-Caveat Lector-

What an excllent post this is I was thinking this same thing this morning in
bed lets get RID of the american zionist run government they are the biggest
terrorists of all maybe all the major troubles will cease and then we can
get down to wiping out the ruling elite and the powerbrokers... God the list
is endless isnt it..... Seriously though The downfall of Hitler Bush and his
henchmen would be a very good start.
I would like to say remember what happened to Hitler but we all know he is
still alive and well dont we....I Just hope if they get rid of Mr Bush then
they do the job properly and he is not whisked away to antartica or some
underground Bunker.
I actually think that Bush junior is probably expendable by daddy anyway Its
the father that is behind a lot of this trouble  Bush Junior is just a mind
controlled ...whisky swigging ... Prezel eating Patsy! Or was it a pretzel
that made him choke???
The mermaid x
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: [Conspiranoia!] In Defense of Terrorism

> In Defense of Terrorism
> by Edgar J. Steele
> October 12, 2002
> "This troubled planet is a place of the most violent contrasts.
> Those that receive the rewards are totally separate from those
> who shoulder the burdens.  It is not a wise leadership."
>     --- Mr. Spock of  "Star Trek" (describing Ardana, where the rulers
>          lived in luxury in a cloud city above miners working in misery.)
> "That circumstances sometimes justify it...
> revolution is not a communist doctrine, but an old American belief."
>      --- Justice Jackson, 1950
> "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right
> to rise up
> and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them
> better.
> This is a most valuable and sacred right - a right we hope and believe to
> liberate the world."
>      --- Abraham Lincoln, 1848
> Revolutionaries and their acts of terrorism are not always to be despised.
> America's first revolutionaries were terrorists, after all.
> Today, they would be arrested by Ashcroft's Homeland Defense stormtroopers
> and held without bail, without charges and without recourse to legal
> proceedings.  If Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz had his way, they
> would be tortured.
> Imagine George Washington's screams as Dershowitz slides those needles he
> favors under George's fingernails.
> Now, imagine that was your father in Washington's place.  Imagine your
> fury.  Imagine you have nothing.  Imagine the feds bulldozing your home
> after disposing of your father's body, crippling your mother and raping
> your sister in the process.  You run off, dedicating your life to revenge.
> Imagine.
> Now you begin to see something of what so many in Palestine feel today.
> Why children confront Israeli tanks and snipers with stones.  Why young
> and women strap on dynamite and walk onto Israeli buses, ready to die.
> They have so little left to live for.
> To our everlasting shame, America's Congress yesterday authorized Bush the
> Second to wage war against Iraq and then against whomever else he wishes.
> This, despite informal polls showing American public opinion running about
> a hundred to one against this ill-advised "war."  Polls published in the
> controlled media, of course, show popular support for this aggression
> against a country that has done absolutely nothing to America or its
> legitimate interests.
> Osama bin Laden lashed out at the United States a year ago, saying that
> every single American would be held responsible for the acts of the
> American Government.  Most Americans laughed that off at the time.  Most
> today consider it an illogical proposition.
> After all, we don't hate Iraqis...it's that evil Saddam we're really
> That's why we're about to kill so many innocent Iraqis, of course, just as
> we killed so many innocent Afghans before them, in fruitless pursuit of
> Laden.  And so many innocent Serbs before them...and Somalis before
> them...and....
> Bin Laden was right, you know.
> Even though most of us don't vote any more, we should be held accountable
> for what our erstwhile leaders do.  As between the average Iraqi and the
> average American, who is more culpable, really?  Who let them get where
> they are?  Who lets them stay there?
> That is the justification for actions against the general populace, and it
> has merit.  Who else has access to the heads of America's government?  How
> much pain will we sustain before we rise up and change our leadership?  We
> are about to find out, I suspect.
> And we deserve it.
> America defends its own acts of warfare, waged with cruise missiles and
> bombs, whereby so many civilians are slaughtered,  by saying they were
> unavoidable casualties, unfortunate byproducts of our pursuit of military
> targets.  As if those people somehow are less dead than all the WTC
> When cornered, anybody fights with whatever is available.  The Iraqis and
> the Palestinians are cornered.  Terrorism is not indefensible when it is
> all that is available.  Ask Paul Revere.
> When somebody is trying to kill you, your world view becomes very clear
> much simplified.  There is nothing like being shot at, to focus one's
> attention.
> Try to see it from their point of view.  They do not see our aggression as
> an attempt to liberate them from their oppressive leadership.  They like
> their leadership.  Their leadership is all that protects them from us, you
> see.  We prove it again and again with every civilian casualty they take
> from American-made munitions.
> Last week, I said it was the jews that are accountable for our troubles
> today.  Strictly speaking, it is the zionists, of course.  Even more
> strictly speaking, most zionists and most jews are not even really jewish,
> but descendants of the Khazars of Eastern Europe.  And, yes, I know that
> true Sephardic Jews are a distinct minority in Israel and generally
> by their interloping brethren.  I am not one to mince words, however.  We
> know them generally as jews and that is the term we should employ.
> As every jew is accountable for failing to hold his or her grasping fellow
> travelers in check, so are all Americans accountable for failing to hold
> their countrymen in check.
> Just as we should hold all jews responsible for zionism, so does bin Laden
> hold all Americans responsible for its insane government. This is not an
> irrational posture.
> They don't have aircraft carriers, F16s, ICBMs and laser-guided smart
> bombs.  Because they don't have the means of waging war, toe to toe,
> doesn't mean they won't carry the battle to us, mark my words.  If you
> don't believe me, just ask Thomas Paine.
> There has come to be a most profound disconnect between America's
> and its general population, as evidenced by Congress joining Bush in his
> Orwellian quest.  The schism also is approximately along economic lines,
> the deepening recession proves.  This is not America's government of,
> fifty years ago, let alone the one our founding fathers established.
> And the elected are now beyond the reach of the "electorate," by virtue of
> a system hijacked, Enron-style, so that the officers are running every
> aspect of the show and paying only lip service to the shareholders
> (voters), so as to ensure their own longevity and wealth accumulation.  It
> doesn't help that they have opened America's borders to the third world
> with promises of socialistic programs, to ensure the support of a flood of
> newcomers separated from the rest of us by culture and language.
> They have looted America, with the chickens now roosting in the form of a
> deepening recession (can you say "depression?") and deteriorating dollar.
> They have put in place the controls necessary to quell any rebellion or
> dissatisfaction, and we have let them do it.  The mechanism is in place to
> wage war as a distraction from economic misery, a la FDR.
> US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote, in noting that the
> protection of liberty is not self-executing: "As nightfall does not come
> once, neither does oppression....It is in such twilight that we all must
> most aware of change in the air --however slight--lest we become unwitting
> victims of the darkness."
> Most of us simply have not been paying attention.  We have become victims
> of the gathering darkness.  America's government has become undeniably
> oppressive and the world's leading exporter of death and destruction.
> The time is very near now.  The time to "rise up and shake off the
> government and form a new one that suits (us) better."  Seditious
> commentary?  Only from the perspective of the tyrant.  Just ask Lincoln.
> New America.  An idea whose time has come.
> -ed
> "I didn't say it would be easy.  I just said it would be the truth."
>             - Morpheus
> Copyright © Edgar J. Steele, 2002
> Forward as you wish.  Permission is granted to circulate
> among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet
> sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.
> Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
> On-Line link to this article in HTML format:
> http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/terror.htm
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