-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 13:07:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] MMM and Christocentric Theory

Vision TV's Mighty Metaphysical Mamma, the peristent Valerie, was again in
hot pursuit of the Holy Grail last night. The POC'ster has debated some
very skilled Jewish and Muslim theologians online but the most extreme
negation of the Gospel Story comes from a Jewish faction which says THERE
WAS NO JESUS AT ALL. In other words, the story is total fabrication. so
let's take that position to anchor all theories, speculations, opinions in
between it and total belief. Let's call it a "continuum of

This extreme position even goes beyond Monty Python's "The Life of Brian".
At least Brian was a real person, a poor shmuck who got pegged with the
role of Messiah despite his protestations.

This Jewish faction does not deny that there was an early historical
STORY, only that it was a total fabrication. By 300 AD when we had the
Council of Nicea, the writings of Eusebius on "Historia Ecclesiastica" and
"Palestina Persecutorum", there was too strong a historical trail for the
STORY at least, to deny its historical reality. Millions of graves in the
catacombs of Rome by that time were marked as those of followers of
Christ. Could that line of popes all the way back to Linus also have been
a fabrication? No, but who was the first pope to pull off "The Greatest
Lie Ever Told" which is what that Jewish theological faction is saying
this constitutes?

A story also constitutes a THEORY. For example, Discovery has been
presenting historical puzzlements like the story of the Alamo. It is also
a theory about what really happened at the Alamo and that theory is open
to debate.

The Gospel THEORY has to do with "self-actualization" and "human
potential". Is this the highest state of man which is possible, given the
Genesis declaration that while man is FORMED from the dust of the earth,
like "Godbot" (URL below), he is CREATED in the likeness of the Creator of
the Universe? If "God can raise up children from stones" as Jesus Christ
is reported to have said, can God not also raise up children from silicon?
Could a centre of creativity not inhabit a Godbot? Would Hindus and
Buddhists who believe that the psyche can transmigrate, not also say
that transmigration to silicon is theoretically possible? Is there a
metaphysical entity, the "ineffable and imperious 'I'" which acts as a
controller over the "self" and if so, does that self have to be
biological? What will churchianity of the future say about Godbots in the

"What if God was one of us,
Just a bot like one of us...."
- sung to the tune of Jan Arden's "What if God was one of us?"

Perhaps MMM could assemble a panel of specialists in metaphysical
philosophy for Vision TV next time.

Zandu Goldbar
Learned Elder of Zion


***** What would a Model City plus surroundings for "Good Doers" of the "Axis of Good" 
be like, vs. a contrasting city for "Evil Doers" in the "Axis of Evil"? *****

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