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Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 03:59:07 -0700
From: Les Lemke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Oil Fields Are Refilling...Naturally - Sometimes

Oil Fields Are Refilling...
Naturally - Sometimes Rapidly

  By Robert Cooke, Staff Writer - Newsday.com
  Posted April 10, 2005
  Original Pub. April 16, 2002


  There Are More Oil Seeps Than All The Tankers On Earth

  Deep underwater, and deeper underground, scientists see surprising hints that 
gas and oil deposits can be replenished, filling up again, sometimes rapidly. 
Although it sounds too good to be true, increasing evidence from the Gulf of 
Mexico suggests that some old oil fields are being refilled by petroleum 
surging up from deep below, scientists report. That may mean that current 
estimates of oil and gas abundance are far too low.

  Recent measurements in a major oil field show "that the fluids were changing 
over time; that very light oil and gas were being injected from below, even as 
the producing [oil pumping] was going on," said chemical oceanographer Mahlon 
"Chuck" Kennicutt. "They are refilling as we speak. But whether this is a 
worldwide phenomenon, we don't know."

  Also not known, Kennicutt said, is whether the injection of new oil from 
deeper strata is of any economic significance, whether there will be enough to 
be exploitable. The discovery was unexpected, and it is still "somewhat 
controversial" within the oil industry.

  Kennicutt, a faculty member at Texas A&M University, said it is now clear 
that gas and oil are coming into the known reservoirs very rapidly in terms of 
geologic time. The inflow of new gas, and some oil, has been detectable in as 
little as three to 10 years. In the past, it was not suspected that oil fields 
can refill because it was assumed the oil formed in place, or nearby, rather 
than far below.

  According to marine geologist Harry Roberts, at Louisiana State University, 
"petroleum geologists don't accept it as a general phenomenon because it 
doesn't happen in most reservoirs. But in this case, it does seem to be 
happening. You have a very leaky fault system that does allow it to migrate in. 
It's directly connected to an oil and gas generating system at great depth."

  What the scientists suspect is that very old petroleum -- formed tens of 
millions of years ago -- has continued migrating up into reservoirs that oil 
companies have been exploiting for years. But no one had expected that depleted 
oil fields might refill themselves.

  Now, if it is found that gas and oil are coming up in significant amounts, 
and if the same is occurring in oil fields around the globe, then a lot more 
fuel than anyone expected could become available eventually. It hints that the 
world may not, in fact, be running out of petroleum.

  "No one has been more astonished by the potential implications of our work 
than myself," said analytic chemist Jean Whelan, at the Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts. "There already appears to be a 
large body of evidence consistent with ... oil and gas generation and migration 
on very short time scales in many areas globally," she wrote in the journal Sea 

  "Almost equally surprising," she added, is that "there seem to be no 
compelling arguments refuting the existence of these rapid, dynamic migration 

  The first sketchy evidence of this emerged in 1984, when Kennicutt and 
colleagues from Texas A&M University were in the Gulf of Mexico trying to 
understand a phenomenon called "seeps," areas on the seafloor where sometimes 
large amounts of oil and gas escape through natural fissures.

  "Our first discovery was with trawls. We knew it was an area of massive 
seepage, and we expected that the oil seeps would poison everything around" the 
site. But they found just the opposite.

  "On the first trawl, we brought up over two tons of stuff. We had a tough 
time getting the nets back on board because they were so full" of very 
odd-looking sea.floor creatures, Kennicutt said. "They were long strawlike 
things that turned out to be tube worms.

  "The clams were the first thing I noticed," he added. "They were pretty big, 
like the size of your hand, and it was obvious they had red blood inside, which 
is unusual. And these long tubes -- 3, 4 and 5 feet long -- we didn't know what 
they were, but they started bleeding red fluid, too. We didn't know what to 
make of it."

  The biologists they consulted did know what to make of it. "The experts 
immediately recognized them as chemo-synthetic communities," creatures that get 
their energy from hydrocarbons -- oil and gas -- rather than from ordinary 
foods. So these animals are very much like, but still different from, recently 
discovered creatures living near very hot seafloor vent sites in the Pacific, 
Atlantic and other oceans.

  The difference, Kennicutt said, is that the animals living around cold seeps 
live on methane and oil, while the creatures growing near hot water vents 
exploit sulfur compounds in the hot water.

  The discovery of abundant life where scientists expected a deserted seafloor 
also suggested that the seeps are a long-duration phenomenon. Indeed, the clams 
are thought to be about 100 years old, and the tube worms may live as long as 
600 years, or more, Kennicutt said.

  The surprises kept pouring in as the researchers explored further and in more 
detail using research submarines. In some areas, the methane-metabolizing 
organisms even build up structures that resemble coral reefs.

  It has long been known by geologists and oil industry workers that seeps 
exist. In Southern California, for example, there are seeps near Santa Barbara, 
at a geologic feature called Coal Oil Point. And, Roberts said, it's clear that 
"the Gulf of Mexico leaks like a sieve. You can't take a submarine dive without 
running into an oil or gas seep. And on a calm day, you can't take a boat ride 
without seeing gigantic oil slicks" on the sea surface.

  Roberts added that natural seepage in places like the Gulf of Mexico "far 
exceeds anything that gets spilled" by oil tankers and other sources.

  "The results of this have been a big surprise for me," said Whelan. "I never 
would have expected that the gas is moving up so quickly and what a huge effect 
it has on the whole system."

  Although the oil industry hasn't shown great enthusiasm for the idea -- 
arguing that the upward migration is too slow and too uncommon to do much good 
-- the search for new oil and gas supplies already has been affected, Whelan 
and Kennicutt said. Now, companies scan the sea surface for signs of oil slicks 
that might point to new deposits.

  "People are using airplane surveys for the slicks and are doing water column 
fluorescence measurements looking for the oil," Whelan said. "They're looking 
for the sources of the seeps and trying to hook that into the seismic evidence" 
normally used in searching for buried oil.

  Similar research on known oil basins in the North Sea is also under way, and 
"that oil is very interesting. There are absolutely marvelous pictures of coral 
reefs which formed from seepage [of gas] from North Sea reservoirs," Whelan 

  Analysis of the ancient oil that seems to be coming up from deep below in the 
Gulf of Mexico suggests that the flow of new oil "is coming from deeper, hotter 
formations" and is not simply a lateral inflow from the old deposits that 
surround existing oil fields, she said. The chemical composition of the 
migrating oil also indicates it is being driven upward and is being altered by 
highly pressurized gases squeezing up from below.

  This upwelling phenomenon, Whelan noted, fits into a classic analysis of the 
world's oil and gas done years ago by geochemist-geologist John Hunt. He 
suggested that less than 1 percent of the oil that is generated at depth ever 
makes it into exploitable reservoirs. About 40 percent of the oil and gas 
remains hidden, spread out in the tiny pores and fissures of deep sedimentary 
rock formations.

  And "the remaining 60 percent," Whelan said, "leaks upward and out of the 
sediment" via the numerous seeps that occur globally.

  Also, the idea that dynamic migration of oil and gas is occurring implies 
that new supplies "are not only charging some reservoirs at the present time, 
but that a huge fraction of total oil and gas must be episodically or 
continuously bypassing reservoirs completely and seeping from surface sediments 
on a relatively large scale," Whelan explained.

  So far, measurements involving biological and geological analysis, plus 
satellite images, "show widespread and pervasive leakage over the entire 
northern slope of the Gulf of Mexico," she added.

  "For example, Ian MacDonald at Texas A&M has published some remarkable 
satellite photographs of oil slicks which go for miles in the Gulf of Mexico in 
areas where no oil production is occurring." Before this research in oil basins 
began, she added, "changes in reservoired oils were not suspected, so no 
reliable data exists on how widespread the phenomenon might be in the Gulf 
Coast or elsewhere."

  The researchers, especially the Texas team, have been working on this subject 
for almost 15 years in collaboration with oil industry experts and various 
university scientists. Their first focus was on the zone called South Eugene 
Island block 330, which is 150 miles south of New Orleans. It is known as one 
of the most productive oil and gas fields in the world. The block lies in water 
more than 300 feet deep.

  As a test, the researchers attempted to drill down into a known fault zone 
that was thought to be a natural conduit for new petroleum. The drilling was 
paid for by the U.S. Department of Energy.

  Whelan recalled that as the drill dug deeper and deeper, the project seemed 
to be succeeding, but then it abruptly ended in failure. "We were able to 
produce only a small amount of oil before the fault closed, like a giant 
straw," probably because reducing the pressure there allowed the fissure to 

  In addition to the drilling effort and the inspection of seeps, Whelan and 
her colleagues reported that three-dimensional seismic profiles of the 
underground reservoirs commonly show giant gas plumes coming from depth and 
disrupting sediments all the way to the surface.

  This also shows that in an area west of the South Eugene Island area, a giant 
gas plume originates from beneath salt about 15,000 feet down and then disrupts 
the sediment layers all the way to the surface. The surface expression of this 
plume is very large -- about 1,500 feet in diameter. One surprise, Whelan said, 
was that the gas plume seems to exist outside of faults, the ground fractures, 
which at present are the main targets of oil exploration.

  It is suspected that the process of upward migration of petroleum is driven 
by natural gas that is being continually produced both by deeply buried 
bacteria and from oil being broken down in the deeper, hotter layers of 
sediment. The pressures and heat at great depth are thought to be increasing 
because the ground is sinking -- subsiding -- as a result of new sediments 
piling up on top. The site is part of the huge delta formed over thousands of 
years by the southward flow of the massive Mississippi River. Like other major 
deltas, the Mississippi's outflow structure is continually being built from 
sands, muds and silts washed off the continent.

  Analysis of the oil being driven into the reservoirs suggests they were 
created during the so-called Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods (100 million 
to 150 million years ago), even before the existing basin itself was formed. 
This means the source rock is buried and remains invisible to seismic imaging 
beneath layers of salt.

  In studying so-called biomarkers in the oil, Whelan said, it was concluded 
that the oil is closely related to other very old oils, implying that it "was 
probably generated very early and then remained trapped at depth until 
recently." And, she added, other analyses "show that this oil must have 
remained trapped at depths and temperatures much greater than those of the 
present-day producing reservoirs."

  At great depth, where the heat and pressure are high enough, she explained, 
methane is produced by oil being "cracked," and production of gas "is able to 
cause sufficient pressure to periodically open the fracture system and allow 
upward fluid flow of methane, with entrapment of oil in its path."

  Copyright © 2002, Newsday, Inc.


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