-Caveat Lector-

Thanks a million Alfred,

They are having rather strange ceremonies at the Cathedral also..well for a
supposed Anglican Cathedral. Will send.


DIG alfred webre wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In 1982, prior to a health fair held at the community center next
>  to St John the Divine cathedral in Manhattan we witnessed several tall,
> angular hominoids patroling the grounds, with marked reptoidal features.
> They looked like "homo sapiens sapiens" from superficial appearance,
> and were quite sinister in appearance; totally in contrast from the crown
> which was gathering for the health fair.  They acted as if the "owned the
> place", sort of setting out a perimeter for the fair.  They disappeared about
> a half-hour befor the actual opening of the health fair.  We do not know if
> these are "reptoids", but the whole experience was exceedingly strange and
> sinister.
>  =====
>  Hi there,
>  You may have had this one pass your way, but I heard there was an
>  underground base under the Cathedral of St John the Divine at Manhattan.
>  Does anyone know any more about this please.
>  Nicky
>  --------------------
>  <snip>
>  http://www.anomalous-images.com/christo.html
>  Rest of story at this url

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