-Caveat Lector-

Orwill, All,

On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, orwill wrote:

> "There is no God." ... etc
> http://www.broon.demon.co.uk/media/crowley.htm

I would be ever indebted to anyone that could supply to me THE
step by step procedure, and/or detailed account of actual
proceedings, of any or all of Crowley's OTO blood/sex rituals,
i.e., "Babylon Workings," black sex "magick", drug orgies, etc.,
in which he, among other bizarre $h!t, offered carnal knowledge
of his wife (Mary Robinson) to various members/followers of his
OTO, i.e., to some of the most famous (and infamous) and
influential fast-lane "movers and shakers" in the world in his
time, in attempts to conjure up "Lam," and/or to ensnare the
participation and funding of these people, i.e., JPL scientists,
journalists, authors (L.Ron, et al.), politicians, entertainers,
etc., of that era.

It is not in any attempt to recreate these that prompts me to
request this.  FAR FROM.  It is simply that after a decade plus
of being "KNOWINGLY" aligned with "The LIGHT" (and the much
research and counterintelligence this entails), I have YET to be
able to find such details.  This fact sadly lends to the
possibility (albeit, in my opinion, quite unlikely) that such
stories/reports are simply myth.

If I was able to read or witness details or accounts of such
(even if they are SOMEWHAT less than adequately documented). .
.well, it would do a lot for confirming the reality of such in my
own mind (i.e., whether my enemies are a reality, or just a bunch
of light weight creeps, i.e., just a huge number of disconcerted
and independent sociopathic punk assed beeotches out there just
harming others, or slightly worse, UNILATERALLY aligning them
selves with some mythical evil demigod (such as the likes of
small religious terrorist organizations, cults, Marylin Manson
followers, railway serial killers, etc.).

Also, and more importantly in my opinion (in light of my personal
belief that there really is some world wide or intergalactic
HIGHLY organized and SUPRAhumanly powerful conspiracy of evil), I
wish this information for simple "know thine enemy" type reasons.
You know. . .like serial killer hunters, etc., in which profiling
and "getting into the enemies head" type weapons/tools are often
utilized.  And this is to say nothing of the ALL-OUT VALUE
intelligence of this type would provide myself and my allies,
i.e., knowing definitively JUST HOW POWERFUL (and by what means)

Also, embarrassingly frank, I guess there is a bit of a
voyeurism(?) kind of desire to know these details.  It's hard to
articulate, but I guess it would be similar to why we (some, at
any rate) intently scrutinize news reports of grisly crap like
Littleton, gawk at auto accidents, etc???

At any rate, I consider myself a "Fierce (and extremely
loyal/uncompromising/NEARLY uncorruptible) Warrior of The

So, as such, i.e., under the auspices of, and WITH THE HUMBLE
AUTORITY OF SUCH, it is thus that I righteously request this

As well, I SINCERELY THANK, in advance, anyone who can help me
(US) confirm or deny the nature of, in these regards.

Love and LIGHT (i.e., The Truth and Enlightenment of The Higher
Heavens) TO _A_L_L_!_!_

MOST Sincerely,

Michael Spitzer,
B.S., M.S., L.W./.W.S., and N.H.B. Grad w/High Honors:)

P.S. Besides specific information regarding the above, I wish to
make clear that I also greatly desire confirmation or information
related in any way to "SUPRA-human" or "supernatural" aspects of
TANGIBLE evil (i.e., after decades as a "conspiracy freak"
--you can call me Mel G.-- I need no documentation as to the
reality of any solely human global conspiracies of evil).

And as such, of course, I would likewise GREATLY appreciate any
confirmation, and/or documentation, of my "perceived" enemy as
alluded to above (i.e., ANY ancient or contemporary organized
global efforts by humans that HAVE SUCCEEDED or ACCOMPLISHED
their goal of obtaining the aid of REAL "SUPRAhuman" evil
entities (via supplication, or ANY other means), or any solely
human activities that have succeeded in utilizing any ADEQUATELY
documented or verifiable "powers" or practical knowledge that
would be considered supernatural or clearly beyond current
knowledge or state-of-the-art science.

  [Why, I wonder, with so much evidence of ALL of the above
   occurring throughout recorded history, do I feel I will
   receive no worth while replies to this plea of mine???]

At any rate, and again, thanks for entertaining this request.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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