-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:55:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Prescott Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [BCPolitics] Electronic Town Hall...a Trial Run in BC.

From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, Prescott Group wrote:

> Franklin,
> Ross Perot founded the Reform Party
> which has now been turned over to the
> elected leadership. If you have any suggestions
> or questions regarding the Reform Party of the
> United States of America, I'd be happy
> to answer them.
> Patricia Benjamin
> Vice Chair
> Reform Party of the United States of America

Thank you Patricia. Could you please ask your most eminent Reform Party
member, Ross Perot, if he would be willing to design a system of direct
electronic democracy for the riding of Ted White, MP and lend it to Ted
for a trial run? (If Ross Perot is not amenable do you have another
computer expert in your party who can do the same?). Basically the
system would involve 40 public access kiosks connected to the MP's
constituency office with software. Not expensive.
   BC has enabling legislation (The 1996 Recall and Initiative Act) and
the first thing I would like to see discussed in Ted White's riding (pop.
100,000) is adapting Ted's Bill C-229 for direct democracy to provincial
legislation and the amending of the 1996 Act. Doing this would lend great
credibility to all of the North American REFORM MOVEMENT, including BC
Provincial, Federal Canadian (Official Opposition) and US parties. They
are all separate but all have direct democracy as half of the platform on
which they stand.

cc BC (Provincial) Reform via [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> At 11:38 AM 12/6/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >For forwarding to Ross Perot directly and personally via <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> >
> >On Fri, 4 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> The great thing about internet voting is that is HAS TO LEAD to
> >> a more comprehensive review of the issues and candidates.
> >
> >I expect so. It is all too easy for politicians to evade issues when they
> >are presented by conventional media. However, the evasiveness is
> >very obvious when it stays on the computer screens of the world. I
> >discussed with other CITIZENS at a political meeting yesterday the
> >prospect that both Preston Manning in Canada, Federal Reform and Official
> >Opposition Leader in the Canadian Parliament and Ross Perot are just
> >establishment shills disguised as reformers. In other words, their purpose
> >is the delay and frustrating of direct democracy, not its implementation.
> >Manning, I would say is one of the most dishonest political leaders in
> >the last few decades of Canadian politics. Nothing has stopped him from
> >honouring the signed commitment all of his MP's make to direct democracy.
> >It can be done using one of many systems for an electronic infrastructure.
> >
> >> A thing like the ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL first discussed by Ross
> >> Perot would turn our world around. Internet voting is a step in the
> >> right direction.
> >
> >Sure it would. And what is stopping Ross Perot, computer tycoon, from
> >lending 40 computers to Ted White, MP for a trial of direct electronic
> >democracy in his riding of North Vancouver? The 40 internet connected
> >computers would go in shopping centres, libraries etc. Recall and
> >referendum proposals would go directly to the constituency office of the MP.
> >Presently there is great public interest in a referendum on the Nisga'a
> >Treaty which is a Nisga'a Nation-Federal-Provincial contract. Polls are
> >running 2:1 in favour of a referendum in BC. The BC Reform Caucus holds
> >most of the seats in BC. Starting with the Ted White riding they could
> >implement a province-wide system of internet kiosks which would first see
> >use for the Nisga'a Treaty. That would send a strong signal to the
> >government of Canada about the kind of democracy this entire country
> >should have to honour its Constitutional/Charter of Rights and Freedoms
> >commitment to a "democractic society".
> >   If Perot were to design the electronic system for such a trial of
> >direct electronic democracy and lend the equipment to Ted White he would
> >prove his own sincerity and reap great political benefits. But the big
> >question is whether Perot is being any more honest with the public than
> >Manning.
> >FWP.
> >
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >

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