-Caveat Lector-

> *****
> Preparations for Martial Law
> From: Tim May
> Newsgroups: comp.software.year-2000, misc.survivalism
> Subject: Martial Law rumors, and one gun store owner
> I was in looking at assault rifles today at one of my local gun stores
> (looking at an FAL parts gun, comparing it the HK91 parts/clone gun I bought
> a week ago). I got to talking to the owner, and Y2K came up.
> His store is in an area with several DOD installations and he has many
> customers who are either active military or retired military. And some CIA
> spooks. I once met one of the CIA spooks in the store....we had been
> jawboning about which of the 50 BMG rifles was best, the Barrett or one of
> the several others, for ultra-long-range sniping. Then the store owner
> casually mentioned that "Fred" had been in the CIA. Out on a medical
> disability, and living in the Monterey area.
> (The area is in the Monterey-Pacific Grove-Carmel area. The DOD installations
> include: The Naval Postgraduate School, the Fort Ord base (now being closed),
> the Defense Language Institute, and some Navy undersea warfare think tanks.
> Also, some CIA-affiliated think tanks (suspected: Monterey Institute for
> International Studies). CIA spooks visit the area, and his store, for various
> reasons. I surmise that he supplies some of the folks down at Camp Roberts
> and Camp Hunter Liggett. Viewers of some Tom Clancy movies will recognize
> this is where snipers and special forces get training.)
> Here's the bombshell: He told me that "more than one" of his best longterm
> customers, with affiliations to these aforementioned groups, have told him of
> a plan for a "quick response" imposition of martial law. "72 hours." The date
> he heard from some of them was December 1st. To disburse the troops and have
> martial law in place in 72 hours. By December 4th, in other words.
> The idea for the timing, presumably, being that it will be clear by then just
> how many nations, companies, and agencies are not going to be ready. And
> enough time for the soldiers to integrate with the rail and utility
> distributions, perhaps for ration coupon books to be printed and available by
> January 1st, etc. All those things the Naval War College seminars were
> running scenarios about. (Links between Naval Postgraduate School and Naval
> War College? Presumably. Whether they are significant links is for
> researchers out there to look into. Would be interesting to see if NPS folks
> were at the NWC seminars, and vice versa. And I'm not saying Monterey and the
> NPS is somehow the epicenter of martial law planning for Y2K...the actual
> centers are presumably in or near Washington, D.C. But links are still
> interesting.)
> He didn't say his sources _knew_ that martial law was going to be
> implemented, but that the sources had seen plans for possible implementation.
> Now this could just be the usual rumor mill process. But to lend some
> plausibility to this tidbit, this area is a hotbed of certain kinds of
> counterinsurgency warfare (Fort Ord had been a major center of this, now
> moved up to Washington State somewhere--Fort Lewis, I think. But many of the
> staffers remained or retired in the Monterey-Carmel-Pebble Beach area, and
> they hear things. And the think tanks are where such plans are often
> formulated and "gamed."
> Monterey, perhaps not coincidentally, was one of the sights for that recent
> "urban assault" exercise which got so much attention a couple of months ago.
> (Soldiers rolling down the city streets in Bradley Fighting Vehicles, being
> mock-fought by urban guerillas who looked suspicially like militia members
> defending their communtiies. Coincidence? The planners are here. The exercise
> was here.)
> This guy, owning one of the main gun stores in the whole area, comes into
> contact with a lot of them. Take it as you will.
> By the way, this guy had some experiences to tell of past civil disturbances.
> He was a young gun store clerk in Stockton, CA when the 1967 Watts riots in
> L.A. erupted. Pockets of rioting had also appeared in other cities, including
> Stockton, in the Central Valley. (Stockton now has a serious gang problem,
> and many murders each year.) The local cops lent him a Thompson submachine
> gun! My, how things have changed. He knew how to use one, for various
> reasons. He never had to use it, but he slept in the store with that Thompson
> nearby. A couple of years later, in some other riots, the cops lent him a
> BAR.
> (It used to be common, by the way, for police departments to have one or more
> old Thompsons sitting in storage lockers, for special uses. Now, of course,
> they are likely to be AR-15-pattern rifles or carbines, or H & K MP5s. The
> usual S.W.A.T. gear. And they no longer lend these things out to gun store
> owners!)
> Fast forwarding to today, he anticipates there could be serious riots, even
> without Y2K bugs being as bad as some expect. "These clowns are just itching
> to live out their fantasyland lives."
> He isn't sure yet what his strategy will be to defend his store this time
> around, but he _is_ glad he has a place in the nearby mountains with a
> running water stream through the land, a woodstove with a couple of cords of
> wood, his various rifles, and a bunch of friends in the ranching country of
> Steinbeck Country who he will join forces with.
> Anyway, I thought these were interesting tidbits. Kind of like Cory's
> "geekvine" news from those in the programming trenches.
> It sure looks to me like military planners are preparing martial law
> contingency plans. I know I won't let the happytalkers with their talk of how
> Russia is now approaching 90% completion (of what, their first Five Year
> Plan?) deter me from adding to my stockpiles. "Don't leave home" remains the
> core of my plan, and martial law is not a good environment to be leaving home
> in.
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