<snip>.......THAT is why Lauren Bessette's suitcase had been FLUNG out
of the airplane, and was found miles away...<snip>

From: John DiNardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


                                             Aug. 7, 1999

Texe Marrs, in his weekly shortwave radio show, tonight,
Aug 7th, reports that a bomb exploded in the tail section of
John F. Kennedy's airplane.  The show, POWER OF PROPHECY,
is broadcast over 5.070 megahertz shortwave at 8 PM EST.
Here is an excerpt, transcribed from the tape recording
that I made of the broadcast:

TEXE MARRS [www.texemarrs.com]:
I'm already getting reports. One comes from a retired U.S.
Navy captain who has done an analysis of what really happened.
Other reports are from my Air Force pilot friends.
It appears that this is what happened:

John F. Kennedy took off in his Piper, with the two ladies
aboard. They flew first about 5,700 feet up. And then, as
they approached Martha's Vineyard, he began to descend.
When he got to an altitude of about 2,400 feet, there was
an explosion in the back compartment, blowing off part of
the airplane. He was unable to maintain control, and the
airplane spiraled downward in a graveyard spin.
Some people said that he made a pilot error. But, in fact,
if the plane had been in good shape, all that would have
been necessary would have been for him to push one switch,
and the plane would have gone on automatic pilot.
And the plane could even have LANDED ITSELF, with the
computers and the engineering that it had onboard.
ONE SWITCH is all that he needed to have taken care of.
But he couldn't!  The plane was uncontrollable.
A bomb had gone off.  THAT is why Lauren Bessette's
suitcase had been FLUNG out of the airplane, and was
found miles away. As a matter of fact, as I make this
report today, it just came out that there was GOOD
WEATHER!  The bad weather was eight miles away.
There was NO haze at the time!  There was NO fog!
There was NO reason why he couldn't see the approach
landing as he was coming down, piloting that aircraft.
As a matter of fact, they have now recovered the
engine of that aircraft, and the FAA report --
my sources tell me -- stated that the engine was in
GOOD condition, and running.
There was a bomb.  It was assassination.
This is Texe Marrs. You've been listening to this
              [END OF EXCERPT]

Texe Marrs went on to say that John F. Kennedy Jr. had
done a thirteen-page expos'e on the assassination of
Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, who wasn't moving fast
enough to fulfill the New World Order's plans for
so-called "peace in the Middle East".  Now, according
to an article in the Jerusalem Post, "Bill Clinton
could start reaping the rewards for his work of
putting Barak in place" as prime minister, and ousting
Netanyahu. What I.O.U.'s could Bill and wife Hillary
have wanted to cash in? Well, Hillary was obviously
intending to run for the seat of retiring U.S. Senator
Daniel Moynihan, of the State of New York. But, Texe
Marrs reports, John F. Kennedy Jr. had been approached
by the powerful men who run the New York State
Democratic Party machine, and these men had offered
to back John F. Kennedy Jr. in the campaign for that
U.S. Senate seat. Additionally, JFK Jr. had strong
support from the Orthodox Jewish faction in Israel,
which was and is in fierce competition with the
liberal Jewish faction, the latter being
supported by President Bill and Co-President
Hillary Clinton. Bill and Hillary were cashing
in their I.O.U. by getting Prime Minister Barak,
who was COINCIDENTALLY visiting the Clinton White
House during the week that John F. Kennedy's plane
had crashed (was it before or after; I don't know)
... by getting Barak and his faction of the Israeli
spy agency, the Mossad, to create the accidental
plane crash of the man who was a threat to the
liberal faction in Israel. This liberal Israeli
faction is and has been in a power struggle with
the Orthodox Jewish faction who want no part of
the Middle East Peace Plan. The Orthodox Jewish
faction had, some few weeks before the plane crash,
met with John F. Kennedy Jr. in Canada, and had
agreed to finance his sagging GEORGE Magazine
business. MOREOVER, Texe Marrs reports that, on
Labor Day, a symbolically opportune holiday for
the Democratic Party, John F. Kennedy was going to
announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat
from the State of New York. Again, he had solid
backing from the Wagner clan and the other power
brokers who control the state Democratic party.
These people were offended that Hillary, on the
outs with them, would dare to seize upon the
Senate seat that they owned. This Hillary factor
appears to be the major reason why the New York
power clique wanted to launch JFK Jr. He was on
their side all the way. His uncle, Robert F.
Kennedy, had been a U.S. Senator from New York.
And so, the wheels were set in motion to put
the brakes on John F. Kennedy Jr. before he
could announce his candidacy to the world,
for the task of his demise would have been
EXTREMELY problematic had they waited until
the American people would be awakened to the
reality that Kennedys are ALWAYS killed when
they set their sights on the White House.
I liked JFK, and I liked his son. He was always
John-John in my memories.  One final thing.
Texe Marrs also reports that JFK Jr. was
about to meet with high-level Mossad officers
on the subject of the Rabin assassination.
I surmise that this was the Mossad faction
siding with the Orthodox Jewish political
faction who see their nation in deep danger
of being taken over by the masters of the
New World Order. There is a power struggle
in motion which reaches from Washington to
Tel Aviv. And the liberal faction of the
Mossad seems to have been the dagger that
was just flashed in the night.

             John DiNardo

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