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Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 13:35:44 -0500
From: SW PA JBS Section Leader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Patriot Awarness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: [JBirch] Get US Out of the UN (Yet another reason!)


The U.N.'s Dirty Little Secret
The international body refuses to condemn anti-Semitism.

Monday, December 8, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST

Last week, the U.N. once again proved itself incapable of rising to the moral 
challenges embraced in its founding Charter: "tolerance," "the dignity and worth of 
the human person" and "equal rights." A draft resolution on anti-Semitism--which would 
have been a first in the U.N.'s 58-year history--was withdrawn in the face of Arab and 
Muslim opposition.

Daily incidents of anti-Semitic violence around the globe are reported in the media. 
Yet while leaders of the Free World condemn synagogue bombings in Turkey, firebombings 
of Jewish schools in France, and the hate speech of Malaysia's president who now heads 
the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the U.N. moves in the opposite direction, 
encouraging the proliferation of this centuries-old hatred.

In marked contrast, other forms of intolerance continue to consume the U.N.'s 
attention and resources. A special rapporteur mandated by the U.N. Commission on Human 
Rights reports regularly to the U.N. on "discrimination against Muslims and Arab 
peoples in various parts of the world" including any "physical assaults and attacks 
against their places of worship, cultural centers, businesses and properties." An 
entire 2003 Commission resolution "combating defamation of religions," mentions only 
prejudice against Muslims, Arabs and Islam.

Condemnation of anti-Semitism--which ought to be axiomatic--engenders controversy and 
intransigence at the U.N. At this year's General Assembly, Ireland asssumed the role 
of gatekeeper, slamming the door in the face of a resolution to protect Jewish 
victims. Ireland has shepherded resolutions on religious intolerance through U.N. 
bodies for nearly 20 years without introducing anti-Semitism. In mid-November current 
events prompted demands in the Irish Parliament for an explanation of this omission 
from Foreign Minister Brian Cowen. The shabby excuse offered at that time was to 
sacrifice Jewish rights on the U.N.'s alter of "consensus and a wide level of 
In plain language, to Ireland, Arab and Muslim opposition to condemning anti-Semitism 
meant . . . cut and run! Irish unwillingness or inability to stand up for principle at 
a time when it is assuming the Presidency of the European Union, does little to 
enhance the credibility of either the U.N. or the EU as honest brokers in the Middle 
East peace process.

The behind-the-scenes story of this Machiavellian plot involves an Irish breach of a 
deal struck between Foreign Minister Cowen and Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom 
only two weeks ago. Israel agreed to drop efforts to include "anti-Semitism" in the 
religious intolerance resolution in exchange for a promise from Ireland to introduce a 
new resolution specifically on anti-Semitism. But after the General Assembly's Third 
Committee adopted the resolution on religious intolerance minus any reference to 
anti-Semitism, Ireland refused to carry out its side of the bargain.

>From the common era to the modern age, genocidal persecution of Jews has been 
>justified by whichever label has served the perpetrator's interests: Religion, race, 
>ethnic origin or nationality have all functioned, at one time or another as grounds 
>for anti-Semitism. Ironically, the U.N. today can find none of these grounds 
>sufficient to launch the vital campaign required to prevent the atrocities this 
>hatred inspires. Instead, U.N. diplomats use the multiplicity of alleged Jewish 
>crimes to place anti-Semitism between the stools. When the U.N. passed a major treaty 
>on racial discrimination in 1965, they omitted "anti-Semitism" on the grounds that it 
>"was out of place." Yet, a matching treaty on religious intolerance, promised by the 
>General Assembly in 1962, was never acted upon.

Now, Mr. Cowen and company are claiming that anti-Semitism is, indeed, a matter of 
racial discrimination rendering it unsuitable for the resolution on religious 
intolerance. This self-serving reversal has been perversely justified in the name of 
the U.N.'s infamous 2001 Durban Racism Conference, which actually served as a platform 
for anti-Semitism.

The Durban Declaration excluded virtually all references to anti-Semitism and the 
Holocaust when it came to the specifics of taking action, and in a devil's bargain 
between the European Union and Arab states permitted a minimal reference to 
anti-Semitism in exchange for including a condemnation of alleged Israeli racism. Last 
week the U.N. General Assembly permitted reference to anti-Semitism in a resolution on 
follow-up to the Durban Conference, knowing that the United States and Israel would be 
forced to vote against.

At the heart of the U.N.'s problem with anti-Semitism lies rejection of the very idea 
of Jewish victimhood. Instead of ensuring that victimhood brooks no discrimination, on 
Nov. 26 a resolution condemning terrorist attacks on Israeli children failed to make 
it through the General Assembly while one on Palestinian children was adopted with 
only four states opposed. Israel was forced to withdraw its resolution because 
Egyptian amendments deleting "Israeli" before every mention of the word "children" 
were guaranteed an automatic U.N. majority.
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan--who has occasionally paid lip-service to the 
problem of anti-Semitism--ignored the requests of both NGOs and the state sponssors of 
the anti-Semitism resolution to weigh in on the importance of the issue with U.N. 
members, or to press the point with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, just 
as he has never convened a conference or written a report dedicated to anti-Semitism. 
The unwillingness of the U.N.'s principal organs and its secretary general to confront 
and take meaningful action against this scourge, including its Muslim and Arab 
sources, is not merely a sin of omission.

The U.N. is an organization founded on the ashes of the Jewish people, and whose core 
human rights principles were drafted from the lessons of the Holocaust. The inability 
of the organization to address seriously one of the very evils it was intended to 
prevent is a scandal of global proportions. In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights declared, "disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous 
acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind." Fifty-five years later the 
outrage is gone, the silence of the U.N. when it comes to anti-Semitism is deafening, 
and the only ones benefiting are those planning future barbarous acts against Jews 

Ms. Bayefsky, an adjunct professor at Columbia University Law School and professor of 
political science at York University, Toronto, is a member of the governing board of 
UN Watch.

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