-Caveat Lector-

5 wounded at Jewish community center in L.A.

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


LOS ANGELES (August 10, 1999 4:08 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - A young man sprayed the lobby of a
suburban Jewish community center with gunfire Tuesday, wounding five
people, including three children, before escaping. A manhunt was under

Police searched the grounds of the North Valley Jewish Community Center
and the Granada Hills neighborhood, police Cmdr. Dave Kalish said.

"He burst into the lobby of the community center and began firing 20 to 30
shots from a 9 mm Uzi. He then walked down a hallway, left the building
and left campus," fire spokesman Steve Ruda said. He said the shooter,
described as a white male, was in his teens.

The motive for the shooting was unknown. Authorities said they had no idea
if it was a hate crime.

Twenty-two other little children were taken from the center to a nearby
temple after the 10:50 a.m. shooting. Ruda described the children as "wide-
eyed." The children were attending a summer camp at the center.

Ruda said an 8-year-old boy was in very critical condition. The older
woman, whose age was given as 55 or 65, also was in critical condition.
Two other boys, ages 8 and 6, were in stable condition. A 16-year-old girl
was in stable condition.

Paramedics and police descended on the center in the initial confused
moments after the gunfire.

One woman was seen being treated on a sidewalk adjacent to the parking
lot. A young boy was rushed out of a rear building on a stretcher and put
aboard a fire helicopter. Groups of little children were led away by adults
and officers.

Worried parents gathered behind yellow police tape as officers worked to
assure them that their children were all right. Some wept as they clutched
each other, waiting for word of their children.

"He's OK! He's OK!" one mother shouted when she heard about the fate of
her son.

Other parents spoke with school officials who tried to arrange rendezvous
point with their children elsewhere in the area.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said that older
children from the Jewish center were touring the Museum of Tolerance at
the time. They were not immediately told of what happened at the center,
he said.

At the White House, Vice President Al Gore offered Los Angeles Mayor
Richard Riordan federal assistance in capturing the gunman. He offered
his thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.

"We're monitoring the situation very closely," Gore said. "There is still a
great deal we don't know, except the fact that we've seen a neighborhood
and a community shattered by violence."

The North Valley Jewish Community Center, 30 miles northwest of
downtown in the Granada Hills area of the San Fernando Valley, provides
nursery programs, child care and camp activities.

The center has large main building, a smaller houselike structure, pool and
tennis courts.

Parents and relatives in tears rushed to the school.

"I have a granddaughter and don't know how she is or anything," one
distraught woman said.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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