China’s Blood Trail and the AIDS Genocide              
Begins and Ends With The Rockefeller Cartel

By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

Author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? and

Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare


In 1997 I was approached by a publishing agent from Vancouver, Canada to sell the translation and publishing rights for the American bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? to the Chinese Culture Publishing Corporation.(1) I received a small advance upon signing their agreement, and was later instructed that the Chinese government had given their approval for the project. That was virtually the last I heard of the proposed publication until today, March 26, 2002. I just learned that the Chinese version did not sell well, and the publisher stiffed me for my remaining royalties.

At the time I received their offer, I wondered why the Chinese government would approve of a publication so vehemently contested in the United States by leading government HIV/AIDS officials, including the previous Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher. The book, after all, reprinted the contracts under which numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were bioengineered by the Army’s sixth leading biological weapons contracting lab—Litton Bionetics—a division of Litton Industries, among the world’s foremost military weapons contractors. The book documented the emergence of HIV/AIDS in New York City and Central Africa during the late 1970s—precisely among the specific populations injected and infected with monkey (and chimpanzee) cancer virus contaminated hepatitis B vaccines. That is, white homosexual men and mostly black heterosexual women on two far removed continents.(1)

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola also contained the contracts under which the Merck pharmaceutical company had prepared these definitively tainted deadly vaccines for “cancer virus research” and development. National Cancer Institute and U.S. Army documents proved Merck, the world’s leading vaccine maker and America’s top bioweapons contractor, had taken over this project from another biological weapons research group, the New York University Medical Center. Here, during the mid-1960s, while his colleagues developed blood-typing and transfusion technologies, Dr. Saul Krugman injected Willowbrook State School mentally retarded children with the hepatitis B cancer viruses he mutated and cultured in his labs. The NYUMC was, scientific documents revealed, recognized worldwide as a leading blood typing and transfusion institute.  Dr. Krugman and his colleagues believed that various strains of the hepatitis B virus could be linked to genetic blood types and the subsequent formation of liver cancers in genetically predisposed populations. Their theories, and Army funded biological weapons research, involved various blood-type experiments with related viral strains.(1)

New York Blood and Global Genocide

Initially, before they called this family of viruses “the hepatitis B antigens,” and long before the world learned of other hepatitis strains A, C, D etc., this “special” cancer trigger was called the “Australian Antigen (AuAg).”(2)

This abbreviation also codes for the elements gold and silver. This blood virology virtually mined for the gold and silver for global depopulation—the hepatitis B vaccine and contaminated blood delivered AIDS pandemic. (See the mining cart containing the symbols “AuAg” near the center of the main atrium of Denver International Airport dedicated [by segregated Colorado Freemasonry Lodges] to the “New World Airport Commission. ” The mining cart symbol rests between murals depicting global genocide, particularly striking ethnic populations, while heralding the “New World [Economic] Order.” These color murals are published in Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, pg. 469 and in the full color gallery of related globalistic “art.”)(2)

The book Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? also details in Chapter 13—USAID and New York Blood—the connection between New York’s infamous blood bank, the Rockefeller family-controlled blood industry, the Merck Pharmaceutical Company, and later, their links to the Central Intelligence Agencies covert genocidal operations in Third World Nations, especially Africa.(1) The Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, one learns, was full-fledged “married” partners with Germany’s leading industrial organization during WWII—I.G. Farben—whose chief officials were the cream of the Third Reich. I.G. Farben president and Rockefeller partner, Hermann Schmitz, was also president of the Bayer Corporation, whose stockholders, along with those of Hoechst Corporations received the lion’s share of I.G. Farben assets. Another I.G. Farben progeny, American Home Products, parent of Baxter Corporation, like Bayer and Hoechst, were later convicted of having committed another genocide against hemophiliac populations around the world.(2) More on this later.

The following brief summary of recent articles concerning China’s burgeoning AIDS epidemic reflects upon these historic facts.

Revolting With Chinese Blood

In early October 2002, British reporter Damien McElroy reported from Beijing, for news services in the UK, that Chinese peasants were taking revenge against the government and civilian population for their HIV infections. “China,” McElroy wrote, “is being swept by a wave of revenge attacks by victims of a government scheme that infected hundreds of thousands of peasants with the AIDS virus before abandoning them without medical care or compensation.”(3) Innocent pedestrians were reportedly attacked by “people with syringes said to contain HIV-tainted blood. . . . Anxious residents of Beijing and Tianjin, the two largest northern cities, . . . besieged hospital clinics, demanding blood tests after saying that they were stabbed in the street. The government imposed a news blackout for fear of fueling further panic, especially in Tianjin, where 47 reported attacks prompted workers to call in sick, led shoppers to stay at home and caused some people to flee the city.

“Between 100,000 and 500,000 people from Henan province, in central China,” McElroy continued, were “thought to have contracted the virus after selling blood in a scheme that used unsanitary methods.”(3)

“The virus,” McElroy noted, “was spread after local authorities set up collection units that toured villages, buying blood and returning plasma to donors - a method that helps the body compensate for the loss of blood. Government agencies are said to have pooled plasma in vats before re-injecting it.”

In a related report issued a few months earlier by David Rennie, also for English readers,  a senior Chinese health official painted a bleak picture of the AIDS –stricken population in his homeland. The epidemic, he said, was largely accelerated by “a tainted blood industry.”(4)

Yin Dakui, the deputy health minister, conservatively estimated that there were 600,000 HIV-infected people dying in China. Other experts said “this was a serious underestimate.”(4)

Although the usual risk factors such as drug abuse, prostitution, and homosexuality were acknowledged as a problem, Mr. Yin offered “the first official admission that tens of thousands of peasants got HIV after selling blood products such as plasma to illegal blood stations in the nineties.” But who ran, supplied, and profited from these “illegal blood stations” and “illegal traders?”

One AIDS specialist dismissed Mr. Yin’s estimation of 50,000 tainted blood victims as “a gross understatement.” Others “spoke of infection rates of up to 70 percent among peasants who sold blood in the central province of Henan.

“The senior physician, who asked for anonymity to avoid ‘political problems,’ said the true dangers of receiving blood transfusions in China were still unknown. ‘A lot of people who received blood have not fallen sick yet.’

“Mr Yin's figures seemed to show that blood transfusion patients ran high risks of infection. In the worst hit areas, one in every 2,500 transfusions transmitted HIV, he said.” (4)

That same year, another Chinese AIDS expert, Professor Gao Yaojie, a retired gynaecologist from the central province of Henan, was barred from traveling to the United States to receive an award because government officials had charged her with treason.(5) Dr. Gao was reported to be under police surveillance for raising the spectre of Chinese government complicity in a swelling AIDS epidemic largely blamed on lax oversight of the contaminated blood industry. According to the article, Dr. Gao had “become the unofficial leader of an embattled band of Chinese doctors and scientists fighting to raise official awareness of an AIDS ‘timebomb’ in the impoverished heartlands.” Thousands of villagers were reported dying of AIDS in Henan and neighbouring provinces, “many of them after visiting ‘blood stations’.”(5)

“In typical cases,” investigators learned, “peasants were infected after their blood plasma was removed in inadequately cleaned centrifuges, and the remaining blood pumped back into their arms.” (5)

The American Red Doublecross and China’s Bad Blood

Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, American Red Cross executives expressed concern about China’s growing troubles with their blood banking industry. In a press release entitled “Blood safety in China gains American Red Cross expertise,” written by Mary Ann Kilheeney, the article acknowledged that for-profit blood banking in China was largely supported by American corporate investments. Kilheeney wrote that in the blood center of Zhejiang Province, Dr. Haley, an ARC representative, “witnessed sophisticated work being done,” using “the latest equipment, mostly from American manufacturers . . .” (6)

It should come as no surprise to veteran “blood hounds” that the long arm of global blood banking tracks from America, through Europe’s (mostly German) drug companies, enroute to the rest of the world, including China.

Moreover, much like the United States Army’s special interest in blood-typing, “preventive” vaccinations, and deadly biological weapons, China too utilizes its military, very apparently, to conduct genocide against its own people.

To understand what is happening in China, one might consider the manner in which America’s current mycoplasma epidemic, associated with AIDS and “flu-like” illnesses that resist multiple antibiotic treatments, evolved from bioweapons labs, contaminated military vaccines, and tainted blood supplies. Following the Gulf War, the American news media announced that “experimental AIDS vaccines,” unproven “anthrax vaccines,” and likely other vaccines, given to U.S. military personnel enroute to the Gulf War, triggered Gulf War Syndrome. This mycoplasma-linked illness then spread, according to reputable investigators, to the general public. The evidence compiled and meticulous referenced in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse(7) shows the most egregious scientific documents, some derived from a class action lawsuit ongoing in Huntsville, TX. Prison inmates here were studied by investigators from Baylor College of Medicine in collaboration with Tannox Biomedical Systems—a “health science” laboratory reportedly co-owned by past Secretary of State (during the George H.W. Bush administration), James Baker, III. Prisoners purposely infected with mycoplasma and/or mycoplasma vaccines passed their illness to prison guards who gave it to their spouses. Later, others in the community became sick with this devastating disease. Pathogenic mycoplasma, according to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, in his patent assigned to the American Registry of Pathology that is reprinted in the Healing Codes book, was derived from an AIDS patient. Besides triggering the upper respiratory/chronic fatigue-like illness that so many Americans currently suffer from, this germ, half bacteria and half virus, is responsible for virtually all the symptoms of AIDS. According to Dr. Lo, mycoplasma is a primary co-factor, along with HIV, leading to rampant death among AIDS victims.(7)

Likewise, Chinese government officials and their military are implicated in their AIDS crisis. The Chinese military, news sources reported, plays a vital role in the country’s blood industry. Heavily vaccinated military personnel are the “top blood donors” according to a NewsEdge report from Beijing.(8) The Chinese government insists on military blood “donations.” This is how they secure ample supplies of blood for free that is later sold by blood industrialists sanctioned by the government of China.

Arkansas Blood Trail Leads to China

Communist government officials are not the only ones economically linked to international blood trading. The conservative news forum revealed disturbing ties between American blood bankers centered in Arkansas during Bill Clinton’s governorship and the transmission of HIV/AIDS to various nations including China. In an article entitled, “Is the blood trade responsible for the origins of the AIDS epidemic?, several authors wrote that, “commerce in blood plasma was the catalyst for spreading the AIDS virus, HIV” throughout west central Africa, the United States, and other nations including China.(9)

That article documented the Chinese connection thusly:

In 1997, the Canadian Krever Commission Report revealed that tainted blood plasma from the inmates of Cummins prison in Grady Arkansas was shipped to Connaught [labs] in Montreal from Health Management Associates of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Four of thirty-eight units of that infected batch were distributed throughout Canada and the remaining thirty-four units were sold to corporations in Switzerland, Spain, Japan, and Italy. Despite repeated warnings from the FDA, the Arkansas prison plasma program continued throughout the years of then-Governor Bill Clinton. The Krever Commission also reported that some U.S. hemophiliacs were infected with HIV as early as 1978. Moreover, press stories from around the world reveal that blood products contaminated with the AIDS virus were also shipped from the U.S. to France, England, Israel, Argentina, Greece, West Germany, Portugal, Morocco, and China. . . .(9)

It is interesting to note that, here again, heavily vaccinated American prisoners, routinely inoculated with contaminated and/or experimental vaccines, were obliged to “donate” their blood to provide plasma sent elsewhere by drug-makers, all the while delivering HIV/AIDS.

Furthermore, Pine Bluff, Arkansas is not coincidentally the home of Pine Bluff Arsenal—among America’s premier chemical and biological weapons testing and manufacturing facilities according to U.S. Army publications and submissions to Congress.(10)

The Bloody Pandemic of HIV/AIDS

In an article distributed by Reuters on March 22, 1985, a British Expert, Dr. Peter Jones, head of a center for study of hemophilia in Newcastle, England, blamed contaminated blood supplies for the majority of international HIV/AIDS transmissions. (11)

Although he missed a clear link to contaminated vaccines,(1) Dr. Jones reported in the British Medical Journal that facts suggested that HIV/AIDS “was introduced to the United States not by sexual transmission (as has been suggested), but via infected plasma.”(11) Given all the evidence published elsewhere, it is most likely that blood plasma derived from recipients of the 1974 experimental hepatitis B vaccine given to Central African Blacks and New York’s gay men, and/or their sexual partners, certainly contributed to the rapid international spread of the disease.(1)

“Most plasma collection centers abroad,” Dr. Jones noted, “were not regulated by the U.S. government.” He revealed that international blood brokers operated beyond the law and FDA oversight in bridging the gap between demand and supply.(11) “The international plasma market has long been renowned for its secrecy and for its disregard for the World Health Organization recommendations for national self-sufficiency in voluntary blood supplies,” Jones wrote in BMJ.

Dr. Jones also revealed that donors often sold their blood twice weekly using the same plasmapheresis technology reported by the American Red Cross to be supplied to Chinese blood centers by American companies—firms operating in an industry historically linked to genocidal outcomes.(11)

The Irish Times (July 13, 2001) noted that safety assurances that Dr. Jones received from Armour Pharmaceuticals regarding their blood clotting factors derived from pooled serum taken from HIV-infected Africans destined for haemophiliacs were “a lie.”(12)

Later, Armour Pharmaceuticals along with Rhone-Poulenc Rorer merged into Centeon, Inc. which according to a law suit filed on behalf of a hemophiliac patient infected with the hepatitis C virus through contaminated blood products, was among four leading pharmaceutical companies tied to this blood scandal and to the American Red Cross.(13)

According to The Legal Intelligencer reporter Shannon P. Duffy (October 7, 1999) “a team of defense lawyers representing the American Red Cross” pressed for U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois to hold harmless the named defendants: Bayer Corp.; Baxter Healthcare Corp.; Alpha Therapeutic Corp.; Centeon Inc. (the successor to Rhone-Poulenc Rorer and Armour Pharmaceuticals); the American Red Cross; and the New York Blood Center. The hemophiliac, who sought a $153 million settlement using a pseudonym of “Trojan Horse,” claimed that these “drug companies and the key players in the blood supply network conspired to keep hemophiliacs in the dark about the risk of hepatitis infection.” Also named as a defendant in the case was the National Hemophiliac Foundation, which was “accused of hiding the fact that its medical advisory panel included doctors who had strong ties to drug companies as a result of taking research grants.” (13)

During the 1980s, two of the defendants, Bayer AG and Baxter Healthcare, both marketed blood clotting factor VIII. Both firms were found guilty of knowingly transmitting the AIDS virus (HIV) to more than 7,000 American hemophiliacs. Both firms settled out of court for what amounted to economically motivated genocide.(14)

More Genocidal Background on the Blood Bankers

A brief review of the political and corporate histories of the bad blood defendants may be helpful in diagnosing the genocidal capabilities and motives of these parties.

World War II military background on the Bayer Company reveals startling history. As briefly mentioned in the introduction to this report, Bayer’s President, Hermann Schmitz, also directed Germany’s leading industrial organization-I.G. Farben. He was found guilty at Nuremberg trials for running Nazi concentration labor camps. He merely served four years in prison. According to CBS News war correspondent Paul Manning, Schmitz held more shares of Rockefeller Standard Oil Co. stock than any of the Rockefellers. Farben's principle partner, the Rockefellers, profited greatly from World War II. A Federal Court judgment cited the Standard Oil Co. as America's “Enemy National,” that is, a “traitor” to the American government and people. Bayer was then blacklisted by the U.S. Federal Government.(15)

During the late 1940s, I.G. Farben was “decartelized” by the Allied High Commission led by America’s John J. McCloy—a Philadelphia banker and lawyer with intimate ties to Rockefeller oil and banking interests. Farben stockholders received equal shares of Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF stock.(15,16) Later I.G. Farben progeny included American Home Products, parent to Baxter Corporation—maker of the smallpox vaccine along with the allied European Hoechst-Merck company, Aventis (previously Oravax-Acambis), which also is the sole producer of the West Nile virus vaccine.(17) The West Nile virus, several investigators revealed, sourced from Rockefeller University laboratories that received the germ from Northwest Uganda. There, in central Africa during the late 1930s, virus hunters operating in the vicinity of the Rockefeller pioneered International Agency for Research in Cancer, based in France, initially “isolated” and shipped the germ to America.(1,2)

In fact, American Home Products (AHP) was formed in 1926 but evolved largely under the same direction as Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, that is, from I.G. Farben/Rockefeller financial interests according to cancer investigator and author G. Edward Griffin.(17)

During WWII, Ayerst Laboratories joined AHP and Wyeth International Limited was formed. This company went on to “perfect” the smallpox vaccine according to company promotions.(18)

The smallpox vaccine has been credited by many authors and investigators as having greatly contributed to the broad and rapid spread of HIV/AIDS across Africa.(1)

Additionally, The Genetics Institute, an offshoot of the Rockefeller initiated and dominated genetics industry, is a biotech research unit of AHP/Wyeth-Ayerst. The Institute contributes to Baxter’s product line of genetically engineered products, as does AHP, including the smallpox vaccine.(19,20)

Aventis Pharma, with headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany—coincidentally the home of I.G. Farben and the post-war CIA—was formed by Hoechst AG and Rhone-Poulenc S.A. during their merger in 1999. Aventis’s European operations are currently half owned by the Merck pharmaceutical company. (21)

In the United States, the politically powerful Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA) is directed by Aventis's CEO Richard Markham. Mr. Markham is also Chairman of the Task Force on Emergency Preparedness that has met regularly with Bush administration officials. The Bayer and Merck companies are also heavily represented in PhRMA and its bioterrorism task force.(21) Merck, it should be recalled, was a major recipient of the Nazi “flight capital” that escaped Germany, along with I.G. Farben and Hitler’s chief officers. On August 10, 1944, much of their money was transferred to Merck at the time this company’s president, George W. Merck, was America’s biological weapons industry director.(15) According to Paul Manning, who credited CIA director Allen Dulles for his intelligence and guidance in the book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, the “flight capital scheme” assured the rise of the Fourth Reich. Alternatively called the “Neuordnung” (i.e., New Order) in recently released, previously secret, Farben documents, their plans directed the merger and future growth of the global petrochemical-pharmaceutical and banking cartels. This information was disclosed by Manning and others.(15)

Relevant to this discussion of HIV/AIDS, and it origin, another example of the steady stream of incestuous mergers, acquisitions, and genocidal outcomes frequented by the IG Farben/Rockefeller cartel, was American Cyanamid’s purchase by AHP in 1994. American Cyanamid is infamous for producing, through Lederle Labs, monkey cancer virus (SIV, SV40, and Simian Foamy Retrovirus) contaminated polio vaccines linked to several contemporary human cancer epidemics.(1) This vaccine, and its maker, was cited by retired United Nations official and BBC news correspondent Edward Hooper in his book, The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS, as central to the controversy surrounding the mysterious origin of the pandemic.(22)

Ironically, in 1997, following a decade of legal battles over the deadly outcomes of their allied blood trade, a “Consortium of Plasma Science” was formed by the chief blood banking firms, allegedly “to support the development of a universal approach to eradicate pathogens [such as HIV,  HBV, herpes viruses and more] in whole blood plasma.”

The Consortium was “cofunded by Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation; Aventis Behring; Baxter Healthcare Corporation; and Bayer Corporation.” Now that almost a third of the world’s ethnic populations are expected to contract HIV and die, The Consortium plans to “accelerate the development of emerging technology in the area of blood plasma safety.”(23)

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