-Caveat Lector-

Khamenei Says CIA Aware of Riot Plot

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei said Friday the CIA had long been aware of a plot to incite riots in
the country.

He also accused the foreign media of spreading rumors to encourage Iranians
to rebel against the government, the official Islamic Republic News Agency
said in a report monitored in Dubai.

``Such satanic propaganda was meant to free such snakes as the fugitives and
counterrevolutionaries from their nests to incite the masses into
insurgency,'' he said.

Iran is recovering from weeklong street violence and pro-democracy
demonstrations held earlier this month, the worst unrest in the country since
the 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed shah and installed
the rule of Shiite Muslim clerics.

The protests were seen as evidence of growing frustration among ordinary
Iranians with the strict Islamic rule of the clerics, who also have stifled
the hugely popular President Mohamad Khatami's political and social reforms.

Khamenei said the CIA's top official ``had predicted last year that 1999 will
be a year of some unexpected events in Iran, unprecedented in the last 20
years of the Islamic revolution.''

``This, in fact, shows that the U.S. agency was fully aware of the
behind-the-scene moves inciting the insurgencies,'' Khamenei said during a
Friday prayers sermon at Tehran University.

Without addressing Khamenei's allegations about plots to incite riots, CIA
spokesman Mark Mansfield referred a reporter to a statement by CIA Director
George Tenet to Congress last February.

In it, Tenet said Iran ``is more likely to face serious unrest in 1999 than
at any time since the revolution 20 years ago.''

``The situation is very fluid and the more moderate elements represented by
Iran's President Khatami are on the defensive to a greater degree than ever
before in their struggle with the country's conservatives,'' Tenet said.

On July 9, police stormed a Tehran University dormitory, leaving one man dead
and 20 people injured. The action provoked the weeklong protests in Tehran
and eight other cities, including clashes between police and pro-democracy
demonstrators that left at least two other people dead and more than 200

Khamenei said Iran's enemies aimed to use the storming of the dormitory to
encourage insurgency.

However, he acknowledged that the raid on the dormitory was ``a bitter

``I have not come to a clear and definite conclusion for the logic behind the
attack on the students' hostel at Tehran University. All its dimensions are
not clear to me,'' he was quoted as saying.

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