-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 158

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)

--Election: Silence Is Complicity
--No Legal Hurdle For Putting Weapons In Space
--Pentagon studies the Web surfing habits of kids
--Eco-arson sets off sparks in desert
--Anti-globalist protesters turn to hacking
--New Millennium, Old Struggle


Election: Silence Is Complicity

by Stephen L. Goldstein,
Special Correspondent
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Wednesday, February 7, 2001, P. A-29

To veteran South Florida activist Bob Kunst, George W. Bush will never be
our legitimate president. He believes most of us agree with him: "The majority
of the American people smell a rat. Our sacred right to vote has been

He says he's a patriot: "I believe in what this country stood for. I feel as
though my guts have been torn out." He feels the need to speak out: "To
accept such treachery and remain silent about it is to invite a greater

So, Kunst and his "Oral Majority" political action committee have gone
public--big time. They flew an aerial banner proclaiming "Bush stole the
election" four times over Super Bowl XXXV. Since Nov. 7 they have
orchestrated 60 protests against what they call "the theft" of the
election--in places like Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach,
Tallahassee, Atlanta and Washington, D.C.

They led a "Florida Freedom Ride" from Miami to the nation's capital to
protest at the inauguration, shocked that, along the way, so many people
honked their horns in support and even gave them a thumbs up. According to
Kunst, a dismayed Vice-president Cheney, the window of his limousine down,
saw their signs and heard their chants of "Jail to the Thief."  He vowed that
it won't be the last time.

Look and listen for the "Oral Majority"--replete with its signature "No More
Bushit" sign, buttons and bumper stickers--at the Academy Awards, when Bill
Clinton speaks in Miami on Feb. 10, at the next hearing of the U.S. Commission
on Civil Rights in Miami on Feb. 16, and wherever people congregate, including
4th of July celebrations nationwide.

An equal-opprotunity chastiser, the "Oral Majority" condemns people in and
out of both political parties who silently accept the process and results of
the last election.

"This is not a left-right issue," Kunst contends, "It is a pure American

He is gratified that embarrassed Republicans have told him that "this is not
our way of winning," and even support his campaign. He has no use for
Democrats who, he thinks, are providing no leadership in uncovering the
truth about Florida's contested election.

Kunst refuses to listen to nay-sayers who suggest that we "can't do anything,"
and that he should "give up." Instead, the "Oral majority" has designed an
agenda to tweak, mobilize and wake up America. It calls for the Bush brothers
to resign from office and for a recall of the GOP members of the Florida
legislature, "who abused their authority to override our state's voters."
It wants
Attorney General John Ashcroft to investigate voter fraud in Florida. It
has already
identified a candidate to run against Jeb Bush and is coordinating campaigns
to unseat any supervisors of elections who participated in the "scam" of the
last election.

Kunst is formidable. Don't discount him or even the most outrageous demands
of the "Oral Majority". After four years he made pulp out of then-Florida
orange juice queen Anita Bryant and her anti-gay supporters. He has gone head
to head with the Rev. Jerry Falwell and recently led 16 protests in support of
Attorney General Janet Reno. Earlier on, he helped integrate Miami High
School and protested against the Vietnam War.

He is haunted by the memory of people's silence during the Holocaust: "If
you don't speak out, you are in danger of repeating it."

Precisely because he will never keep quiet, Kunst's latest crusade will
inevitably gain major momentum.

Still, ultimately, restoring our trust in our electoral process isn't about
him or the "Oral Majority." It is about you and me and whether enough people
choose to take a stand--with him or on our own--to see to it that the truth
comes out and tainted elections never happen again, in Florida or anywhere.

Deep down, no one in America, even those who supported Bush, can possibly
feel that Florida's vote was legitimate. We all have a stake in restoring
confidence in our elections, but a few of us realize that all we have to do
is speak out and keep the pressure up on politicians or nothing will change
for the better.

Thus far, the only person organizing any meaningful protests is Kunst.
Whether you are for him or against him, contact the "Oral Majority" at
305-864-5110; fax 305-867-1976; or visit the Web site

Just don't sit on the sidelines. Our collective silence now would be far
more tragic than our disputed election.
Stephen L. Goldstein, author and lecturer, is host of the Public Television
show "Business Exchange" Sunday on WLRN-Channel 17, and "We the
People" on Comcast cable. Email him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Eberhart Sees No Legal Hurdle For Putting Weapons In Space


- Defense Daily: There is no legal reason preventing the U.S. from
weaponizing space if it is needed protect the country, Air Force Gen.
Ralph Eberhart, commander of U.S. Space Command and North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), said yesterday.

"Like national missile defense, if we think it is necessary to put
weapons in space to protect our people and our interests, then I
think we ought to do that," Eberhart said in an address to the Air
Force's "Unified Aerospace Power in the New Millenium" in
Alexandria, Va.


Biggest cyber-rights story of 2001?


The Pentagon studies the Web surfing habits of kids

By Brock N. Meeks

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 - The Pentagon is right now trolling a database of the
Web surfing habits of children. No one knows why  yet. But the Electronic
Privacy Information Center is on a mission to find out. The privacy group
has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to ferret out the answers
and just might kick in the door of the biggest cyber-rights story of the year.
GOD HELP THE military genius that decided snooping around the Internet
habits of kids "is a good thing," because in buying that database, the
military also bought themselves a bare-knuckle privacy fight from EPIC if
they fail to cough up the justification for delving into children's Web usage.
Like sportswriters, EPIC is writing history before it happens, sensing the
ending but not allowed to write the final sentence until the game's over.
"Without getting too far ahead of things, this could turn out to be one of
the big cyber-rights stories of the year," says Marc Rotenberg, EPIC's
executive director.
"Class Clicks," is the name of the database the Department of Defense
bought. It's complied by a company called N2H2 that makes an Internet
content filtering software called "Bess," which is used by some 12 million
public school kids ranging from kindergarten through high school.
The use of such Web-filtering software is on the increase thanks to a
government law that mandates the use of such technologies in return for
receiving government funds, known as the "E-rate," which subsidizes online
Internet connections.
                           DATA SOLD IN AGGREGATE
Last week The Wall Street Journal broke the story that N2H2, late last
year, started to collect and chronicle all the surfing habits of every kid
using its product in school. And then they started to market the
information to anyone willing to pony up the dough. The Pentagon was one of
the first in line, using your money to buy information on your kids. Go figure.
And here's the rub: neither school administrators, nor kids, nor parents
were told their kids were being used as marketing lab rats in this
cheapjack commercialization scheme.
N2H2 officials say that the data is only sold in "aggregate" form and that
no child's personal
information or individual Web surfing habits can be singled out.
But such statements are little comfort to privacy advocates who have come
face-to-face with the darker angels of Internet marketing tactics, such as
those of DoubleClick. That company, you'll recall, was exposed just as it
was launching a nefarious scheme in which it intended to marry a database
it acquired containing tons of personal information on citizens with the
Web surfing or "click stream" data it had been quietly collecting on
millions of unwitting Web surfers. The result: a complete consumer profile
that used real world information to precisely target the nascent online
buyer, creating an instant cash cow for marketers.
The privacy community railed against DoubleClick's scheme; state Attorneys
General threatened to sue and DoubleClick backed down.
"Having just gone through this same debate over online advertising with
DoubleClick," Rotenberg says, "you would understand if many privacy
advocates are somewhat skeptical at this point about a company saying, the
data will only be anonymous, it will not be user identified. So we're going
to look very closely at how N2H2 is collecting and using data on kids."
                           KIDS AS LAB RATS
Even proponents of filtering software should recoil at disclosures that
filtering companies are collecting info on their kids.
And don't let the "only aggregate data" line buy you off.  Rotenberg and
EPIC have enough battle scars from fighting the privacy wars here in
Washington to have a sixth sense about these things. After all, it was EPIC
that drew down on the FBI and forced them to reveal the unseemly details of
the Bureau's Internet e-mail snooping software affectionately code-named
How Bess operates should underscore EPIC's worries: all the schools using
Bess have their traffic filtered through an N2H2-owned proxy server. That
means that the company can, indeed, profile and single out individual kids
before it goes in the aggregate database.
Although the use of children as digital marketing fodder concerns
Rotenberg, his real interest is in what possible use the military could
have for the "Class Clicks" data.
"N2H2 describes the data as being used largely for the purpose of
advertising recruitment," Rotenberg says, "which is possible and may be
permissible, but again, we've pursued the Freedom of Information Act
request because we're very interested to find out what else could be done,"
he says.
"I think it's reasonably foreseeable, particularly after DoubleClick, that
at some point someone might get the idea that maybe that recruitment effort
could be done more effectively if it was on a one-to-one basis, knowing who
the potential recruits might be," he speculates.
I can see it now, just because my youngster is tapping into gijoe.com he'll
be targeted as a potential future recruit.
                BEYOND BESS
N2H2's Bess isn't the only such filtering or access program that poses a
risk for school kids.
A program called HiFusion, which was bought last year by a company called -
and I'm not making this up - MindSurf, gives free Internet access to
schools that aims to "[s]eamlessly integrate home, school, and community
life, all at NO COST to you." And those are their caps, not mine.
I'm sure many schools would jump at the offer, giving little heed to the
fine print  which on my Web browser appears in 7.5 point type  privacy
policy statement, which reads like an invitation to a privacy train wreck:
"We may directly collect the following types of Personal Information about
Children: name, address, email address, parent's registration information,
birthdates, sex, grade level, school name, school location, screen name
permissions, parent's credit card information, computer/internet/videogame
use preferences and habits, information source and entertainment
preferences, household demographics, hobbies, interests, school studies,
general preferences, or such other data that may help us to better tailor
our Services for each Member. In addition, our servers may collect Personal
Information indirectly and automatically about Children's activities while
using our Services, including internet sites and web pages visited."
Did you catch the line about them collecting the "parent's credit card
information"? About the only thing this company doesn't collect are your
income-tax returns and the amount of your monthly child support payments.
The HiFusion program does allow parents to the ability strip away all
identifiable information about their kids from the database, but you'd hard
pressed to find out the exact location on their Web site where you can do
this. This is the industry-blessed "opt-out" choice, which differs from the
"opt-in" approach favored by privacy groups, whereby the company would
expressly have to gain your permission to profile your kids.
It's bad enough that as adults our privacy is assaulted at virtually every
mouse-click and Web page visited, now even our kids can't tiptoe through
PBS.ORG or Barbie.com without being digitally molested.
The new Congress is already cranking up privacy legislation, so it's
possible you will be able to weigh in and tell your congressional
representatives just what should or should not be allowed when it comes to
online privacy issues.
In the meantime, EPIC is out there beating down the doors of the Pentagon,
writing history before it happens, in the hopes it won't have to be revised
when it comes to the issue of privacy and our children's personal information.



Eco-arson sets off sparks in desert


Phoenix luxury homes are among US construction sites targeted by

By Tim Vanderpool
Special to The Christian Science Monitor

Smoldering ruins are all that remain of a luxury home near a Phoenix
nature preserve. Two hawks soar overhead, as clean-up crews sift
through the charred rubble.

So far, nine homes under construction here have been torched by an
arsonist. In one incident last April, a sign scrawled across the remains
of one read: "If you build it again, we will burn it again."

The cactus desert of Arizona is the latest scene of an eco-arson spree
that has swept from Vail, Colo., to Long Island, N.Y., as at least one
group of environmentalists trades in its picket signs for fire bombs.
Convinced that nature cannot defend itself from ever-encroaching
civilization, these extremists have taken up arms against sprawl.

Such acts "are certainly an escalation," says Peter Goudinoff,
a University of Arizona professor who studies American political
movements. "It demonstrates a complete lack of trust in the
nonviolent process."

While there has long been a radical wing of the environmental
movement that has been willing to destroy property - from hurling
paint on fur coats to spiking trees in the Northwest - these arson
attacks have taken extremism to another level. And it is appalling
both property owners and mainstream environmentalists.

"We unequivocally reject, abhor, and condemn these acts of violence,"
says Alan Metrick, communications director for the Natural Resources
Defense Council. "They draw attention away from the real concerns of
a great majority of Americans."

Some environmentalists are concerned the movement itself will be
tainted by the extremists. "To me, these actions are more about arson
than about the bigger environmental picture," says Sandy Bahr,
legislative liaison for Arizona's Sierra Club chapter. "They make it
more of a challenge for us because, unfortunately, we all get lumped
together in the eyes of the public."

  From 1980 to 1999, at least 100 major acts of environmental arson and
sabotage - totaling $42.8 million in damage - were committed in Western
states, according to a study by the Oregonian newspaper.

Perhaps the largest of these was the 1998 arson attack on a ski resort in
Vail, Colo., which caused $12 million in damage. There, terrorists said they
were protesting a planned expansion that would threaten the lynx.

In December, the ecoterrorism moved east. Luxury homes being
constructed on one of the last peach farms on Long Island went up in
flames, torched to protest the suburban sprawl with which the island is

A shadowy group called the Earth Liberation Front has admitted setting
the Vail and Long Island fires. "The ELF is focused upon simply
exposing issues to the public, and causing economic damage to
corporations and entities that profit from destruction of the natural
environment," says Lesliejames Pickering, an ELF spokesman in
Portland, Ore. "And they want to send a message to these corporations
that as long as they continue, there are going to be people in the ELF
and other groups taking actions to stop them."

It's still unclear whether the Phoenix arsonist is acting alone. But notes
left behind at several of the nine local blazes since 1998 - with property
damage nearing $5 million - suggest the attacks are protesting rampant
growth into the fragile desert.

The overall effect of these attacks in halting sprawl seems negligible, to
say the least. There have been no reports of cancelled strip malls, for
example. Luxury homes continue to push further into the desert, and
the Vail expansion went ahead as planned.

Professor Goudinoff says this is in keeping with past violent
movements in the United States. "If you look at the history of the labor
movement, violence really hasn't helped them historically. With the
anti-abortion movement, clinic bombings and things like that haven't
helped them.

"Violence demonstrates a commitment," he says, "and shows how
seriously you take this stuff. But ... in America, it doesn't resonate,
because we have such a nonviolent tradition."

More effective has been the groups' ability to elude capture.
Investigators in Phoenix say they have no suspects, and nationally, no
known member of the ELF has been prosecuted.

The FBI is pursuing the eco-saboteurs under federal domestic
terrorism statutes, and has combined efforts with state and local police
agencies. "If it were just one house or two houses that were burned, I
don't know that it would call for a joint terrorism task force," says Ed
Hall, a spokesman for the FBI's Phoenix Division. "But ... when you've
got about $5 million in property damage, it certainly warrants our

The extreme environmentalism recalls investigations of
"monkey-wrenching," the sabotage of construction sites popularized by
the late writer Edward Abbey in his 1975 novel, "The Monkey Wrench
Gang." The story follows the exploits of eco-saboteurs as they
rampage across the Southwest.

Abbey's fictional techniques were adopted by Earth First!, a radical
environmental group founded in 1980. Earth First! was seriously
weakened in the late 1980s, when an FBI probe led to the arrest of
several members plotting to sabotage power lines at a nuclear reactor
near Phoenix. The group now says it eschews such acts of violence.

Today, former Earth First! activist Nancy Zierenberg falls short of
condoning the actions of ELF and other groups. "But I also see all the
destructive stuff happening to the environment," she says. "In a lot of
cases, these are people who have tried to work within the system, to
fix something that they really feel is wrong, and have been thwarted by
the system. It's an act of desperation and incredible frustration."
For further information:

       Earth Liberation Front

       Sprawl Resource Guide


       Sierra Club Challenge to Sprawl Campaign


Anti-globalist protesters turn to hacking


9 Feb 2001

The technicians at the World Trade Organisation got a bit suspicious
when "journalists" in an online press conference went by screen names
like "NO-TO-WTO".

Still, WTO Director-General Mike Moore gamely answered all questions
thrown at him - until he was knocked off-line by anti-globalisation
protesters with excellent computer skills.

This week, similarly motivated "hacktivists" grabbed headlines,
announcing they'd collected credit card and other personal data on
some 1,400 business and political leaders by breaking into the
database of last month's World Economic Forum.

Increasingly, social activists have turned to hacking to make their
point, breaking into computer systems and wreaking havoc on
organisations they oppose.

The Internet has turned out to be a remarkable tool for non-violent
protest on a scale activists could only dream of before.

The term "hacktivist" was first applied to supporters of the Zapatista
rebels in Mexico's southern state of Chiapas, who have sabotaged
Mexican government Web sites since 1998 and held "virtual sit-ins"
designed to overload servers.

More recently, the tactic has been used in Serbia, Pakistan and India
- and by both Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.

In one case, Palestinian sympathisers broke into a web site operated
by a pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States, stealing credit
card information and e-mail addresses.

The theft of private data is a relatively new tactic, however, that
goes beyond defacing web sites and electronic bombardment of servers.

Anti-globalist protesters contend the WTO's trade treaties benefit big
corporations and rich countries at the expense of the environment and

They consider the World Economic Forum, which holds its high-profile
annual meetings in the Swiss resort of Davos, to epitomise the elitist
dealmaking they oppose.

Protesters who showed up in person were largely stymied by a heavy
police presence at last month's Davos meeting. Online, however, they
effectively surmounted physical barriers.

The net "is another frontier for people to engage in these types of
activities", said Joel Scambray, a security analyst at Foundstone Inc.

The attacks against forum organisers showed just how far hacktivists
could reach: They obtained the travel itineraries, including flight
numbers, of politicians from around the world, and published them on
the web.

"This poses operational security problems, (and) goes beyond what
we've seen before," said Kent Anderson, vice-president of computer
security with the London-based Control Risks Group.

Almost every major corporation and organisation has been hit at one
time or another by hacking, with McDonald's, Starbucks and the WTO
favourite targets of hacktivists.

During the WTO's last major meeting, in Seattle in December 1999, the
organisation faced attempts to shut down its system.

"There were millions of bits of spam thrown at us, but we had a good
defence which bounced these right back, said WTO spokesman Keith
Rockwell, using the term for junk e-mail.

People are still being misled by a copycat web site that uses the
WTO's old name - GATT - and looks nearly identical to the real WTO

"It is really quite clever and quite funny. But it is less funny when
people believe it, as has been the case, and go to a lot of trouble
and then are deceived," said Rockwell.

The newly malicious nature of some of the hacktivism troubles some,

The editor of the Toronto-based online magazine The Hacktivist, who
goes by the pseudonym metac0m, said the "theft of personal info,
credit cards and the like bothers me, for it discredits the legitimacy
of hacktivism as a form of protest and civil disobedience".

"I would rather that those who engage in the cracking of databases
access the documents being crafted completely out of public view and
scrutiny,"' he said in an e-mail interview.

Metac0m credits more effective hacktivists with the downfall of the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's Multilateral
Agreement on Investment in 1998.

"When activists ... posted it on the Internet it was a huge victory
because the public saw what was in that agreement, realised it was not
in their interest, that they had no input into it, and hence they
rejected it."


New Millennium, Old Struggle


By Frank Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Coastal Post
February 2001 (Vol. 26, No. 2)

An age old struggle between people and their rulers
continues into the 21st century, but perhaps it has never
been more crucial. An oppressed, suppressed, depressed and
repressed majority needs to take action against a minority
controlled system that threatens the future of all humanity.

The second Kyoto conference at The Hague brought 170 nations
together to discuss cleaning the greenhouse gas and toxic
filth from our atmosphere. But the USA insisted on citing
trees and forests as "carbon sinks" which clean up pollution
naturally, therefore giving our market fundamentalists more
leeway to pollute. Didn't you know that nature could absorb
our wretched excess? Or are you an anti-capitalist type who
thinks life matters even more than profit?

The rest of the world is dominated by corporate capital, but
retains some humanity and intelligence. The conference ended
with the global gas chamber finding no support but from the
rulers of pollution central; the USA. At a time when we are
in a short term profit induced energy crisis and desperately
need to lower consumption of fossil fuels, the USA is leading
the world into what may amount to a long term disaster.

Those who feel it important that one or another heir-head
presides over the state should remember that Kyoto happened
during the alleged environmentally aware Clinton-Gore regime.
Now that the even smaller minded Bushmen have taken over,
people need to rise above no-choice corporate politics, and
join the global movement to create a political and economic
environment of democratic choice.

The deplorable condition of our natural and social world is
the result of a system which has outlived its usefulness and
entered a downward trend that threatens all of life on earth.
If we continue to be dominated by the values of corporate
capital, which treat short term profits as god and long term
social needs as Satan, we could be headed for disaster.

The dreadful election process showed a new generation what
a half-truth American freedom has always been. That is, if
people interpret it correctly, and not in simplistic belief
that we once had a democracy which was recently stolen. The
USA has never been a truly democratic nation for one moment
since it was established by elitists and slave owners, though
the possibilities for finally achieving democracy may never
have been greater.

The uprisings that began in Seattle and continued with
international demonstrations against corporate domination
of our world, are the most positive trends for the future.
An international movement toward democracy and peace among
people was never more needed, nor more feared by corporate
capital and its servant class. That is why an electoral
threat from the Greens and Ralph Nader was treated as
viciously and ignorantly as were the demonstrators.

Establishment media could not say enough about how silly,
selfish and pampered the Seattle demonstrators were, and the
same charges were repeated about Nader and his supporters.
The hired hands of capital spoke and, as is usually the case,
their mind management programs were accepted by people with
nowhere to go for their information but to the very source
of their problems.

Still, public skepticism is growing, best exemplified by
the majority who do not vote, and the growing number who
actively oppose ruling power. People will ultimately see
through the plastic curtain of consciousness control. It
won't be easy, but the mistakes and tragedies of capital
will serve to wake more people to the problems, and the
critical needs for solutions.

For instance: the idiotic drug war, now into the upper
billions in dollar costs and the upper thousands in human
lives lost and wasted. It continues in South America, with
the dumb Clinton program to invade Columbia that may be
compounded by the even dumber Bush program that could expand
the war into even more nations. This, while more Americans
indicate that they have outgrown the murderous stupidity of
this war, by voting for decriminalization and humane programs
for sick people who need what are now illegal drugs in order
to become healthier people.

For instance: the savagely racist policy in the middle
east, which respects the economic power of western petroleum
interests and the the Israeli lobby, while treating the Arab
world and the Palestinians with total disrespect. Innocent
Iraqis still die under our cruel embargo, while people from
Brooklyn, Paris or Warsaw have a right to "return" to an
Israel which they have never before been to, while natives
of Palestine are reduced to refugee status in a Diaspora
that shames the world, but especially the USA.

For instance: the Star Wars missile defense madness,
supported by the nearly spineless Clinton, and more strongly
supported by the nearly brainless Bush. It will not only
endanger world peace while wasting billions of dollars, but
also threaten further destruction of the environment, with
its component pursuit of space and weather warfare that can
create floods or droughts and murder people without dropping
any bombs on them.

The American dominated system of corporate capital prospers
for the few, by causing the many to live on the edge. It
maximizes private profit and socializes risk, by putting the
general public into dreadful situations they can no longer
afford. Whether it is personal debt, social dissolution,
economic inequality or environmental pollution, we cannot
let the sales talks of sophisticated mind management rule
the day any longer.

In the words of a great philosopher, this struggle will
end "either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at
large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes." To
avoid our common ruin, we need an uncommon form of global
democracy, and it ought to begin in the USA, where the
problem originates.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
"The world is my country, all mankind my brethren,
and to do good is my religion."
        -Thomas Paine
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