Never forget!
It is physically impossible for homos to procreate.
To replenish their ranks they must 1) prey on children who have been
raised by dysfunctional parents, 2) the femme has an invitro or adopt, or 3) the two 
males adopt.
The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination.

We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

> We are all aware that the government wastes our tax dollars everyday.
> Their
> actions cost us millions of dollars per year on various "things".
> I would like to bring your attention to a very serious matter in the
> State of
> California. Our leader, Governor Gray Davis is not only wasting
> millions of
> dollars but also violating the civil rights of many in the process.
> Most of us call them inmates or criminals. However, I like to call
> them
> hostages. Allow me to explain.
> When a person is sentenced in a court of law, the judge gives them a
> time to
> serve. We have indeterminate sentencing in this state. These people
> are also
> known as Term to Life inmates. (For an example, 25 to life, 15 to
> life
> etc.)
> When these people reach a minimum amount of time served, they are
> reviewed
> before a panel called the Board of Prison Terms (BPT). This panel is
> responsible for determining a person's suitability for re-entry into
> society.
> A problem arises in that there is a law that gives our Governor the
> right to
> review these recommendations and either parole or deny these people.
> This
> would not be a problem if the government did not abuse such law.
> Since
> the
> reign of the Wilson Administration, our governors have either pulled
> all
> parolees or denied them. Governor Davis has made it very clear that he
> refuses to parole anyone, regardless of his or her suitability.
> I hope that we all agree, if someone is not given the death penalty,
> our law
> provides and expects a person to serve time as payment for their
> crime
> or
> wrong doing. However, Governor Gray Davis has decided that even
> though
> an
> inmate has served their time and paid their debt to society they
> should be
> kept forever. He further has taken it upon himself to act as judge,
> jury and
> parole panel. He has decided to re-issue sentencing to these inmates
> without
> a new or proper hearing. The recommendations of any judge or panel
> member do
> not mean a thing to Governor Davis. He continually denies each and
> every
> person presented to him. Therefore, hence the term hostage. Men and
> women in
> our prison system with a Term to Life sentence are now the hostages
> of
> our
> government.
> There are several ramifications concerning the actions of Governor
> Davis and
> his new "unwritten policy" to grant "NO parole".
> Please refer to the report of the Legislative Analyst's Office. It
> explains
> these actions and waste of money.
> I obtained a good portion of this information from their site.  Their
> main
> site is
> Please see this document at:
> 1_1
> As you will see in the report from the Legislative Analyst's Office,
> we are
> spending 19 million dollars per year to fund the BPT. This panel is
> holding
> hearings just to stay current with the Title 15 laws.  They are fully
> funded
> each year. They continually bring inmates back just to deny them over
> and
> over. They have no intentions of granting parole to anyone. They know
> Governor Davis will not allow anyone to be released. Therefore, we
> should
> question why they are wasting money to budget for this panel and
> conduct
> these thoughtless hearings.
> You will also see in their report that we are spending 100 million
> dollars
> per year to keep these people incarcerated. This amount grows rapidly
> at 12
> million dollars per year. Our budget could be relieved if we would
> release
> these inmates. "Public safety" seems to be the excuse I receive.
> However,
> that is what the panel is for. It is a fact that there are so many
> inmates
> (hostages) that are due, ready and eligible for parole. Many people
> and
> officials testified to this fact at the Joint Committee on Prisons
> Hearing
> last year. (Refer to: SB 128, April 99)
> Again, you will see from the LAO's report, one area of high cost to
> us
> is
> litigation. Our laws and constitutional rights belong to everyone.
> Therefore,
> we have inmates and family members seeking fairness from our courts.
> They are
> looking for some hope that their rights and the laws will be upheld.
> They
> search for equal rights and protection of the laws. These costs to us
> are
> enormous.
> Overcrowding has become a serious matter. Instead of releasing these
> inmates,
> Governor Davis would rather spend additional money to build more
> prisons
> (another 30 million dollars each, per year). He would rather spend
> millions
> of dollars on a job market for State employees and let the prison
> conditions
> be unsafe for all individuals.
> Many of these Term to Life inmates have children. How much money is it
> costing the State to care for these inmates' children while they are
> incarcerated? Governor Davis denies them the opportunity to support
> and care
> for their own families. He places the burden on the State. I was
> unable to
> retrieve the exact figures for this area. Therefore, I cannot quote an
> amount. However, we know this amount must be obnoxious.
> We should find it equally aggravating that our schools are falling
> apart,
> teachers do not get decent pay and our children are neglected in
> education
> while Governor Davis is blowing millions of dollars.
> There are several areas of cost to us. However, one letter cannot
> contain it
> all.
> ``Get tough'' isn't always ``get smart.'' Governor Davis is aware of
> all
> these problems, yet he continues to act in a manor contrary to
> reasonable
> common sense or the rights of many.
> We are expected to follow the law. The question becomes, why isn't
> Governor
> Davis? Numerous letters have been sent to officials requesting action
> on this
> matter. However, to date, nothing has changed. Governor Davis
> continues to
> manipulate the laws to serve his own special interests including his
> own
> political gain and of greed and unforgiveness. But most of all, in his
> attempt to repay the CCPOA who contributed money to his election
> campaign.
> With the statements that he has made to the media, Governor Davis
> continues
> to educate us with his intentional ill will. One statement that
> sticks
> out
> the most is when he told reporters that he "will not release anyone,
> accept
> for in pine box".
> Term to Life inmates are not given a fair hearing. A judge originally
> gave
> them this opportunity at their sentencing. Their constitutional
> rights
> are
> being violated as a new "unwritten policy" by Governor Davis will not
> afford
> anyone parole. They are held in prison forever, making the term LIFE a
> literal meaning. Term to Life inmates have become hostages of the
> State of
> California.
> We should feel for these political prisoners. We don't cast stones.
> Lest the
> next one be your loved one. The protection of the law should extend
> to
> every
> living human being. We need to set aside personal feelings and see
> the
> things
> that the government is doing.
> If you have information that you would like to give or need additional
> information please contact me at:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sincerely seeking justice for all mankind.

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