-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 06:31:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [2ndrepoftexas] UN Grants Half of Texas to Indians...Then what?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 06:28:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FreePalestine! Re: [worlds-indigenous-people] sign-on letter re
    Draft UN Declaration

I have to wonder what President Bush would say if the UN were to heed your
declaration and "grant" part of Texas to the descendents of the Indian
people who lived there 3,000 years ago. Would he tell modern Texans to
quietly go along and not fight to defend their land lest they be called

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Rainforest Foundation - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dear Friends,
> Below please find an urgent sign-on letter regarding the Draft UN
> Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  If you would like to sign
> on, please send your name and affiliation the way you'd like it to appear on
> the letter to Christine Halvorson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by noon on
> Tuesday, February 5th.  Additionally, please circulate this email to all of
> your colleagues, encouraging them to add their names, as well as to any
> other organizations that have an interest in this area.
> Because of the tight turn-around time of this letter, we will include a
> disclaimer which states "organizations listed for affiliation purposes only"
> which will allow people to avoid some bureaucracy if necessary.  If your
> organization should be listed for affiliation purposes only, please put a *
> by your organization's name.
> The idea to write this letter came out of meetings that were organized to
> build NGO support for indigenous demands in the various instruments being
> discussed on the international level, among them the UN Declaration.  The
> Draft Declaration is being discussed right now in Geneva during the ongoing
> Intersessional Working Group Meeting on the Declaration.  It is important
> that the governmental delegations and chair of the Working Group receive the
> letter, and that our colleagues working on the ground in Geneva are able to
> use it to reinforce their positions.  Therefore, the more support we have
> for the letter, the more likely that our letter can make a difference.
> The UN Draft Declaration sets out the rights of indigenous individuals and
> of indigenous peoples, nations and tribes, including self-determination,
> land rights and cultural rights.  The attached factsheet describes some of
> the main issues contained in the declaration (factsheet courtesy of the
> Indian Law Alliance).  If you have any questions, please feel free to
> contact us, or visit the ILRC's website which has the Draft Declaration
> posted (www.indianlaw.org).
> The text of the letter follows this email.  Once the name of the chair has
> been made public, we will address it appropriately.  Thanks for your help,
> and we look forward to receiving your responses of support.
> Kristen Hansen
> Legal Intern
> Rainforest Foundation - US
> www.savetherest.org
> Text of Sign-on Letter regarding Draft UN Declaration:
>                                                             February 5, 2002
> [To the Chair of the U.N. Working Group]
> U.N. Centre for Human Rights
> Palais des Nations
> CH  1211 Geneva
> Switzerland (double check address for new chair)
> [Name]:
> We, the undersigned, are staff of non-governmental organizations who wish to
> express our solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples caucus and who support
> their demand for a strong Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous peoples.
> We believe that the current draft is an important advance for Indigenous
> peoples and we will work for its timely passage.
> In particular, we urge continued inclusion in the document of the following
> points that have been identified as key elements and crucial to a strong
> Declaration. They are:
> ·       Use of the word “peoples”.  Use of  "peoples" to identify indigenous
> groups based primarily on their self-perception as distinct from other
> groups, as well on other cultural, political, social, religious, and
> historical tendencies. “Peoples” must be further understood to include the
> attendant and essential right to self-determination.  Furthermore, in 2001,
> the Organization of American States Working Group on the proposed American
> Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples agreed by consensus to use
> the term “peoples” throughout that declaration, and we urge the United
> Nations Working Group to do the same.
> ·       The right of self-determination.  Self-determination is an inherent
> right as applied to all peoples under international law, and includes the
> rights to autonomy and self-government.  Failing to recognize this right
> would continue the practice of discrimination against indigenous peoples and
> fail to uphold their right, as stated in Article 3 of the UN Draft
> Declaration,  “to freely determine their political status and freely pursue
> their economic, social and cultural development.”  Attendant to this right
> is the principle that indigenous peoples must give their free and informed
> consent to any actions that will affect their lands, territories, resources
> and cultures.
> ·       Support for collective rights.  Acknowledgement that indigenous
> rights exist in the collective as well as for individuals is essential to
> the continued survival of indigenous peoples as distinct peoples with unique
> cultures, traditions and histories.
> In addition, we recognize, and urge you to recognize, the importance of the
> Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ recent decision in the case of the
> Community of Awas Tingni v. Nicaragua, and in particular the enormous
> advances in indigenous rights this decision articulates.  This decision
> states that the American Convention on Human Rights requires states to
> recognize the customary land rights of indigenous peoples and supports the
> principle articulated in the Draft Declaration that indigenous peoples’
> collective rights to their collective lands are protected by international
> law.
> We have been following the process and development of the UN Declaration and
> understand the tremendous effort necessary to finalize this document.
> However, we urge an expeditious close to this process in order to coincide
> with the end of the Decade of Indigenous Peoples, which is rapidly
> approaching.
> [Begin Signatures]
> * Organizations listed for affiliation purposes only.
> *******************************************************************
> Distribuido por:      Distributed by:
> 1367 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 400
> Washington, DC 20036-1860
> tel (202)785-3334
> fax (202)785-3335
> http://www.amazonalliance.org
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