-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 18:27:08 -0400
Subject: 1.5 Million Italians March Against Iraq-Attack

Thanks to Barbara Sayler's 'Church of the Brethren' peace list for this
exciting news! -- John Wilmerding

1.5 Million Italians March Against Attack on Iraq
by Eric J. Lyman, on October 6, 2002
© 2002 United Press International (UPI)

Rome, Italy -- More than 1.5 million Italians took to the streets of dozens
of cities Saturday afternoon and evening to protest possible U.S. military
action against Iraq -- a surprise show of discord that could be fervent
enough for the Italian government to re-think its support of Washington.

[Photo caption:  Demonstrators showed placards in front of Rome's U.S.
Embassy during an anti-war protest, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2002.  Several
demonstrations took place in major Italian cities against possible U.S.
military action in Iraq. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)]

The larger-than-expected protests took place without violence, despite
speculation from some fronts that the gatherings could become dangerous,
especially to U.S. citizens.  On Friday, the U.S. Embassy in Rome
circulated a warning to citizens residing in or visiting Italy to stay away
from the demonstrations because of fears that they could become targets for

But even though the protests were peaceful, demonstrators made it clear
that they opposed U.S. action against Baghdad.  The stance is significant
because up to this point, Rome and London have been President George W.
Bush's strongest allies in Europe.

Most European leaders -- most vocally France's Jacques Chirac and Gerhard
Schroeder of Germany -- have called for diplomatic initiatives to de-fuse
tensions between the United States and Iraq.

"For several weeks, Italians have been saying that they are opposed to
action against Iraq, but this is the first time they have put those words
into action," Maria Rossi -- co-director of the polling firm 'Opinioni' --
told United Press International.  "The sight of thousands of Italians on
the streets protesting against the potential war in Iraq has to be sobering
for government officials who will need public support for other issues."

Government officials were not available for comment on their stance on
U.S.-Iraq relations on Saturday, but local television drew the same
conclusion as Rossi.

"If the government can ignore this ... it can ignore anything", said one
on-the-scene journalist for the network La 7 in Milan.  "On this day, the
Italian people have spoken ... and they say they are against support for
the American position."

Opinion polls support that view, with a week-old survey from Opinioni
showing that more than two out of every three Italians opposed any armed
conflict over Iraq, and nearly four out of five Italians opposed to Italian
participation in such action unless it was as part of a United
Nations-sponsored force.

Most of the anti-war demonstrations took place on Saturday morning, with
the biggest of those in Milan, drawing a crowd that police estimated at
between 60,000 to 100,000 people.

Signs in the crowd showed Bush's head on the body of a hawk -- a reference
to the president's hawkish stance toward Iraq's Saddam Hussein -- and
others that showed Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and British
leader Tony Blair as Bush's pets, referring to their support of
U.S. policies.  Other large morning rallies took place in Bologna,
Florence, Naples and Palermo.

But the day's biggest march was held in the evening in Rome, where police
said as many as 200,000 people gathered in protest.

"Our point is that we cannot support the United States's plan to kill
innocent Iraqis in order to win the upcoming (Congressional) elections",
said Marco Filiberti, 38, a protester who came to Rome with six friends
from the nearby city of Latina.

Claudia Bacigalupo, 24, a teacher from Rome, said she hoped the day's
unexpectedly large rallies would convince the government to backtrack on
its support of Washington.

"We cannot control what the United States does, but we can tell them that
if they want to march into Iraq they will have to do so without the support
of the Italian military", Bacigalupo said.

Whether that will be the case or not is unclear.  In the past, Berlusconi
has paid only limited attention to public opinion -- which, combined with
his eagerness to support Washington on a variety of issues -- might make a
change of plans unlikely.  But pollsters say that because of
the support the government will need to address an array of other domestic
Italian issues, the public's view on Iraq could create a degree of doubt
about the course the prime minister has chosen.

"Over the coming months, the government will try to pass a so-far unpopular
budget, revisit controversial labor reform legislation and start to tackle
painful pension reforms", Rossi, the pollster, said.  "With the economy
weakening, the government may have to pick its most important battles ...
(and) what we don't know is whether Iraq is one of them."

The United States has taken an aggressive stance against Iraq -- including
calls for Hussein's government to be toppled -- on fears that the Iraqi
leader is building an arsenal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

John Wilmerding, Convener and List Manager
Coalition for Equity-Restorative Justice (CERJ)
1 Chestnut Hill, Brattleboro, VT, ZIP: 05301-6073
Phone: 1-802-254-2826 | 1-802-380-0664 (cellular)
CERJ was founded in New York in May, 1997.
"Work together to reinvent justice using methods
that are fair; that conserve, restore, and even
create harmony, equity and good will in society."
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your email address, and your state, province or
country of residence.  Thank you!  -- John W.

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