeat of lucifer himself,
because mind control and the Illuminati are nothing more than the heartbeat
of satan himself, to bring down God's people, the world as a whole.

Wayne Morris:

What more do you think needs to happen in terms of exposing this to the
general public?

Cisco Wheeler:

I believe that to understand what is going on within the heartbeat of the
Illuminati, that you need to understand what the Illuminati are -- who they
are, what they are, and what they have done. To understand something you
need to have foresight -- without foresight you are walking in the dark and
you are going to think you know but you really do not know until you come in
contact with it -- even if it is through the pages of the written word. It's
out there -- it's written. Whether it's me or Fritz or someone else, there
is written material on mind control and people need to know what's been
done. If they don't know what's been done to them, they are never going to
know what can be done again to their families and their families, and their

Wayne Morris:

So what elements in terms of the Illuminati's belief systems and what they
have been doing -- what elements are essential for people to understand?

Cisco Wheeler:

They need to understand that the Illuminati are satanists and that there
isn't anything they will not do. They are gods unto themselves. They think
they are gods and they are only serving lucifer. They have taken oaths to
lucifer to serve him as their prince, as the father of light. They have
taken blood oaths in order to see this, to see it done, to see the
fulfillment of the end-time, to see the antichrist take his throne. They
have done this for centuries.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think it is important that the general public understands the mind
control aspects of this and how they have accomplished mind control?

Cisco Wheeler:

Most definitely. If they don't understand mind control, they are not going
to understand what's happening in their backyard or in their schools or in
their churches or in politics. They need to understand how they have been
totally controlled from the cradle themselves -- that most everything they
have been told is a lie.

Wayne Morris:

How important in terms of the Illuminati's bloodline is mind control on
their own family members? What part does that play in promoting their goals?

Cisco Wheeler:

The Illuminati are very loyal unto themselves. They are gods. They see
themselves as gods, and they stay within the Illuminati structure, within
the royal bloodlines, within the thirteen ruling families. If you are not
generational, you are not going to get into the Illuminati because this is
passed from generation to generation from son to daughter to daughter to
son, to father ... it touches everyone within the family for generations.
This isn't something that just happened.

Wayne Morris:

It seems to be something more than just normal family allegiances at work
here in that they have traumatized and mind controlled their own family
members. I sense that has been an important part of perpetuating their end

Cisco Wheeler:

That's true, because their allegiance is unto lucifer who I now will call
him satan, that's who he is. They believe in the doctrinism of satanism
that if they rule as gods and they are obedient to the call which is
lucifer's call upon their life because they made blood oaths with him, then
they will rule and reign with him in hell. They don't fear hell. They have
no fear of hell. They only believe if they do what satan asks them to do,
which he does tell them what to do, that they will stand as gods with him
in hell and they will rule the people in hell. They will become gods with
him. That is the big lie. They believe this. What can I say? That is the
bottom line of the doctrine. They believe they will be gods in hell. And
they all want to be gods because they see themselves as gods. As a god,
they come under no authority except lucifer's authority. Lucifer does their
bidding for them. He tells them exactly what to do, what he wants, and they
will do it.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think this is driven by just the drive for power and the seduction of
power? Is this what is underlying their motivation?

Cisco Wheeler:

It has to do with money, honour, power and glory -- it has to do with
demonic entities -- with generational spirits.

Wayne Morris:

So they have aligned themselves with ...

Cisco Wheeler:

With lucifer and his demonic entities, yes, they are very demon possessed.

Wayne Morris:

Both you and Fritz have been helping other victims of this trauma-based mind
control. How has the understanding of the programming techniques helped you
help others?

Cisco Wheeler:

I have been able to help other victims of trauma-based mind control as I
have made myself available to counsel without any charge. Also I have had
-- because I have co-authored books with Fritz -- I have the information
out there and they are wanting to talk to me about some of the material
that has been written in the books because many of them have been facing
the same issues and the same problems. Sometimes they just need a listening
ear. Also in working with victims of mind control I can understand them in
the complexity of who they are and for what has been done to them, without
being judgmental. When they tell me they are MKULTRA and Dr. Green or Dr.
Black or Dr. Blue or Dr. Star has programmed them and they have memories of
this, immediately my heart becomes one with them because I have been there.
I have walked in their shoes, and I know what they are going through. I
want to hear what they have to say, and I care what has happened to them. I
care. I see their journey -- not that I take on their journey -- but I see
their journey and whatever I might say may give them the strength they need
to continue to go towards health, and that's very important to me.

Con'd in illuminatist mind control, satanism, nwo - Part II
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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