---------- Forwarded message ----------
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:19 PM

>From Rayelan, Publisher of RMNews

This "Electronic Pearl Harbor" story smells like a good cover
story --

First it was the Los Alamos hard drives and countless other
records that were lost due to the "fire". Now we are told that a
"foreign country" is probing our networks getting ready to create
electronic mayhem if war breaks out.

WAR??? What war is about to break out??? Has the United States
told its citizens anything about an imminent war? Is this the
first warning from our goverment that we are about to enter a
war? How long before Clinton committed the United States to the
war in Kosovo did America find out something was going on there?
A week -- two weeks? Did we get rumblings? Is this story a
rumbling of a coming war?

Where will the war break out? .... the war that Richard Clarke, a
National Security Staffer and top aide to President Clinton, is
referring to?  He says that unspecified hostile countries were
probing U.S. computer networks for ways to spark mayhem if war
broke out.  "This is not theoretical. It's real,"  he said

What wars are threatening to burst forth on our front door? We
have the border war in Arizona, there is a war in the Chiapas
area of Mexico, there is something brewing in Central America and
South America is erupting in many different places.

There are several articles on Stratfor that support my feeling
that if there is a war looming in the fading months of Clinton's
regime, it will come from South of our border ---

The Latin American Left Re-emerges


Colombia Creates Second Guerrilla Sanctuary


The following URLs are the world wide hot spots that Stratfor has
pinpointed -- Colombia is number 10 -- It is the only hotspot
identified that is in the western hemisphere.


Former Stratfor hotspots include North Korea --


Even though it appears that North and South Korea are trying to
reach some sort of resolution to their 50 year war, reports from
RMNews Sources state that North Korea is poised and ready to
invade South Korea. Stratfor also agrees that while "North Korea
opens up diplomatic initiatives ...  (it)  continues to pose
threats to regional stability."

Which one of these hot spots is going to suddenly burst into a
war that will trigger an electronic Pearl Harbor for the purpose
of causing mayhem in the United States? Will this happen this
summer? Will Clinton somehow try to paylay this into martial law
-- which should be called "martial rule" because all "LAW" will
be suspended!

Coming on the heels of the Los Alamos debacle -- this smells like
a Clinton Scheme to shift the focus from the greatest loss of
national security secrets in the history of the nation -- to a
"hot" war and terrorist attacks by hostile forces.... in other

How many more times are the American people going to allow our
goverment to create wars, bombings, and terrorist attacks, and
then use the power of the government controlled media to whip up
anger at the aggressors and bring the nation together behind the
President. It doesn't matter what President.

George Bush used Kuwaiti infants being thrown on the floor by the
invading Iraqis to whip up the needed patriotism which allowed
him to send our boys into a war that has never stopped for them
.... i.e.  Gulf War Syndrome.

Clinton did the same thing by talking about all the women who
were raped and the tens of thousands of dead Albanians who were
buried in mass graves after being butchered by the evil Serbs.

Both of these were later shown to be lies... but by the time the
American public put two and two together and realized they had
been duped again -- the wars were over. Serbia and Iraq were
bombed back into the stone age -- and America declared victory
and went back to football.

Get ready -- The following article makes me think that very soon
-- we are going to have another slight of hand charade performed
on us, and our exhausted and depleted army will be shipped out to
another foreign country.  Which one will it be this time?
Arizona? Idaho? Colombia? Mexico?

But then again -- maybe the Electronic Pearl Harbor is just a way
of hiding all the other national security secrets that are now in
the hands of our enemies. If all our computers crash and the
goverment loses all its documents, how can anyone every prove we
even HAD the national security secrets that were stolen by our
friends and enemies alike... with help from the White House?

Will there be a Clinton legacy? If the United States survives, he
will go down in history as the man who single handedly placed the
nation in the most precarious position it has ever known!



Foreign powers probing U.S. networks: official

Updated 6:09 PM ET June 19, 2000
By Jim Wolf

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top aide to President Clinton said
Monday that unspecified hostile countries were probing U.S.
computer networks for ways to spark mayhem if war broke out.

"This is not theoretical. It's real," said Richard Clarke, the
White House National Security Council staff coordinator for
security, infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism.

For years, Clarke has been warning of the threat of an
"electronic Pearl Harbor" in the form of blitzes on the
computerized infrastructure that increasingly binds the United

In remarks to a cyber-security conference, he said several
countries were carrying out "electronic reconnaissance today on
our civilian infrastructure computer networks."

They were "looking for ways that they could attack the United
States in a time of war," Clarke told the session organized by
the American Enterprise Institute, a public policy research group
in Washington.

He declined to identify any power allegedly carrying out such
surveillance and also declined to contradict a fellow panel
member, Richard Perle, who singled out North Korea by name.

Perle, an assistant U.S. secretary of defense for international
security policy from 1981 to 1987, said U.S. authorities had
detected "intrusions"  into U.S. networks from North Korea, the
last Stalinist bastion. He said North Korean hackers had left
behind a malicious code designed for possible activation as a
kind of Trojan horse.

Pressed on the source of his information, Perle handed the
question to Clarke, who said he would leave it to the head of the
Central Intelligence Agency, George Tenet, to declassify the
identities of alleged culprits.

CIA and other national security officials have told Congress that
China and Russia are among countries allegedly developing
"information warfare"  capabilities to deal with lopsided U.S.
conventional force strength.

For its part, the U.S. Defense Department plans to make cyber
blitzes on a foe's computer networks a standard tool of war, Air
Force Gen. Richard Myers, now the vice chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, said in January.


Clarke, in his comments to the conference, said he was trying to
prod Congress and the public to ward off a potential computer
attack "in which cities have lost electrical power and
telephones, gas pipelines are blowing up across the country,
trains have been derailed across the country,"

"A lot of people are going to be willing to throw civil liberties
out the window" after any such computer attack, he said.

"I don't know that we had enemy aircraft flying over Pearl Harbor
day after day before the attack for reconnaissance," he said. "If
we did, we might have done something about it."

"Well, we have the equivalent today of enemy aircraft flying over
the target ... doing electronic reconnaissance on our networks.

"And I cannot understand how we as a nation don't see that and
don't react,"  Clarke added, faulting the Republican-led Congress
for failing to fund new cyber-security programs called for in
Clinton's budget for fiscal 2001, which begins Oct. 1.

Earlier in the day, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno urged
high-tech companies to step up cooperation with law enforcement
officials battling cyber crime.

Acknowledging private-sector qualms about divulging security
breaches, she vowed to minimize the impact of federal
investigations on cyber-crime victims.

"Today, I call on leaders in the high-tech industry to address
this problem and take concrete steps to report and encourage
others to report cyber-crime incidents to law enforcement," she
told a "Cyber Crime summit" in Herndon, Virginia, outside

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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