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        Notable News Now
        Excerpts from FCF Programming, and other FCF projects.
January 11, 1999
Inside Stories


The Free Congress Commentary
Don't Give In To The Fear
by: Lisa S. Dean
There has been much fuss made in the press lately about the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation's proposed regulations called "Know Your
Customer."  And why shouldn't there be?  The regulations will require
every bank in America to establish a profiling system on every bank
customer, detailing their deposit and withdrawal habits.  If the person
deviates from that profile, the bank will be required to file a
"suspicious activity" report on the individual and all of a sudden he
will find himself answering to federal agencies as to why he deviated
and what he did with his money.
So far, the FDIC and other agencies involved have received over 6,600
letters from the public opposing the plan as a severe violation of their
privacy.  Those people are right to complain.  Traditionally federal
agencies aren't accountable to anyone for their actions, and it's
proposals like "Know Your Customer" that these agencies should come
under severe scrutiny for even introducing.  When federal agencies step
out of line, the citizens are right to set them straight.
While the proposal itself is troublesome because it represents a mindset
within federal agencies that our constitutional rights don't matter,
what's even more troubling is the attitudes of a growing number of
people in the country when it comes to criticizing or expressing an
alternative viewpoint from the government's.
The Free Congress Foundation. as well as other organizations such as
Sovereign Citizens Against Numbering, have been laboring day and night
urging people to respond during the comment period which ends on March
8th.  While many have already done so with pleasure, we hear from a
growing number of people in America whose immediate reaction is "but if
I respond in opposition to this proposal, what's to stop them from
putting ME on a list to target later on?"
That attitude is astounding!  While many of us complain that Americans
no longer understand the Constitution, we generally think of it in the
context of claiming to have rights under it that don't exist in that
document. but never have we thought of it in terms of people forgetting
what rights they really have and that they can still be exercised
because our Constitution, contrary to the wishes of the Clinton
Administration, are still very much in force today.
We still have the right to freedom of speech.  That freedom gives us the
right to criticize the branches of government, including the president
and agencies working under him.  The minute we begin to believe that we
can no longer exercise that right for fear of being punished by that
same government we dare to criticize, we have changed our form of
government without a single vote and given in to the very wishes and
desires of this Administration who would like nothing more than to kill
the Constitution itself.
Many of you who are listening tonight understand your Constitutional
rights and care very deeply about the many ways in which they are being
eroded by the Clinton Administration.  Be very, very careful never to
fall into that trap where you believe that if you exercise those rights,
you will be punished.  The second the government senses fear in you,
will be the same second where you will become a target because you will
have relinquished your rights which made you a free citizen in the first
place and now subject to a power-hungry government which doesn't view
you as a human being, created by God, but rather an instrument to
further strengthen its power.  For the sake of yourself, your families,
and your fellow citizens, keep the Constitution alive by not giving in
to that fear.
Lisa S. Dean is the Vice President of the Free Congress Foundation's
Center for Technology Policy.
Contact: Lisa Dean @ Free Congress Foundation  202.546.3000

Program Excerpts:

*       Is Clinton "Bugging" Americans?
"You know, they complain quite often about Linda Tripp, which is you
know, the second party of a conversation taping, well, we're talking
about an unknown third-party listening in.  And in essence, you know,
we're not just talking about your or my telephones, but we're also
talking about the computers that, say, run the federal reserve banks,"
said Charles Smith, president of the company, Softwar, and an expert in
computer security and encryption.  Smith, a guest on "Endangered
Liberties", which aired its radio debut on Radio America Friday evening,
discussed the Clipper project, a project by the Clinton administration
which tried to implement a plan allowing them to bug the American
public. The project, as of yet, has not succeeded.  Smith said, "One of
the reasons why the project died was because, well, Alan Greenspan
simply told them to get out of his office.  You know, they came in, they
proposed the idea to him, he said, 'You're crazy.  You want me to trust
what - the entire, what is it, $23 -30 trillion that we ship over the
line?" Smith provided an explanation of the Clipper Project saying,
"Basically, the Clipper Project was a chip developed by the National
Security Agency that's over in Fort Mead, Maryland.... Those are the
guys that listen in on radios and telephone broadcasts, and basically,
they're also the code breakers. And, you know, since the chip was
designed to provide computer and voice security, and the idea here was
that it would be mandatory for all manufacturers to put the chip in
their computers, fax machines and phones.  Now, the beneficiary side to
this is that we would now have secure cell phones and secure handhelds,
as well as secure computer email, and secure banking and finance
transactions.  But of course, the downside was, there was a secret
exploitable feature, sort of like a backdoor, actually it was a backdoor
with the keys being held by certain government agencies.  The backdoor
terminology, obviously, we're talking about information warfare tactics
and techniques, obviously that goes back to the old Cold War days....
The objective here for the government, at least according to the FBI and
Justice Department is that the Federal Government didn't want to trust
us with secure email and secure radios and secure cell phones, simply
because, well, gee, we might engage in criminal activity or become
terrorists.  So, therefore, in order to maintain their wiretapping
capability, they decided they would require, through a mandatory
legislation, that this event occur, and Clipper become "the thing".
It's kind of like a V-chip, but in everything - fax phones, and not just
your personal computers, but we're also talking about computers in major
corporations."  Guest host Cliff Kincaid queried Smith, "Give us the
latest in terms of the current status of this plan, and also I
understand, you've gotten a document out of the FBI indicating that the
discredited convicted felon, Webster Hubbell, had a role in developing
this."  Smith responded, "The plan currently, the Clipper chip itself,
has died an ugly death.  The concept though, still lives on in the form
of they would like independent keyholders to hold things so they can
subpoena them.  And of course, the keyholders would be licensed by the
Commerce Department.  And all of this really ties together to the same
basic concept - they would like to have a backdoor.... Now here's the
concept.  Web Hubbell apparently was appointed by Ms. Reno in this.  He
was appointed in early 1993.  The document that we've obtained confirms
that it was written from William Sessions to Mr. Hubbell in June of '93,
reporting that Mr. Hubbell had attended a classified and a secret White
House meeting with the National Security Council on how to address the
encryption issue.  And their suggestion, at that time, was to make it
mandatory.  That kind of went over very poorly - the mandatory, you
know, possible legislation.  So the concept really has not died, it has
simply just gone undercover.  They have tried very hard in between now
and then.  The FBI Director and Ms. Reno.  Ironically...Mr. Hubbell, is
a convicted felon.  He also took...about half a million dollars from the
Lippo group.  And within days of him taking that money in 1994, John
Huang gets into the Commerce Department at a secret position, and
immediately requests, and receives, thirty-seven briefings on
encryption.  Now, think of this in terms of the Chinese military.  They
were quite interested in this technology.  We've discussed the
information warfare - how to put a backdoor in a computer chip at the
computer chip level; how to recognize one, how to manage the operation.
Not only were the Chinese aware, I think apparently, they had their own
agents at the highest level.  We know that Chinese agents made it into
the White House.  And they were definitely very clearly interested in
this technology, because we also have documented evidence of more than
one export authorized with the personal signature of Bill Clinton."
Smith articulated, "In essence, what they did here, is...they've passed
to the Chinese the version that doesn't have a backdoor.  One of the
reasons why the Chinese penetrated this operation was to make sure that
anything that we eventually shipped to them, such as the secure
satellite communications systems, were clean..."  Kincaid questioned,
"You're telling us that the Clinton administration has a general policy
of restricting exports of these encryption products, except when it
comes to Communist China?"  Smith replied, "Absolutely.  It's well
documented.  In fact, the GAO put it in one of their reports, that Bill
Clinton personally authorized the transfer of the secure air traffic
control system to the Chinese Air Force, since they run the Chinese Air
Traffic Control System over there, and since then, the Chinese have
since modified this system and sold it to the Iraqis.  That's what we're
bombing.  It's an integrated air defense system that's secure using
fiber optics systems.  And they're American built."
Contact:  Producer, Joseph Starrs  202.546.3000

Endangered Liberties, starting in January of 1999, goes live on Radio
America, Friday nights at 7 pm Eastern.  Join Lisa Dean and Paul Weyrich
as they continue the tradition of exposing the people that threaten your
liberty.  Listen live at  Or listen via satellite
at Satcom C-5 Transponder 15, Channel 10-1; or on Galaxy 4, Channel 63
at Satcom C-1 TVRO.

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Investigator reports:
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Rising and Bill in a China Shop.
(Information regarding each individual program is below.)
Beneath Utah's landscape lies a quaking scandal with aftershocks that
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act of environmental kindness or political profit making?

American Investigator goes behind the bamboo curtain to unmask the
forces driving the Lippo scandal.  Exclusive witnesses from the
princeling power structure reveal details and critical new findings on
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Inexplicable real estate deals...millions in money laundering...weapons
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behind the Long Beach take-over and who's paying for it.

They had access bought with illegal campaign contributions.  But where
does a developing country like China go to find the hard currency to
influence U.S. elections?  With some highly secretive insider trading
from Little Rock to Wall Street, China has made millions floating their
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A year ago, American Investigator broke the story of sensitive American
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Visit Our Website at

This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and
Education Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily  reflect the
views of the Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or
hinder the passage of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002
Project Manager:  Angela Wheeler * 202.546.3000 x450 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Copyright * 1999 Free Congress Foundation - All Rights Reserved.

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