-Caveat Lector-

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the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

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Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:48:48 -0700
From: Tim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: Fw: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control]

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From: James E. Gribble III <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 11:49 AM

Subject: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control




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August 13, 2002

New Article Posted to Fight Terrorism <../../terrorism/index.htm> Section.

Reporting to the UN <reporting_to_un.htm>

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.


Get US out! Starter Kit - $ 9.95


The Starter Kit is intended for beginners in the campaign to Get US out!
of the United Nations. The kit contains everything needed to learn more
about the United Nations and take necessary action to begin influencing
others. Comes in an attractive folder and includes a product catalog to
order additional materials. - Order

Reporting to the UN
by Steve Bonta

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.

UN Documents

(These links open in a separate window, PDF files require a free Adobe
Acrobat reader.)

UN Resolution 1373

U.S. Report to CTC - December 2001

U.S. Report to CTC - June 2002

With all the attention paid to the domestic war on terrorism and the
dangers it poses to our liberties ? the PATRIOT Act, the Department of
Homeland Security, the TIPS program, and so forth ? scant notice has
been given to the United Nations? international anti-terrorism campaign.
Yet below the American public?s radar screen, the UN Security Council?s
new Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) is trying to achieve on an
international scale what measures like the PATRIOT Act are doing
domestically: expand the reach and power of government ? in this case,
the UN?s embryonic world government ? in the name of fighting terrorism.
And the potential consequences for U.S. liberty are dire indeed.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was created by paragraph six of Security
Council Resolution 1373, issued last September 28th in response to the
September 11th attacks. The purpose of the CTC, in the words of 1373, is
to "monitor implementation of this resolution." To allow the CTC to
carry out this monitoring, UN member states are required to submit
regular compliance reports to the CTC. The first round of such reports
came in to the CTC from December 2001 through the early months of 2002
and, as we reported in the February 25th issue of The New American, the
U.S. government was one of the first member states to submit its report
on U.S. compliance with the Security Council?s new anti-terrorism
guidelines. The U.S. report, dated December 19th, depicted the USA
PATRIOT Act and other post 9-11 Bush initiatives as acts of compliance
with UN demands in Resolution 1373.

This first report was worrisome enough, since it showed the degree to
which U.S. officials are now willing to let UN authorities dictate terms
to us. But now there?s more. After receiving the first report, the CTC
sent a more detailed, focused list of inquiries to the U.S. government
and demanded a response by June 15th. The second U.S. compliance report,
submitted in response, is truly scary stuff.

Like the first report, the second is arranged as a series of responses
to specific questions from the CTC on a range of domestic policies. The
very first question pointedly asks: "Does the US have a specialist
counter-terrorism body or is that the responsibility of a number of
departments or agencies?" The report?s author meekly replies that the
U.S. is now trying to create a Department of Homeland Security, a
process that "will take time, especially since new legislation will be
required." However, the report promises, "we will inform the CTC when
these new changes are in place." In other words, the Bush administration
considers the Department of Homeland Security an act of compliance with
UN requirements, and will keep the UN informed of our progress. This
kind of truckling to alleged UN authority speaks volumes about the Bush
administration?s real attitude towards UN-centered internationalism,
despite its occasional choreographed outbursts of anti-globalist rhetoric.

But there?s more. Further on in the U.S. report, the CTC asks whether
"natural or legal persons other than banks (e.g., attorneys, notaries,
or other intermediaries) [are] required to report suspicious
transactions to the public authorities." The U.S. compliance report
explains that the Bank Secrecy Act gives our government broad power to
spy on its citizens via banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and
even the U.S. Postal Service, adding that the new PATRIOT Act requires
the Treasury to issue a rule "requiring broker-dealers to file
suspicious activity reports." Responding to whether the United States
has "any means of monitoring financial activities, in particular
fund-raising, by non-governmental associations or organizations," the
U.S. report gives UN officials a long and detailed explanation of the
U.S. tax code and the powers it confers on the federal government to
monitor and control the activities of nonprofit and charitable institutions.

Most alarming of all is a series sof questions that ought to give every
American gun owner pause for thought. The CTC asks: "How does the United
States control the establishment in its territory of paramilitary groups
that have the potential to engage in terrorist activities?" Following
that, under the heading "Weapons," the CTC presses the inquiry further:
"What measures does the United States have to prevent terrorists [from]
obtaining weapons in its territory, in particular small arms or light
weapons? What is the United States legislation concerning the
acquisition and possession of such weapons?" Following a long section in
which the U.S. describes to UN officials the plethora of federal gun
control laws on the books, the CTC asks: "Does the United States have
any means of detecting at the local, as distinct from the national,
level activities preparatory to a terrorist act? Are there agencies and
procedures at the local level for monitoring sensitive activities, such
as combat sports and shooting with light weapons, paramilitary training,
the piloting of aircraft, biological laboratories, and the use of
explosives for industrial purposes?" In other words, the UN would like
to see our federal government empowered to keep tabs on local target
shooters, private planes, and sundry other acts of potential "terrorist

The second U.S. report to the CTC is in response to areas that CTC
bureaucrats have already identified as being of special concern, based
on their reading of the first report submitted last December. And it
should be crystal clear from the CTC?s line of questioning that two
areas of state power are particularly important to the UN, at least
where America is concerned: Powers of surveillance over every
conceivable private activity, from financial transactions to target
shooting; and gun control.

But the most frightening aspect of these dry reports is what they tell
us about the post-September 11th relationship between the United States
and the UN. UN officials have made no secret that they consider
Resolution 1373 to be a turning point in the history of relations
between the UN and member states. As paraphrased by a UN report, CTC
chairman Jeremy Greenstock told the Security Council on June 27th that
"the most important success of the Counter-Terrorism Committee to date
was that it had directed widespread attention to the power of resolution
1373," and that "a broad range of international organizations and
regional and subregional organizations were now aware that there was a
global structure for countering terrorism, into which they should fit
their activities.... The fact that the vast majority of Member States
were now engaged with the Committee ? and that all States recognized
their responsibility to follow up resolution 1373 ? was a massive change
from the situation that had existed when the Committee was formed."

It?s one thing for UN functionaries to make claims like this; it?s quite
another when our government agrees with them. At the same Security
Council meeting, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte,
responding to Greenstock?s comments, "reiterated the importance of all
States abiding by their obligations under resolution 1373 ? including
the timely submission of reports. The second review would largely
determine the impact that the Committee would have in the fight against
terrorism." As described by the UN report, Negroponte added that "the
resolution and the Committee had no time limits and would continue until
the Council was satisfied with the resolution?s implementation."

And that?s the real heart of the matter. The CTC is designed to accrue
power over time, as so-called "soft law" ? the dense, vaguely committal
jargon of international "protocols" and "resolutions." It then morphs
into "hard law" ? the brass-tacks reality of enforceable national and
international statutes and regulations. As Greenstock himself has
pointed out regarding the work of the CTC, "we believe that there may
always be further work to do to meet the objectives of the resolution
against a constantly evolving background.... [W]e will want all States
to remain in close contact with the Committee, and to inform the CTC of
any new developments which are relevant to the implementation of 1373."

What 1373 and the ongoing process of reporting to the CTC amount to is a
never-ending sequence of reporting and reviewing, of subtle pressure
brought to bear by the CTC against the U.S. to bring its laws into
compliance with Security Council expectations. The second round of
reviews currently under way is to be the stage where the CTC begins to
ratchet up the pressure for "reforms"; in Greenstock?s words, "[during]
the second review, the Committee intends to be more direct with the
States in identifying gaps in the implementation of resolution 1373 and
recommending appropriate action."

All of this might seem irrelevant to a nation gearing up for yet another
war in the Middle East, and naively secure behind the military might of
the "world?s only superpower." But power is only as certain as those who
wield it, and all indications are that America?s political leadership is
committed to further empowering the UN, by allowing and even encouraging
it to dictate terms to us in the name of combating terrorism. The
globalists are clearly hoping to entangle America in the pernicious
precedent of obeying UN edicts and to further condition us to continue
surrendering our sovereignty.

Sadly, many Americans see no harm in indulging the UN?s take-charge
instincts, as long as we don?t see blue-helmeted troops swarming across
the American landscape. But world government by overt conquest isn?t the
UN?s game right now; world government by piecemeal, carefully-extracted
consent is. Unfortunately for us, if we continue to allow our leaders to
sell our sovereign birthright to the UN for the pottage of false
security, the outcome will be the same as conquest by force.

Source: T <http://www.getusout.org/tna/index.htm> HE NEW AMERICAN
<http://www.getusout.org/tna/index.htm> - August 26, 2002


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Title: Get US out! of the United Nations - Supreme Usurpation
-Caveat Lector-


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August 13, 2002

New Article Posted to Fight Terrorism Section.

Reporting to the UN

The Bush administration’s compliance reports to a new Security Council committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United Nations dictate terms to us.

Get US out! Starter Kit - $9.95

The Starter Kit is intended for beginners in the campaign to Get US out! of the United Nations. The kit contains everything needed to learn more about the United Nations and take necessary action to begin influencing others. Comes in an attractive folder and includes a product catalog to order additional materials. - Order

Reporting to the UN
by Steve Bonta

The Bush administration’s compliance reports to a new Security Council committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United Nations dictate terms to us.

UN Documents

(These links open in a separate window, PDF files require a free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
UN Resolution 1373

U.S. Report to CTC - December 2001

U.S. Report to CTC - June 2002

With all the attention paid to the domestic war on terrorism and the dangers it poses to our liberties — the PATRIOT Act, the Department of Homeland Security, the TIPS program, and so forth — scant notice has been given to the United Nations’ international anti-terrorism campaign. Yet below the American public’s radar screen, the UN Security Council’s new Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) is trying to achieve on an international scale what measures like the PATRIOT Act are doing domestically: expand the reach and power of government — in this case, the UN’s embryonic world government — in the name of fighting terrorism. And the potential consequences for U.S. liberty are dire indeed.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was created by paragraph six of Security Council Resolution 1373, issued last September 28th in response to the September 11th attacks. The purpose of the CTC, in the words of 1373, is to "monitor implementation of this resolution." To allow the CTC to carry out this monitoring, UN member states are required to submit regular compliance reports to the CTC. The first round of such reports came in to the CTC from December 2001 through the early months of 2002 and, as we reported in the February 25th issue of The New American, the U.S. government was one of the first member states to submit its report on U.S. compliance with the Security Council’s new anti-terrorism guidelines. The U.S. report, dated December 19th, depicted the USA PATRIOT Act and other post 9-11 Bush initiatives as acts of compliance with UN demands in Resolution 1373.

This first report was worrisome enough, since it showed the degree to which U.S. officials are now willing to let UN authorities dictate terms to us. But now there’s more. After receiving the first report, the CTC sent a more detailed, focused list of inquiries to the U.S. government and demanded a response by June 15th. The second U.S. compliance report, submitted in response, is truly scary stuff.

Like the first report, the second is arranged as a series of responses to specific questions from the CTC on a range of domestic policies. The very first question pointedly asks: "Does the US have a specialist counter-terrorism body or is that the responsibility of a number of departments or agencies?" The report’s author meekly replies that the U.S. is now trying to create a Department of Homeland Security, a process that "will take time, especially since new legislation will be required." However, the report promises, "we will inform the CTC when these new changes are in place." In other words, the Bush administration considers the Department of Homeland Security an act of compliance with UN requirements, and will keep the UN informed of our progress. This kind of truckling to alleged UN authority speaks volumes about the Bush administration’s real attitude towards UN-centered internationalism, despite its occasional choreographed outbursts of anti-globalist rhetoric.

But there’s more. Further on in the U.S. report, the CTC asks whether "natural or legal persons other than banks (e.g., attorneys, notaries, or other intermediaries) [are] required to report suspicious transactions to the public authorities." The U.S. compliance report explains that the Bank Secrecy Act gives our government broad power to spy on its citizens via banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and even the U.S. Postal Service, adding that the new PATRIOT Act requires the Treasury to issue a rule "requiring broker-dealers to file suspicious activity reports." Responding to whether the United States has "any means of monitoring financial activities, in particular fund-raising, by non-governmental associations or organizations," the U.S. report gives UN officials a long and detailed explanation of the U.S. tax code and the powers it confers on the federal government to monitor and control the activities of nonprofit and charitable institutions.

Most alarming of all is a series sof questions that ought to give every American gun owner pause for thought. The CTC asks: "How does the United States control the establishment in its territory of paramilitary groups that have the potential to engage in terrorist activities?" Following that, under the heading "Weapons," the CTC presses the inquiry further: "What measures does the United States have to prevent terrorists [from] obtaining weapons in its territory, in particular small arms or light weapons? What is the United States legislation concerning the acquisition and possession of such weapons?" Following a long section in which the U.S. describes to UN officials the plethora of federal gun control laws on the books, the CTC asks: "Does the United States have any means of detecting at the local, as distinct from the national, level activities preparatory to a terrorist act? Are there agencies and procedures at the local level for monitoring sensitive activities, such as combat sports and shooting with light weapons, paramilitary training, the piloting of aircraft, biological laboratories, and the use of explosives for industrial purposes?" In other words, the UN would like to see our federal government empowered to keep tabs on local target shooters, private planes, and sundry other acts of potential "terrorist training."

The second U.S. report to the CTC is in response to areas that CTC bureaucrats have already identified as being of special concern, based on their reading of the first report submitted last December. And it should be crystal clear from the CTC’s line of questioning that two areas of state power are particularly important to the UN, at least where America is concerned: Powers of surveillance over every conceivable private activity, from financial transactions to target shooting; and gun control.

But the most frightening aspect of these dry reports is what they tell us about the post-September 11th relationship between the United States and the UN. UN officials have made no secret that they consider Resolution 1373 to be a turning point in the history of relations between the UN and member states. As paraphrased by a UN report, CTC chairman Jeremy Greenstock told the Security Council on June 27th that "the most important success of the Counter-Terrorism Committee to date was that it had directed widespread attention to the power of resolution 1373," and that "a broad range of international organizations and regional and subregional organizations were now aware that there was a global structure for countering terrorism, into which they should fit their activities.... The fact that the vast majority of Member States were now engaged with the Committee … and that all States recognized their responsibility to follow up resolution 1373 … was a massive change from the situation that had existed when the Committee was formed."

It’s one thing for UN functionaries to make claims like this; it’s quite another when our government agrees with them. At the same Security Council meeting, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte, responding to Greenstock’s comments, "reiterated the importance of all States abiding by their obligations under resolution 1373 … including the timely submission of reports. The second review would largely determine the impact that the Committee would have in the fight against terrorism." As described by the UN report, Negroponte added that "the resolution and the Committee had no time limits and would continue until the Council was satisfied with the resolution’s implementation."

And that’s the real heart of the matter. The CTC is designed to accrue power over time, as so-called "soft law" — the dense, vaguely committal jargon of international "protocols" and "resolutions." It then morphs into "hard law" — the brass-tacks reality of enforceable national and international statutes and regulations. As Greenstock himself has pointed out regarding the work of the CTC, "we believe that there may always be further work to do to meet the objectives of the resolution against a constantly evolving background.... [W]e will want all States to remain in close contact with the Committee, and to inform the CTC of any new developments which are relevant to the implementation of 1373."

What 1373 and the ongoing process of reporting to the CTC amount to is a never-ending sequence of reporting and reviewing, of subtle pressure brought to bear by the CTC against the U.S. to bring its laws into compliance with Security Council expectations. The second round of reviews currently under way is to be the stage where the CTC begins to ratchet up the pressure for "reforms"; in Greenstock’s words, "[during] the second review, the Committee intends to be more direct with the States in identifying gaps in the implementation of resolution 1373 and recommending appropriate action."

All of this might seem irrelevant to a nation gearing up for yet another war in the Middle East, and naively secure behind the military might of the "world’s only superpower." But power is only as certain as those who wield it, and all indications are that America’s political leadership is committed to further empowering the UN, by allowing and even encouraging it to dictate terms to us in the name of combating terrorism. The globalists are clearly hoping to entangle America in the pernicious precedent of obeying UN edicts and to further condition us to continue surrendering our sovereignty.

Sadly, many Americans see no harm in indulging the UN’s take-charge instincts, as long as we don’t see blue-helmeted troops swarming across the American landscape. But world government by overt conquest isn’t the UN’s game right now; world government by piecemeal, carefully-extracted consent is. Unfortunately for us, if we continue to allow our leaders to sell our sovereign birthright to the UN for the pottage of false security, the outcome will be the same as conquest by force.

Source: THE NEW AMERICAN - August 26, 2002


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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