Greetings Fellow Listers,

 Also of major note, this is not especially new.
Kids at many of the major tech schools in the city
(The Apple of course) have been playing around
with this stuff since the seventies.  

  The makers use two narrow beam ultrasonic waveforms
that intersect at a given point they then form a
a deference tone, by way of cancellation.  Each wave form should
be modulated at 45 to 180 degree opposition to the other.
This does not mean positionally 180, but on a scope
the waveforms display would show this opposition.   

 A wave form of 450khz and 440 khz would form a deference tone
of 10khz

  This task could even be done mechanically provided you were clever
enough to parse the entire task (creating a deference tone) into
small 'doable' parts, and then had a competent implementation method.  

It is also worth noting a deference tone can also be formed to create a powerful
low frequency shockwave that could render a person unconscious,
or worse. Imagine a 150 decibel 10 hertz waveform resonating
momentarily from your chest cavity, or a major blood vessels in your
brain.  Presently to accomplish this effect it recommended that the
object be at a perpendicular angle to the waveforms, else the effect
is diminished. How 'diminished,' is an area that generates ferocious arguments,
and can end collaborative problem solving efforts.

But for the purpose of the sound envelope of a musical piece this is not the case.     

  Finally, don't ever go to a psych emergency room complaining of voices
if the accompanying voices caused you to experience major gastrointestinal
distress, as well ear popping, and or explosive belching.  

You are probably somebody's guinea pig, or as they now say in the nabe

Doctor Nkrumah The Psychiatric Sharecropper done come up with a new
bale of hay.

How are you getting along with your spouse or landlord? Are you a cute female
with a 'mediocre' tech nerd for a neighbor? And now suddenly you are now having dreams
of intimacy about sweaty oaf? Dreams that often are correlative to your waking up often,
say 1:00am to 3:00am to go to the bathroom?       


Ps. For now, as well the last 30 years the cops
     do not have clue about this tech or what to
     about it and the psych community is too emb-
     arassed to talk.  Dr Mike Baden the 'Guns
     Knives Baseball Bat' Coroner of HBO fame  
     is actually a 'space alien' disguised as a human
     being, impersonating a slug.      

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