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Second Man Quarantined In Berlin Ebola Scare
Updated 12:33 PM ET August 5, 1999
By Deborah Cole
BERLIN (Reuters) - A second man was in quarantine in Germany Thursday
after a friend who accompanied him to West Africa was hospitalized in
an isolation ward with a mystery illness doctors fear could be caused
by the deadly Ebola virus.

Health officials stressed the second man had so far shown no signs of
illness. He returned Sunday from a two-week working trip to Ivory
Coast with a 40-year-old filmmaker who was airlifted Tuesday to
Berlin's isolation hospital.

There was still no word Thursday afternoon on the results of blood
tests on the sick man, identified as Olaf Ullmann from the eastern
border town of Frankfurt-an-der-Oder.

Medical staff wore hermetically sealed suits and breathing apparatus
as they treated him. They also were restricted to the medical

Ullmann was thought to be suffering from a viral hemorrhagic fever.
Its symptoms are likely to have been caused one of by four
potentially fatal tropical viruses -- Ebola, Marburg, lassa or
dengue, medical experts said.

Like all viruses there are no cures. All that can be done is to treat
the symptoms and hope the patient pulls through.

Ebola, which causes high fever and severe bleeding, is one of the
most deadly viruses known. It killed 81 percent of victims in a 1995
outbreak in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Authorities erected a 6-foot-high fence around the ward where Ullmann
was being treated, and security guards were deployed to patrol the

The tough measures sparked frenzied media speculation about the case
and whether he may have infected other passengers on the flights he
took home from Africa.

"Will his fellow passengers spread the virus around Europe, could
tens of thousands of people already be affected?" asked Germany's
mass-readership Bild newspaper.

Health authorities said any threat that the man might have infected
others on his flights from the Ivory Coast via Zurich to Berlin was

Camera teams and photographers were lined up at the gate to the
Charite treatment center from the early morning, trying to catch a
glimpse of the man, whose bed is inside a plastic tent.

Doctors on the wooded grounds of the hospital said they were
frustrated by the media attention and the disruption.

"This media circus is just what a patient in such a condition does
not need," said Birgit Zippel, an asthma specialist. "There is no
reason for this hysteria -- not for the general public and not for
those of us working here."

Swissair, the airline that flew the men and their partners back from
Africa, said it had made its passenger lists available to the German
health authorities and was able to identify who sat near the group.

"But we have no decision on what the illness is and therefore what
precautions to take as yet," Swissair spokesman Erwin Schaerer told
Reuters. He said he had no knowledge of other passengers being

The cameraman's wife was not in quarantine, nor was the girlfriend of
the second man. Both were being carefully monitored along with the
medical staff who attended the cameraman in his home town before he
was transferred by helicopter to Berlin.

"He was pretty exhausted but we were all exhausted and we couldn't
possibly imagine that something might be wrong with him," Ullmann's
wife Kordula told Reuters.

Two help lines were set up to answer the public's questions.




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