-Caveat Lector-

(1) Source:  Year of the Rat; How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for
Chinese Cash,
                                        by Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett, 

A Triad ceremony called "The Thirty Six Oaths of The Hung Mun" sets forth in
detail the rules for a member of a Triad.

Rule #18:  "If I am arrested after committing an offense I must accept my
punishment and not try to place the blame on my sworn brothers.  If I do so
I will be killed by five thunderbolts."


Abstracted from "Amsterdam: Continental Cancer", Chapter 12 of "Triad
Takeover, A Terrifying Account of the Spread of Triad Crime in the West"
by David Black, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1991. ISBN 0 283 99938 1

The commonly accepted myth about triads is that they began as a resistance
movement to the Manchu emperors. The Manchu were from a country north of
China (Manchuria) and were seen as foreign rulers, who took China's northern
capital (Peking) by force, and established their dynasty in 1674.

In the thirteen year of rule of the second Manchu emperor (Kiang Hsi), a
monastery of fighting monks ("Siu Lam") were recruited by the emperor to
defeat a rebellion in Fukien. These monasteries received some imperial power
as a reward. Due to court jealousies, these Fukien Buddhist monks were then
themselves seen as a threat, and an army was sent to suppress them. Eighteen
monks escaped, but only 5 survived further, who are thought to have founded
5 monasteries, and five secret societies, dedicated to overthrowing the
Manchu (also known as the Ching) dynasty, and restoring the previous Chinese
Ming dynasty, which was seen as a golden age for China. Their motto became
"Crush the Ch'ing, establish the Ming".

The family name of the Ming emperors was "Hung", and their colour was red,
so both Hung and red are associated with Chinese secret societies. The
societies called themselves the "Hung Mun". Secret codes were developed, to
frustrate the emperor's spies. However, this secrecy, and the martial arts
training, eventually led to the associations being used for criminal
purposes, instead of political ones. During this period many Hung Mun were
seen as protectors of the people against a repressive and sometimes vicious
regime of the emperor.

These secret societies played roles in several rebellions against the
Manchus, notably the White Lotus Society rebellion in Szechuan, Hupeh and
Shansi in the mid-1790's; the "Cudgels" uprising in Kwangsi province, 1847
to 1850; and Hung Hsiu Chuan's Kwangsi-based rebellion 1851-1865. Hung
called himself Christ's brother, and rebellion (called T'ai Ping) was
crushed with the aid of the Western powers. The Boxer Rebellion in Peking in
1896-1900, involved the White Lotus Society, as well as other triads called
the "Big Swords" and the "Red Fists". Sun Yat Sen, the founder of Republican
China, was allied with the Hsing Chung triad society, in his 1906 rebellion.
Meanwhile, the Western powers and Japan virtually raped China, enforcing
opium drug sales by war, stealing gold and heritage antiques, and demanding
huge recompensation for any affront.

The Manchus (the Ch'ing) were overthrown in 1911, but there were no Mings
left to restore.

Sun Yat Sen's successor was warlord Yuan Shik Kai, who worked with the
triads in corruption. The Nationalist government set up in 1927 in Nanking
was headed by a known killer and criminal member of the Shang Hai Green
Gang, Chiang Kai Shek. The triads took over the government of southern
China, and fought the Communists, later under Mao Tse Tung, for total
control. The Western powers used this "Green Tang" organized crime group to
suppress any labour unrest, and to kill off communists.

When the Japanese invaded most major Chinese cities in World War Two, the
Triads offered to work for them instead. In Hong Kong, the Triads ran
criminal enterprises for the Japanese. The Japanese united the gangs under
an association called the "Hing Ah Kee Kwan" (Asia Flourishing
Organization). The gangsters were used to help police the residents of Hong
Kong, and to suppress any anti-Japanese activity. The gangs were paid
through a Japanese front company, called Lee Yuen Company.

Following World War Two, the target of the West and the Triads became
Communists again, and Chiang Kai Shek's nationalist government campaigned to
increase Triad membership. In Southern China, this campaign was under
Nationalist army lieutenant general, Kot Siu Wong, who had his headquarters
at number 14, Po Wah Road, Canton. This is where the name of the "14 K"
triad is thought to have originated. It was estimated that in 1947, there
were 300,000 Triad members in Hong Kong alone.

When Mao Tse Tung's communists were victorious by 1949, these Triad
nationalists were dispersed to Hong Kong, Macao, Thailand, San Francisco,
Vancouver, and Perth Australia. [The remnants of Chiang Kai Shek's KMT
(Kuomintang) south China army was forced into the Burmese highlands, where
they became pivotal to smuggling drugs to the West, via Thailand, under Khun
Sa]. The Communists suppressed triads on the mainland, executing and
imprisoning many. Mao's Prime Minister, Chou En Lai, banned cultivation and
use of opium in 1950.

In 1956 there was a major riot in Kowloon, which was exploited by triads
from Taiwan. Emergency (Detection Orders) Regulations were passed by the
colonial government, and 10,000 suspected mobsters were arrested. Triads
went into a semi- dormant period. But the cultural revolution in mainland
China was one of several factors which caused massive emigration and social
problems, including a resurgence of Triad criminal activity, much of it
centering around Hong Kong, but extending to several continents.



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