From:  UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 I would like to confirm some of Item 6 in this memo.."SDI"

 In  early November 1998 I spoke by phone to Dr. Robert Jacobs, now an Assoc.
 Prof. of Communications at a prestigious University, about the 1964
 VandenBerg Incident which he was a witness to as far as the film taken. He
 was then a lieutenant in charge of the 1369th Photo Optical Instrumentation
 Team assigned by SAC to film a prototype anti-missile missle test on approx.
 9/15/64, using the most powerful military telescope ever built up to that
 time. He confirmed to me that he was ordered to see the test film his staff
 had taken a day previous (he'd not seen it up to that time) He , in the
 presence of Major Florenz Mansmann, and two or three apparent civilian
 intelligence-types who did not speak, watched a "classic" flying saucer
 the picture when tne dummy warhead had finally separated from its two
 The UFO "beamed' something at the warhead several times, circling the
 while doing so, causing the warhead tio fall dead into the Pacific.

 Retired Major Mansmann, now unable to speak due to a throat cancer operation
 causing larynx removal, has confirmed in writing to researcher Robert
 Hastings the account claimed by then-Lieut. Jacobs.In 1964, Mansmann had
 officially covered up the incident, warning Jacobs of the severity of a
 security breach , etc. Jacobs , after leaving the Air Force , checked out
 incident through the FOIA and learned the event, his service records, any
 proof of the new "BU" telescope etc. had been literally wiped out by the
 USAF, but subsequent independent research confirmed all the corroboration
 Jacobs sought.

 Jacobs stated the civilian "observers" confiscated the film, spliced out the
 UFO portion, and returned the film to Mansmann. In expurgated form it was
 later viewed by a former Jacobs staff member who said he saw nothing
 extraordinary in it.

 In a subsequent report of the Incident written for the MUFON Journal in
 Dr. Jacobs speculates, among other conclusions , that the gov't. may have
 been "warned"  in advance the disabling action on the warhead would occur,
 given the urgency of the test at the time. He also excoriated, in a separate
 report a certain UFO "debunker" for the harsh treatment given the truthful
 account offered.

 I made up a three page report of our 11/98  phone conversation and presented
 it to my Waldwick NJ lecture audience on 11/18/98, having been told by Dr.
 Jacobs I could "quote him" on these matters.

 Thank You.

 Bob Van

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