-Caveat Lector-

"Mark A. Smith" wrote:
> http://www.radioliberty.com/kjos2.htm
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                               SAVING THE EARTH
>                Excerpts from Brave New Schools by Berit Kjos
>                                  * * * * * *
> "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
> pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
> like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human
> intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.1 Club of Rome (an
> influential group of globalist leaders)
>                                  * * * * * *
> In the weeks surrounding Earth Day (April 22, Lenin's birthday), students
> from coast to coast celebrate their spiritual connection to Mother Earth,
> chant prayers to the Great Spirit, and imagine politically correct answers
> to the unequal distribution of the world's resources. Using computers that
> "simulate the real world," they recreate environmental disasters and "solve"
> global problems.
> These dubious lessons share a common aim-. to persuade students to reject
> Western culture and become advocates for new global beliefs and values While
> this agenda makes little sense to those who view America from a traditional
> perspective, it makes perfect sense to leaders seeking global laws that
> would govern land, people, education, and consumption.
> A lesson in Clean Sweep, an environmental curriculum published by the Iowa
> Department of Education, illustrates the bias behind environmental
> education. The class divides into two groups: first, the world's current
> population seated in a circle representing the earth; second, the "unborn"
> people of the world. Played like musical chairs, the game instructs the
> first group to gather natural resources whenever the music stops.
> Meanwhile, new children are "born", adding to the fast-growing "population"
> consuming the dwindling resources. Guess what happens. The world runs out of
> resources.
> Like most environmental classroom exercises, the game sounds logical but
> distorts reality. Designed to change attitudes, it ignores scientific facts,
> social statistics, and renewable resources.2 Yet, what it does is far more
> dangerous than what it omits: it gives children an alarming view of an
> imagined reality. They feel the exaggerated dangers. They agree to solve the
> problem.
> To make sure the children understand that America is the villain of the
> world, they discuss the main message: "The U.S.A. uses over 20% of the
> world's resources. . . How do the others feel toward the U.S.A. in this
> game?" Other questions prod the children toward these "right" conclusions:
> America's demand for resources deprives poorer nations of their equal share.
> Greedy nations must reduce consumption, block population growth, and make
> whatever sacrifices needed for common good and planetary healing.
> Genuine concern for the environment is needful, for ecological abuses do
> destroy farm land, sea life, forests, and other resources-especially outside
> the Western word. But since most environmental problems are local or
> regional, they fail to serve the political purposes of global leaders who
> want nothing less than global governance.
> Rousing whole nations to action, and inspiring a unified call for planetary
> management requires global disasters like ozone holes3 and rising ocean
> levels, not merely dying lakes and rivers. Globalist leaders know that well.
> "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
> pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
> like would fit the bill," declared members of the Club of Rome in a sweeping
> 1991 report on global governance." All these dangers are caused by human
> intervention.... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." 4
> Al Gore, who wrote a book to spread a similar message, said, "We must make
> rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for
> civilization."5 In Earth in the Balance, he calls for a "worldwide education
> program" and a "panreligious perspective" based on "the wisdom distilled by
> all faiths."6
> Gore knows that common beliefs and values based on idealized (not factual)
> models of earth-centered cultures are vital to planetary oneness. Just as
> tribes, not individuals, owned the land and shared common values, so
> government must control land, populations, and beliefs in the next decade. A
> mythical "common good" must inspire the new policies.7
> "We'd like to see the world a better place... to get some broad-based
> support, to capture the public's imagination," said Stanford University
> environmentalist Stephen Schneider. "That, of course, entails getting loads
> of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified,
> dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts we might have...
> Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective
> and being honest."8 (Emphasis added)
> In other words, facts must yield to ideology. Excluded from public debate
> are uncompromising scientists like Dr. Frederick Seitz, past President of
> the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of the National Medal of
> Science, who refuses to conform to the government agenda.
> "There is reason," writes Dr. Seitz, "based on sound scientific work, to
> express doubt that we are in immediate danger from either global warming or
> depletion of the ozone layer as envisaged by some extreme activists in the
> environmental movement."9
> Yet, environmental curricula and children's ecology books echo those scary
> scenarios envisioned by the "extreme activists." Many blame parents for
> exaggerated global problems. "They may deny it," says Captain Eco, the high
> flying superhero of a large picture book called Captain Eco and the Fate of
> the Earth, "but ... they're stealing your future from under your noses."10
> Captain Eco takes two children on a tour of the damaged earth. After showing
> them all the familiar abuses in the worst possible light, the captain points
> them to the final mega-problem: "and that's YOU."
> "We're not that bad, are we?" they respond.
> "Not you personally, but the whole human race. There are so many of you....
> Either you go on... polluting all over the planet... Or you can work toward
> a better world.... Will you help me?"11
> Lots of children are willing. They plant trees and clean river banks--which
> is great! They join Kids for Saving the Earth, Kids for a Clean Environment,
> Kids' in Nature's Defense, and the K-12 Network save the planet. They become
> vegetarians, peace activists, and Enviro-Cops who receive badges and recite
> oaths to protect the earth. They write letters by the thousands--to the
> White House, to Congress, to local newspapers. . . .
> Spurred by activist teachers, students join worldwide environmental networks
> through global computer links, which can tap into advocacy groups like
> PeaceNet and EcoNet. Nearly 300 schools in 21 countries are linked through
> the International Education and Resource Network (I*LEARN) which was formed
> in 1991 when the Copen Foundation expanded its New York/Moscow project. Few
> children are equipped to recognize the indoctrination. In order to resist
> classroom pressures to embrace environmental globalism, children need to....
> * Know science facts that expose false scenarios yet show practical
> solutions genuine problems. For scientific data, read The True State of the
> Planet: Ten of the World's Premier Environmental Researchers in a Major
> Challenge to the Environmental Movement, edited by Ronald Bailey.
> * Understand some of the political visions which fuel the environmental
> movement.
> * Remember that classroom computer programs and models don't simulate the
> real world. At best they match environmental ideology. The programmers
> decide what the computers will demonstrate.
> To avoid compromise with mythical thinking and earth-centered
> environmentalism, children should watch out for songs, rituals, and myths
> that encourage pantheism and earth worship.
> When God put humans in charge of his creation, He intended that we love and
> care for it as He would, not abuse it. (Genesis 1: 26, 28, 2:15). To do our
> part, we need to heed the Maker-not earthy spirits. By His life in us, we
> can share His concerns and follow His caring ways before the watchful eyes
> of the world.
>                                  * * * * * *
> For more information about environmental education, read Brave New Schools
> (Harvest House Publishers) by Berit Kjos. Available through Radio Liberty.
> Call 1-800-544-8927
> Endnotes:
> 1 Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (New
> York: Pantheon Books, 1991), 115.
> 2 For example, trees are a renewable resource. The fact that the USA plants
> more trees than it cuts down is rarely, if ever, mentioned in environmental
> curricula.
> 3 Actually the ozone "hole" is not a hole at all. It is a seasonal thinning
> discovered back in 1956 by Dr. Gordon Dobson. Each spring, after the long
> sunless southern winter, the ozone layer thins over the Antarctica.
> Conversely, it always expands after the southern summer when ultraviolet
> radiation once again creates ozone. (The media didn't tell you that the
> "hole" closes each year, did it?) The annual thinning varies from year to
> year. In fact, less ozone was measured in 1985 than in 1990 though more
> freon was used. Why? Scientific data indicate a strong consistent
> correlation between ozone depletion and major volcanic explosions and other
> natural factors.
> 4 Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (New
> York: Pantheon Books, 1991), 115.
> 5 Steven Chapman, Chicago Tribune, October 8, 1992.
> 6 Al Gore, "Earth in the Balance (Houghton Mifflin, 1992), 355, 258-9.
> 7 Globalists would like the California Social Studies Framework. Twisting
> the old meaning of "literacy," it requires students to demonstrate "Cultural
> Literacy" (understand "the mytholigy, legends, values, and beliefs" of the
> world's cultures), "Economic Literacy" ("understand...the problem of
> scarcity" and how to determine "what, how, and for whom to produce" within a
> planned economy), and "Geographic Literacy" ("Understand world regions" and
> how people are "changing the land"). History-Social Science Framework
> (Sacramento: The California Department of Education, 1988), 14-17.
> 8 Jonathan Schell, "Our Fragile Earth," Discover (October 1989); 44.
> 9 Dr. Frederick Seitz, Global Warming and Ozone Hole Controversies: A
> Challenge to Scientific Judgment (Washington, DC: George C. Marshall
> Institute, 1994), 25, 27, 33.
> 10 Jonathan Porritt, Captain Eco and the Fate of the Earth (New York:
> Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1988), 5.
> 11 Ibid., 46-47.

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