-Caveat Lector-

>Here is original story - now June take note you are a liar.

And you are an asshole who does not know one iota of NYC history and
gullibly takes an incorrect statement from a PBS site as the gospel truth
and is too lazy to spend even 5 minutes doing a Google search on WTC

Try the following site instead:


On which one finds the following:

New York Trade Offs: Single Trade Districts
The Radio District

A remarkable district of small retail stores once thrived where the World
Trade Center now stands. Small stores specializing in everything from pets
to athletic supplies could be found in the area bounded by West, Church,
Liberty, and Vesey Streets. It was dominated, though, by those selling
televisions, radios, and high-fidelity sound equipment and parts,
particularly the infinite variety of vacuum tubes on which electronic home
appliances once ran.


By the early 1960s, the Port Authority and New York's city and state
governments had begun planning the World Trade Center. Backed by real
estate developers and construction companies, the Center encountered no
effective opposition. Land was quickly bought up, shops closed, and
buildings demolished. It took just ten short years, 1962 to 1972, from the
selection of the Radio District as the site for the World Trade Center to
the completion of the twin towers. That great landmark came at the cost of
a marvelous old part of town.

But since it is obvious that pictures are easier for you to comprehend than
actual reading, you should check out the following site which has a
photographic history of the WTC construction, starting with an aerial view
of the site prior to the demolition of "Radio Row"...gee, not a 'landfill'
in sight....


So Colleen, you owe me an apology for calling me a liar.  But I won't hold
my breathe waiting for it...


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