-Caveat Lector-

"research budget of $2billion and a broader sales force TO PUSH EACH OTHER'S

That's pretty honest, for an MSNBC report ;)
MY research shows that this is the most profitable (legal) business in the
U.S. (based on gross profit vs gross revenues) - and that DRUG companies
tend to be also selling OTHER poisons, and are heavily into the genetically
modified research/production biz.
It's a terribly dirty business- easily linked to government corruption,
phoney "science-made-to-order" reports, and a history of knowingly selling
dangerous products... as well as using the FDA as a GOON SQUAD to try to
stamp out inexpensive holistic health alternatives to often dangerous
pharmaceuticals (3rd leading cause of DEATH in the U.S. = doctor-created
illness (iatrogenesis.) Yes you read right. More people killed by doctors
and pharmaceutical medicine than:  aids, accidents, pneumonia, diabetes,
stroke, ...
As Konrad Kail, N.D. and Paul Bergner noted several years back in their AANP
white paper on the impending health care crisis, an extrapolation of a 1981
study by Steele et all shows that iatrogenesis [doctor-caused harm] is
likely the number 3 disease or cause of death!
Adverse drug reactions alone kill over 100,000 people a year in the U.S
Aspirine-like drugs are the 15th leading cause of death.
As you can see, we are paying DEARLY in more ways than one for "modern"

NO ONE can hold a candle to MONSANTO in their BROAD spectrum approach to
manufacturing and selling poisons and dangerous improperly rubber stamped by
incompetent/corrupt FDA - products.
The deadly excitoxin aspartame has a history worthy of a thriller book, and
is still being sold despite over 10,000 individual consumer complaints to
the incredibly corrupt FDA - more complaints than any other product, EVER...
Monsanto has hired a few FDA investigators... payola must be sloshing all
Monsanto took a very big hit over the FrankenFood(tm) and Terminator
Seed(sm) technologies.
Hopefully more pressure will continue to be brought to bear against this
heinous monster.

Dave Hartley

Drug company merger
Pharmacia & Upjohn has signed a merger agreement with Monsanto. The deal
creates the world’s 11th largest drug company with a cabinet of top-selling
medicines to treat ailments from arthritis to glaucoma.

         The combined company, as yet unnamed, will have sales this year of
$17 billion and 60,000 employees. The new company’s pharmaceutical business
will be headquartered in Peapack, New Jersey where Pharmacia is based. The
agricultural-chemical business will be headquartered in Monsanto’s hometown
of St. Louis.
    This is the second drug merger in as many months. In November, American
Home Products Corp. announced an agreement to acquire Warner-Lambert Co.
That deal, however, is being challenged in court by a rival suitor, Pfizer
    The frenetic search for partners in the pharmaceutical industry is being
driven by the need to finance research for blockbuster drugs, while facing
pressure from political and consumer groups to keep prescription costs down.
    “Diversifying one’s risk is very important in pharmaceuticals,” said
Fred Hassan, chief executive officer of Pharmacia & Upjohn. “This will give
us the diversity we need.”
    The combined company will have a research budget of $2 billion, and a
broader sales force to push each other’s drugs. Monsanto’s Searle division,
which sells the popular arthritis treatment Celebrex, can be used to bolster
next year’s launch of Pharmacia’s new antibiotic called Zyvox.
    The announcement Sunday ends Monsanto’s long search for a buyer. Robert
Shapiro, the chairman and chief executive officer of Monsanto, has had at
least three failed attempts to clinch a deal since October 1998, when
Monsanto’s merger with American Home Products fell apart.
    Shapiro will be the non-executive chairman of the newly combined company
for 18 months and then retire. Hassan will be the president and chief
executive and assume the chairman’s title when Shapiro steps down.
    Monsanto has had trouble finding a partner because its
agricultural-chemical business, which makes genetically altered seeds and
weed killers like Round Up, is facing consumer backlash, particularly in
Europe. Concerns about potential health risks from genetically altered foods
have caused many manufacturers to rethink ingredients.
    Shapiro invested heavily over the past five years to build up Monsanto’s
agricultural business, money that now seems poorly spent in light of the
public outcry.
    Public concern is “clearly an issue, and we obviously are going to be
working on that to resolve it,” Hassan said. “We are confident it can be
resolved because the underlying science is very good.”
    However, he plans to sell 19 percent of the agriculture business in an
initial public stock offering next year. The agricultural business will have
a separate management team and board of directors.
    Combining the operations of Monsanto and Pharmacia will save the new
company $600 million within three years. Hassan said there would be some
layoffs, though he could not say how many.
    Shareholders of Pharmacia will receive 1.19 shares of Monsanto stock,
worth about $50 based on Friday’s closing price, for each share of Pharmacia
they hold. At that price Pharmacia shareholders won’t be getting a premium
for their shares.
    Monsanto shareholders may also be disappointed with the terms of the
deal. Monsanto shares rose Friday on rumors of the deal, as some investors
anticipated their company would be acquired and they would get a premium for
their shares. Monsanto shares are down 18 percent for the year.
    “It sounds like a decent combination, but there seem to be better
potential partners for Monsanto,” said Jay Hickman, an analyst at Credit
Suisse First Boston who follows Monsanto.
    Any rival bidder would have to hurdle the breakup provisions in the
Monsanto-Pharmacia agreement, which include provisions that prevent a rival
from receiving favorable accounting treatment and a $575 million penalty fee
if the deal falls apart.
    Pharmacia and Monsanto will each have 10 seats on the new board of
directors. Monsanto shareholders will own 51 percent of the combined
company, which will have a market value of $50 billion.
    Pharmacia & Upjohn was created by the 1995 merger of Sweden’s Pharmacia
and Upjohn of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The company then relocated its global
headquarters to Peapack, New Jersey in 1997.

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