----- Original Message -----
 Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2000 3:17 PM

 > INFORMATION CONTROL: A highly organized system has been developed to
 > control what is being searched for by each station and who can have
 > access to it. This is at the heart of ECHELON operations and works as
 > follows.
 > The individual station's Dictionary computers do not simply have a
 > long list of keywords to search for. And they do not send all the
 > information into some huge database that participating agencies can
 > dip into as they wish. It is much more controlled.
 > The search lists are organized into the same categories, referred to
 > by the four digit numbers. Each agency decides its own categories
 > according to its responsibilities for producing intelligence for the
 > network. For GCSB, this means South Pacific governments, Japanese
 > diplomatic, Russian Antarctic activities, and so on.
 > The agency then works out about 10 to 50 keywords for selection in
 > each category. The keywords include such things as names of people,
 > ships, organizations, country names, and subject names. They also
 > include the known telex and fax numbers and Internet addresses of any
 > individuals, businesses, organizations, and government offices that
 > are targets. These are generally written as part of the message text
 > and so are easily recognized by the Dictionary computers.
 > The agencies also specify combinations of keywords to help sift out
 > communications of interest. For example, they might search for
 > diplomatic cables containing both the words "Santiago" and "aid," or
 > cables containing the word "Santiago" but not "consul" (to avoid the
 > masses of routine consular communications). It is these sets of words
 > and numbers (and combinations), under a particular category, that get
 > placed in the Dictionary computers. (Staff in the five agencies
 > called Dictionary Managers enter and update the keyword search lists
 > for each agency.)
 > The whole system, devised by the NSA, has been adopted completely by
 > the other agencies. The Dictionary computers search through all the
 > incoming messages and, whenever they encounter one with any of the
 > agencies' keywords, they select it. At the same time, the computer
 > automatically notes technical details such as the time and place of
 > interception on the piece of intercept so that analysts reading it,
 > in whichever agency it is going to, know where it came from, and what
 > it is. Finally, the computer writes the four-digit code (for the
 > category with the keywords in that message) at the bottom of the
 > message's text. This is important. It means that when all the
 > intercepted messages end up together in the database at one of the
 > agency headquarters, the messages on a particular subject can be
 > located again. Later, when the analyst using the Dictionary system
 > selects the four- digit code for the category he or she wants, the
 > computer simply searches through all the messages in the database for
 > the ones which have been tagged with that number.
 > This system is very effective for controlling which agencies can get
 > what from the global network because each agency only gets the
 > intelligence out of the ECHELON system from its own numbers. It does
 > not have any access to the raw intelligence coming out of the system
 > to the other agencies. For example, although most of the GCSB's
 > intelligence production is primarily to serve the UKUSA alliance, New
 > Zealand does not have access to the whole ECHELON network. The access
 > it does have is strictly controlled. A New Zealand intelligence
 > officer explained: "The agencies can all apply for numbers on each
 > other's Dictionaries. The hardest to deal with are the Americans. ...
 > [There are] more hoops to jump through, unless it is in their
 > interest, in which case they'll do it for you."
 > There is only one agency which, by virtue of its size and role within
 > the alliance, will have access to the full potential of the ECHELON
 > system the agency that set it up. What is the system used for? Anyone
 > listening to official "discussion" of intelligence could be forgiven
 > for thinking that, since the end of the Cold War, the key targets of
 > the massive UKUSA intelligence machine are terrorism, weapons
 > proliferation, and economic intelligence. The idea that economic
 > intelligence has become very important, in particular, has been
 > carefully cultivated by intelligence agencies intent on preserving
 > their post-Cold War budgets. It has become an article of faith in
 > much discussion of intelligence. However, I have found no evidence
 > that these are now the primary concerns of organizations such as NSA.
 > QUICKER INTELLIGENCE, SAME MISSION: A different story emerges after
 > examining very detailed information I have been given about the
 > intelligence New Zealand collects for the UKUSA allies and detailed
 > descriptions of what is in the yards-deep intelligence reports New
 > Zealand receives from its four allies each week. There is quite a lot
 > of intelligence collected about potential terrorists, and there is
 > quite a lot of economic intelligence, notably intensive monitoring of
 > all the countries participating in GATT negotiations. But by far, the
 > main priorities of the intelligence alliance continue to be political
 > and military intelligence to assist the larger allies to pursue their
 > interests around the world. Anyone and anything the particular
 > governments are concerned about can become a target.
 > With capabilities so secret and so powerful, almost anything goes.
 > For example, in June 1992, a group of current "highly placed
 > intelligence operatives" from the British GCHQ spoke to the London
 > Observer: "We feel we can no longer remain silent regarding that
 > which we regard to be gross malpractice and negligence within the
 > establishment in which we operate." They gave as examples GCHQ
 > interception of three charitable organizations, including Amnesty
 > International and Christian Aid. As the Observer reported: "At any
 > time GCHQ is able to home in on their communications for a routine
 > target request," the GCHQ source said. In the case of phone taps the
 > procedure is known as Mantis. With telexes it is called Mayfly. By
 > keying in a code relating to Third World aid, the source was able to
 > demonstrate telex "fixes" on the three organizations. "It is then
 > possible to key in a trigger word which enables us to home in on the
 > telex communications whenever that word appears," he said. "And we
 > can read a pre-determined number of characters either side of the
 > keyword." Without actually naming it, this was a fairly precise
 > description of how the ECHELON Dictionary system works. Again, what
 > was not revealed in the publicity was that this is a UKUSA-wide
 > system. The design of ECHELON means that the interception of these
 > organizations could have occurred anywhere in the network, at any
 > station where the GCHQ had requested that the four-digit code
 > covering Third World aid be placed.
 > Note that these GCHQ officers mentioned that the system was being
 > used for telephone calls. In New Zealand, ECHELON is used only to
 > intercept written communications: fax, e-mail, and telex. The reason,
 > according to intelligence staff, is that the agency does not have the
 > staff to analyze large quantities of telephone conversations.
 > Mike Frost's expos of Canadian "embassy collection" operations
 > described the NSA computers they used, called Oratory, that
 > can "listen" to telephone calls and recognize when keywords are
 > spoken. Just as we can recognize words spoken in all the different
 > tones and accents we encounter, so too, according to Frost, can these
 > computers. Telephone calls containing keywords are automatically
 > extracted from the masses of other calls and recorded digitally on
 > magnetic tapes for analysts back at agency headquarters. However,
 > high volume voice recognition computers will be technically difficult
 > to perfect, and my New Zealand-based sources could not confirm that
 > this capability exists. But, if or when it is perfected, the
 > implications would be immense. It would mean that the UKUSA agencies
 > could use machines to search through all the international telephone
 > calls in the world, in the same way that they do written messages. If
 > this equipment exists for use in embassy collection, it will
 > presumably be used in all the stations throughout the ECHELON
 > network. It is yet to be confirmed how extensively telephone
 > communications are being targeted by the ECHELON stations for the
 > other agencies.
 > The easiest pickings for the ECHELON system are the individuals,
 > organizations, and governments that do not use encryption. In New
 > Zealand's area, for example, it has proved especially useful against
 > already vulnerable South Pacific nations which do not use any coding,
 > even for government communications (all these communications of New
 > Zealand's neighbors are supplied, unscreened, to its UKUSA allies).
 > As a result of the revelations in my book, there is currently a
 > project under way in the Pacific to promote and supply publicly
 > available encryption software to vulnerable organizations such as
 > democracy movements in countries with repressive governments. This is
 > one practical way of curbing illegitimate uses of the ECHELON
 > capabilities.
 > One final comment. All the newspapers, commentators, and "well placed
 > sources" told the public that New Zealand was cut off from US
 > intelligence in the mid-1980s. That was entirely untrue. The
 > intelligence supply to New Zealand did not stop, and instead, the
 > decade since has been a period of increased integration of New
 > Zealand into the US system. Virtually everything the equipment,
 > manuals, ways of operating, jargon, codes, and so on, used in the
 > GCSB continues to be imported entirely from the larger allies (in
 > practice, usually the NSA). As with the Australian and Canadian
 > agencies, most of the priorities continue to come from the US, too.
 > The main thing that protects these agencies from change is their
 > secrecy. On the day my book arrived in the book shops, without prior
 > publicity, there was an all-day meeting of the intelligence
 > bureaucrats in the prime minister's department trying to decide if
 > they could prevent it from being distributed. They eventually
 > concluded, sensibly, that the political costs were too high. It is
 > understandable that they were so agitated.
 > Throughout my research, I have faced official denials or governments
 > refusing to comment on publicity about intelligence activities. Given
 > the pervasive atmosphere of secrecy and stonewalling, it is always
 > hard for the public to judge what is fact, what is speculation, and
 > what is paranoia. Thus, in uncovering New Zealand's role in the NSA-
 > led alliance, my aim was to provide so much detail about the
 > operations the technical systems, the daily work of individual staff
 > members, and even the rooms in which they work inside intelligence
 > facilities that readers could feel confident that they were getting
 > close to the truth. I hope the information leaked by intelligence
 > staff in New Zealand about UKUSA and its systems such as ECHELON will
 > help lead to change.
 >  >>

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