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© 1999, Lauren A. Colby. Version 2.3A Review of "The Strange Death
of President Harding"


A Review of "The Strange Death of President Harding"

The Strange Death of President Harding
By Gaston B. Means as told to May Dixon Thacker
Guild Publishing Corporation (1930)

Warren Harding was elected president in 1920, on the basis of a promise
ofstrong support for Prohibition, but an equal promise not to enforce
it, especially in theWhite House. He kept his promise, so far as it
applied to the White House, but nototherwise, and an enforcement system
went into effect, staffed by federal agents.

Gaston Means was an agent and investigator for the Justice Department's
Bureauof Investigation (the forerunner of the FBI). Means made $83 a
week at his governmentjob, but he made far more as a member of a
political gang (the members of which Iwill sometimes call the
conspirators). The gang was led by Harry M. Daugherty, theAttorney
General. The gang installed Means in a palatial house, situated at 903
16thStreet, N.W., in Washington, D.C. There Means moved in, with his
wife and childrenand there, he spent most of his time. He had at his
constant disposal a $5,000 Cadillacand chauffeur. In the back yard, he
constructed an underground safe for the keeping ofmonies, derived from a
number of scams including (but not limited to) Prohibitiongraft, sales
of Federal Judgeships, dismissal of civil and criminal actions
againstindustrial plants, sales of pardons and paroles, sales of
government lands, etc. Members of the gang included Secretary of the
Interior Fall; Jess Smith, HarryDaugherty's Man Friday, who lived with D
augherty in Washington and spent muchtime at 903 16th Street; Gen.
Sawyer, the President's physician; C.F. Cramer, theattorney for the
Veteran's Bureau; John T. King, a lobbyist and politician; Col. T.
B.Felder, an attorney who served as adviser to the clique; and many

Publicly, at least, Warren Harding was an amiable, kindly man. He
wasincredibly handsome and attractive to the opposite sex, and it was
generally known thathe had numerous affairs with a variety of different
women. Florence Harding,Warren's wife, was older than Warren. Unlike
Warren, who was not an ideologue,Florence was a fervent suffragette and
crusader for women's rights. She was also ascold, and made her husband s
life miserable with her constant nagging.

Early in the Harding Administration, Florence Harding summoned
GastonMeans to meet with her. She had heard, she explained, that a vile
rumor wascirculating in Washington that her husband had sired an
illegitimate son by a womannamed Nan Britton, who lived in Chicago. She
asked Means to investigate the rumorand prove that the story wasn't
true. Means, who fancied himself a great investigator,accepted the
assignment. She promised to pay him.

Alcohol Prohibition was a great source of profit to the conspirators who
formedthe gang. For a price, government officials could provide papers
which allowed peopleto withdraw quantities of whiskey and gin from
bonded warehouses. Also, for aprice, bootleggers could purchase
protection from federal agents who might otherwiseinterfere with their
business affairs. Means, himself, frequently travelled to New Yorkto
handle these transactions. There, he would rent two adjoining rooms in a
first classhotel, e.g., the Vanderbilt. Each bootlegger seeking
protection for his businessactivities, whether they be in Brooklyn,
Manhattan, the Bronx, or wherever, would beinstructed to come to one of
the rooms at an odd time, e.g., 11:42 AM, 2:26 PM, etc.,and to bring
with him the required sum of money. In the room there would be a
largeglass jar, with a large sum of cash, e.g., $10,000 or $50,000
already deposited therein(so as to reassure the client that he was not
alone; that others were also purchasingprotective services). Each
bootlegger would then deposit the required sum of money inbills, while
Means watched through a peephole in the adjacent room to make sure
thatthe money already in the bowl was not removed, and that the required
payment wasmade. Not once was he short-changed, such was the honesty of
his clients. In thismanner and over time, Means brought in $7,000,000
from the New York operations,and similar large sums from Detroit,
Chicago, etc.

While all this was going on, Means' investigation of Nan Britton
proceeded.Through nefarious means, he managed to gain admittance to the
apartment in Chicagowhere Britton was staying, and to actually steal
letters which Harding had written toBritton, confirming his affair with
her. Means also found numerous gifts whichHarding had made to Britton s
son, e.g., a ring, a baby carriage, etc. Thus, theinvestigation did not
serve its intended purpose: it confirmed, rather than disproved
therumors. It also led to the suspicion, in Means' mind, that the
conspirators were usingthe affair to blackmail the President into
signing executive orders, transferring certaingovernment oil leases from
the Navy Department to the Secretary of Interior, who, as apart of the
conspiracy, sold them to private interests (the Teapot Dome Scandal ).

Eventually, Means reported what he had found to Mrs. Harding. She
demandedthat he go back to Chicago and actually steal all of the gifts
which had been given to thebaby. Incredibly, he did exactly that,
returning with all of them except the babycarriage.

Mention has been made of Jess Smith. He was a former haberdasher who
hadcome to Washington with the Hardings and Daugherty, from Ohio. As
time went on,rumors began to circulate of possible indictments. Jess
Smith was a frequent visitor tothe residence on 16th Street and, on the
occasion of one of his visits, he revealed thathe was fearful for his
life; that he thought that he might be singled out by theconspirators
for knowing too much. He had heard that there was a little white powder
which was sometimes slipped into the food or drink of suspected
traitors, to kill andsilence them, and this worried him. He disclosed,
however, that as a protection, he hadkept detailed records of all of the
relevant transactions carried out by the gang,including the Prohibition
payments, etc. When word of this reached the conspirators,they were
filled with fear; everybody had agreed not to talk, but nobody was sure
thatSmith wouldn't talk; he was considered a weak link.

On May 30, 1923, at 4:00 AM Means received a telephone call from one of
hissuperiors, telling him to come to the Wardman Park Hotel. When he
arrived at theHotel, he was confronted by one of his superiors at the
Bureau of Investigation whoadvised him that Jess Smith had shot himself.
It was believed that Smith was carryingon his person the papers which
were his insurance. Means was told to search the bodyand retrieve the

Entering the apartment, Means saw Smith's body lying on the floor with
armextended, a revolver on the ground just three or four inches beyond
the outstretchedhand. This surprised Means very much, because he knew
that Smith had an extremeaversion to guns and had never fired one in his
life. Furthermore, nobody in the hotelhad heard a gunshot. Means
wondered whether Smith had been killed by a little whitepowder and then
shot and moved to the hotel. Whatever the case, Means searched thebody
and found a shoulder harness, holding a large cache of papers. He
removed themand gave them to his superiors. Thus, another crisis was

There were, however, other crises. Florence and Warren Harding had
beenpreoccupied with winning a second term. But Mrs. Harding began to
become evenmore preoccupied with Nan Britton. Ms. Britton had come to
Washington to be closerto the President, and she began seeing him in
both the White House and friends'homes. Mrs. Harding became aware of
these visits and became increasingly agitated.At a meeting at the White
House Florence Harding confronted Means. She had heardthat there was a
little white powder which could be slipped into a person's food ordrink
and would induce death. She demanded of Means to know where she could
getsome of this white powder but, according to his account, he did not
tell her.

In July, 1923, the Hardings departed on a vacation trip to Alaska.
Coming back,in Vancouver, the President was taken ill with what appeared
to be food poisoning,although no one else in the party became ill,
despite having eaten the same food. Theparty continued from Vancouver to
San Francisco by train. When they got to SanFrancisco, the President and
the First Lady checked into a hotel, where the Presidentwas attended by
his physician, General Sawyer, and by his wife. There, the
Presidentsuddenly died.

Returning to Washington for the funeral, Florence Harding summoned Means
toa meeting at the home of a friend. There, Means relates the following

"She continued: 'and one day, he [the President] was writing a letter. I
casuallyasked him - to whom he was writing. He replied that he was
writing to his old father -in Marion. He lied. That letter was to Nan
Britton. I intercepted it...No - I have noregrets. ...............

I was alone with the President... and only for about ten minutes. It was
time forhis medicine...I gave it to him...he drank it. He lay back on
the pillows for a moment.His eyes were closed...He was resting...Then -
suddenly - he opened his eyeswide...and moved his head and looked
straight into my face. I was standing by hisbedside.'

As she paused, I could not refrain the question:

You think he knew?

'Yes, I think he knew. Then - he sighed and turned his head away - over
- on thepillow...After a few minutes, I called for help. The papers told
the rest.'"

After the funeral, Mrs. Harding went to live for a time with the family
ofGeneral Sawyer in Ohio. While she was there, General Sawyer died,
suddenly, in amanner very similar to President Harding. Some months
later, Florence Harding alsodied.

The Harding administration and its aftermath were littered with the
corpses ofpeople who might have revealed many secrets but were silenced.
G.F. Cramer,attorney for the Veteran's Bureau allegedly committed
suicide. Lawyer Thurston, anindependent Boston attorney who collected
Alien Property graft, died suddenly inBoston. Col. T.B. Felder, who
served as adviser to the Harding clique and as Means'personal attorney,
died suddenly in Savannah, GA. John King, a politician and
lobbyistindicted with Daugherty in the Alien Property scandal, died
suddenly in New York. C.F. Hateley, an Agent of the Justice Department
who was close to Daugherty, diedsuddenly at the Burlington Hotel in

In October, 1923, Means, himself, was indicted. The conspirators devised
ascheme: Means was to plead guilty, saying he was solely responsible for
the actscharged in the indictment. He would not talk to prosecutors or
the press and, in return,it would be arranged that he receive a large
monetary fine, but no jail time. At the lastmoment, for reasons which
Means does not make entirely clear, he changed his mind,and testified
against the gang in Senate hearings. At that point, the deal fell
throughand, when he entered his guilty plea, he was sentenced to three
years imprisonment inAtlanta Penitentiary. He served all three years,
and was released July 19, 1928. He did,however, live to tell his story.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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