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Subject: [mil-corp] US Support for Latin America's Armed Forces Soaring
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 23:27:17 -0500
From: International Network on Disarmament and Globalization <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mil-corp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Network members -

US military aid to Latin America now outstrips development aid by nearly
100 percent. As the NAFTA countries engage the rest of Latin America for
the Free Trade Area of the Americas, it seems that the US is busy
training and arming the security forces of every country in the Americas
(except Cuba). Many would consider this military aid a bid to protect
the expected rise in US corporate investments as a result of free trade.

Thanks to Alice Slater for this.



 <http://www.commondreams.org/headlines01/0119-01.htm  Published on
Friday, January 19, 2001 by the Inter Press Service

Going Backwards: US Support for Latin America's Armed Forces Soaring
by Jim Lobe

 WASHINGTON - At a time when still-fragile civilian governments are
trying to consolidate their hold in Latin America, the United States is
pouring unprecedented amounts of aid and other forms of support to the
region's armed forces, according to a new report released here Thursday.
In the year 2000, Washington provided well over a billion dollars' worth
of training, equipment, weapons and other kinds of support to Latin
American military and police - almost twice as much as it provided the
region in bilateral development aid.

 It marked the first time since the winding down of the civil wars in
Central America that the United States supplied more military and
security assistance than economic or development aid, according to Adam
Isacson of the Center for International Policy and co-author of the new
report, 'Just the Facts: A Civilian's Guide to US Defence and Security
Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean'.

 Moreover, that trend looks likely to increase over the next two years
at least, especially in light of recent statements by senior officials
of the incoming George W. Bush administration who have suggested that US
military aid to Colombia's neighbours may figure high on their agenda as
Bogota carries through its US-backed army offensive into the southern
part of the country to challenge guerrilla control there.

 "If I were the neighbouring countries, I'd worry about the spillover as
well," warned Defence Department Secretary-Designate Donald Rumsfeld
during confirmation hearings here last week. The new report, a close
look at all US aid to military and police forces in the region, is the
third in its annual series and covers mostly 1999 data culled from State
Department, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Pentagon
documents. The Pentagon, which is not bound to disclose nearly as much
information about its training and other programmes as the State
Department, released its relevant 2000 documents only in the past week,
after the report went to press.

 "2000 was an especially busy year for the Pentagon in Latin America,"
according to Isacson, who cited in particular the appropriation of 1.3
billion dollars in support of 'Plan Colombia,' the US-backed effort to
reduce coca and opium production in southern Colombia by training and
equipping the army and police to battle the leftist insurgency which
controls much of the region where the plants are grown.

 Under the plan, Washington provided some 950 million dollars in
military and police aid to Colombia alone, as well as tens of millions
of dollars more to the armed forces of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador,
including the refurbishment of a key air base in Ecuador to be used by
US spy planes, as well as Ecuadorean aircraft in Washington's "war
against drugs".

 Indeed, the same four countries - which constitute the drug war's
"ground Zero" - accounted for more than 90 percent of all military and
police aid Washington provided to Latin America last year, according to
Joy Olson, the second co-author and director of the independent Latin
American Working Group (LAWG) here.

 Virtually all of the equipment and weapons supplied to Latin American
countries are provided under Washington's counter-narcotics programmes,
she said. But US military training in the region has also grown at a
spectacular rate in recent years, according to the report.

 On the basis of recently released documents, the two co-authors
concluded that Washington changed between 13,000 and 15,000 Latin
American military police personnel in 1999 - up from about 10,000 the
previous year. For 2000, they said, the total has almost certainly risen
substantially beyond the 1999 level, as a result of the initiation of
Plan Colombia which, among other things, called for the training of two
new anti-drug battalions for the Colombian army.

 "The United States trains more military personnel from Latin America
than from East and South Asia, the Middle East, and the former Soviet
Union combined," said Olson.

 Outside NATO, only South Korea, where Washington permanently deploys
37,000 troops as a deterrent to North Korea, was to receive more
military training than Colombia in 2000, she added.

 In addition, the US military now provides training programmes to every
country in the Americas except Cuba. "The training programme in Latin
America is huge," according to Olson, who also noted that more than
55,000 US military personnel travelled to Latin America and the
Caribbean for training and engagement in 1999.

 Unlike US equipment, the training is not provided only by anti- drug
programmes, according to the report. In 1999, it said, US Special Forces
trained with 3,600 Latin American and Caribbean troops under the
Pentagon's Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) programme which,
until the mid-1990s, largely escaped Congressional oversight. The
training covered tactics ranging from air assault to sharp-shooting to
riot control.

 In addition, both the Pentagon and the State Department appear to be
relying increasingly on private contractors, whose activities are
subject to even less regulation and oversight, to provide various
services to Latin American militaries, according to the report.

 These include private corporations, such as Dyncorp, which deployed
more than 100 pilots, mechanics and other support staff to conduct
spraying operations in Colombia during 1999 at a cost of some 37 million
dollars, and Military Professional Resources International (MPRI), a
Virginia- based firm of retired senior US military officers, which has
trained the armed forces of key US allies, including Croatia and Nigeria
on behalf of the Pentagon.

 All of these training programmes raise serious questions about civilian
control, according to the authors. While the Pentagon has insisted in
recent years that a primary mission of training is to teach the military
respect for civilian authority, the fact of the training itself is cited
by the recipient military as a "US seal of approval" in its dealings
with its government, "whether it is intended or not", said Isacson.

 He also noted Washington's approval in principle last week of the 600
million dollar sale of 10-12 new F-16s to Chile as another disturbing
sign of US support for Latin American militaries. Not only did the move
break a 25-year US ban on introducing high-performance warplanes to the
region, but it also raised new questions about the power of the
military. "I haven't heard President (Ricardo) Lagos voice strong
support for it," noted Isacson.

 Annual US weapons sales to Latin America have generally not exceeded
300 million dollars in recent years, he said. The sale, which may not be
concluded for a year or two, would triple that amount and possibly
create pressures on other militaries to buy new systems as well,
according to Isacson.

 The new report also dispels a number of misconceptions about US
training activities. Despite the widespread belief that Mexico and the
United States had reduced their fast-growing military ties following
disclosures which embarrassed Mexico City in 1997, the report notes that
training activity remains substantially the same, and that the 73
helicopters that were returned to the US in 1999 have since been
replaced by the purchase of 73 Cessna aircraft. It also noted that the
School of the Americas (SOA), where thousands of Latin American military
officers, including dozens of notorious human rights abusers, received
counter-insurgency training during the Cold War, will re-open this month
under a new name, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Co-operation. It remains unclear whether the curriculum will be
substantially changed, according to the report.

 Copyright 2001 IPS

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