Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

"What the Mexican president plans to do with our country is
largely what he promised to work for during his presidential
campaign -- essentially, the abolition of the borders between
the United States and Mexico, the abolition of virtually all
immigration controls and a massive economic facelift for
Mexico at the expense of American taxpayers....."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From: "beneye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mexican's plan would abolish U.S. border and
Date sent:          Sun, 20 Aug 2000 21:11:44 -0400

Of all the Presidential candidates, only Buchanan has
addressed this issue and vowed to protect our soverignty and



Mexican's plan would abolish U.S. border and sovereignty
August 19, 2000

With Republicans chattering in Spanish and Democrats
considering a massive amnesty for illegal aliens, it's unlikely
the next administration will be very interested in controlling the
nation's borders.  Yet, if the new president of Mexico has his
way, there won't be much of a border to control.  This week
Mexico's new maximum leader Vicente Fox unbosomed his
plans for the United States in an interview with the Washington

What the Mexican president plans to do with our country is
largely what he promised to work for during his presidential
campaign -- essentially, the abolition of the borders between
the United States and Mexico, the abolition of virtually all
immigration controls and a massive economic facelift for
Mexico at the expense of American taxpayers.

Mr. Fox, as the Post reports, "proposed creating a European
Union-style partnership in North America, in which the United
States and Canada would help create jobs and raise income
levels in Mexico."  The European Union, of course, is the
transnational order that is effectively abolishing distinct national
sovereignties and cultures in Europe and, as with Austria,
threatening to bludgeon any member nation that even whispers

That kind of "union" might be swell for a national basket-case
like Mexico, which is governed by gangsters and immersed in
poverty, illiteracy and backwardness, and that's why Mr. Fox
wants it.  "His top priority," the Post reports, "would be to
reduce the gigantic economic gap between the United States
and Mexico."  He plans to do so by having the United States
and Canada finance a "development fund through the North
American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] similar to the $35
billion-a-year European Union development fund."  Guess who
gets to pay for that?  It won't be Mexico, but Mexico would be
the partner to gain from it.

Mr. Fox also has good deal of lip about any measures the
United States takes to keep illegal Mexicans out of the
country.  "By building up walls, by putting up arms, by
dedicating billions of dollars like every [U.S.] border state is
doing to avoid migration is not the way to go," he whines.

Well, in the first place, the immigration problem grew because
U.S. authorities really didn't enforce border security very well
and because Mexican authorities didn't enforce it at all.
Mexico has every good reason not to control the flood of its
own people beyond its own borders.  Since its economy can
do nothing with or for them and since their continued presence
represents only a political threat to its ruling class, Mexico
encourages them to leave.

In the second place, Mr. Fox is largely right that the ultimate
reason for Mexican emigration is the difference in the living
standards between the two countries.

He's also right that modernizing Mexico would help reduce the
difference.  But modernization is easier said than done.
NAFTA was supposed to accomplish that, as well as reduce
immigration.  In fact, it's done neither.  Until modernization
really comes, controlling the immigration flood Mexico refuses
to control is the only way we can keep all of Mexico from
arriving here.

Mr. Fox likes to talk up "friendship" between his country and
ours, but most of what he has to say manages to put the
blame on us.  "We must be better friends, we must be better
neighbors, we must be better partners," he insisted to the
Post, but apparently it's all our fault that Mexicans don't make
more money and that we don't welcome every Mexican who
wants to sneak across the border.  "He said he did not
understand why Mexicans should be so unwelcome in a
country that was built by immigrants."

Mr. Fox's plan for "friendship" is a close cousin to the kind of
transnationalism that has flourished (or tried to) since the end
of the Cold War.  First it was the United Nations that was
supposed to build and enforce the "New World Order," and
when that began to flop, it was NAFTA, the World Trade
Organization, NATO or the European Union.

When these schemes are not merely thinly masked forms of
imperialism by which major states can bully minor ones,
they're devices by which the corporate and political elites of
collapsing states like Mexico can bail themselves out by
getting their brother elites in developed countries to send them
more buckets.

The United States ought to want Mexico to develop its
economy and keep its population at home, but there's no
reason Americans should have to pay for that to happen and
no reason we should have to take in Mexico's uninvited millions
until it does.  Whoever the next American president turns out
to be, he needs to make sure the border is protected and to
tell Mr. Fox and his fellow Mexicans to stay on their side of


-------- end  --------
T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
Linda Muller - WebMaster
Post Office Box 650266, Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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