>From tmg-starweb-l:

 Earth Changes

 Using the disciplines of catastrophic geology, seismology,
 vulcanology, parapsychology, and public interest policy analysis,
 Journey II develops a new field theory explaining how millennial
 prophecies of cataclysm might be fulfilled €  ’¶ not by earth system
 mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation of EMP weapons.

 Earth Sciences & Psychic Prediction

 Catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, and astronomy do not
 forecast cataclysmic scale earth events (massive tectonic shifts,
 subsidence or rising of new land masses from the ocean, turning of the
 earth on its axis). Yet high psychics such as Edgar Cayce, with
 confirmed records of accuracy, predict these very cataclysmic events.
 Assuming these psychics were accessing accurate precognitive
 information, what might be an alternative mechanism that could cause
 cataclysmic earth events?

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons are a possible trigger of
 cataclysmic earth events. EMP fields can superheat the ionosphere,
 devastating magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing
 massive disruption of the earth€  ’˛s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995
 earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine
 deployment of EMP weapons. EMP strategic warfare includes weather,
 climate and earth event warfare.  Researchers have reported the use of
 EMP weapons in anti-population mind-control operations over major

 get the rest of the story at this site.


 The Judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and
 miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of
 our confederated fabric.  --Thomas Jefferson (1820)
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics &
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