-Caveat Lector-


But first to:

The Alchemy of Numbers – War and 9.11

I started full time number crunching investigations in January 1987 aged 44 years, and my research concerned the Bible, and the gestation and incubation periods of animals and birds thanks to the Zoological Society of London, and also measurements of ancient architecture, and some elementary scientific standards of measurement and events in time.

My suggestion that September 11th 2001 was a preplanned Time Marker has been refuted by some Skeptics to such an extent on one particular Message Board that I was banned when I showed how 9.11 links to other dates.

And it over 3.5 years earlier, was on May 16th 1983, that I had my first and only open-eye Biblical like apparition, when at 2:30am I was woken up whilst sleeping next to my sleeping wife and looked towards the windows, when the curtains ‘disappeared’ and in their place was a large white screen. Then, the metaphysical ‘movie’ first showed me a wilderness location, and temporary accommodation units of a rather different type, in that each unit consisted of four interlocking circular and tents standing on a 10 x 10 meter square base. I knew it was exactly 10 meters because a ‘voice’ spoke into my mind. The second part of the apparition was seeing the Adversary himself, but Satan had taken on the form of a waxwork look-alike Margaret Thatcher, the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I knew she was a wax image because she started to melt from the head down and slowly I saw Satan appearing as standing inside her looking directly at me. And after a few minutes, the apparition ended, and I was ‘told’ not to wake up my wife and to stay in bed until 6am. At 6am I jumped out of bed, woke my wife and children and went into another room to draw what I had seen in respect of the tents. I should add that in 1983 I was still involved in printing and graphic arts and had no knowledge of tents or emergency towns.

So I suggest Satan, the Adversary of humankind, has the reference number 155 in that the square root of 155,000 is 393.70039370 inches or 32.8083661 feet or 10 meters.

And so the area the square base in the apparition is found in the number 155,000 when divided by 144 square inches is 1,076.38889 square feet, or 10 x 10 meters. And so the area of the four circles inside the square is 845.393856 square feet.

And rather curiously the area of the four circles and divided by Pi four times is a ‘key’ to the start of Second World War, on September 1st 1939, a war when over 50,000,000 died of which over 5,250,000 were Jews. And Fuhrer Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate all the Jews of Europe, which was probably the primary reason for the Second World War.

OK, now the two reference numbers that scream out ‘Warfare’ is that of the equatorial diameter of the planet Mars at 4,222 miles (6,794.65km) and the orbit of the ‘Red Planet’ at 686.98 days. And the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at 10 x 20 cubits and using the mean diagonal floor to ceiling height of 19.2 feet is 11,333.334 cubic feet or 17,000 divided into 3, so it is the Serpent’s Chamber. Whereas, when using the height of the granite walls in King’s Chamber at 19.6 feet, the volume is 11,566.0 cubic feet. Thus both volumes added x 3 is 68,698 cubic feet, and so this ‘measurement message’ emphasizes that the King’s Chamber of the Serpent, is in fact the ‘Chamber of War’.

And so to the arithmetic that is written for the start of the Second World War.

First I take the 4,222 miles x 686.98 days x 9 Martian years, and multiplied by the area of the four circles at 845.393856 square feet and divided by Pi four times (referring to the four circles) and /10,000 is, as days, 22,655.01889 days, or 62.0273861 years.

And counting from the start of the Second World War on September 1st 1939 it is 12:03:41am Tuesday, September 11th 2001.

Thus from the start of the Second World War on September 1st 1939, a war that killed over 50,000,000 people, the arithmetic reveals some three minutes into Tuesday, September 11th 2001, hence another reason why September 11th 2001 was a preplanned historical Time Marker used by Satan himself.


John D. Miller


JFK and 9.11

Probably the reference number for the Order of the Illuminati is 833.

This is because the Sun’s diameter is 865,00 miles.

And the Hebrew cubit of the Sanctuary is 20.67 inches.

So the circumference of the Sun at 865,008.63 miles is 8,3300,000,000 cubits.

Thus the Sun, the ‘Illumination of the Earth’ has also the reference number 833.

And the Washington Monument is 555 feet 5.5 inches high.

And counting down from 12:00:01am Tuesday September 11th 2001 to the assassination at 12.30pm Friday, November 22nd 1963 is 37.0144504 years.

And 37.0144504 years x the Order of the Illuminati at 833 x 833 is 2.6230006e+09.

And 2.6230006e+09 divided by the Serpent at 1,700,000 x 36 is 555.45896 feet, that is the Washington Monument at 555 feet 5.507 inches.

Thus the Order of the Illuminati x the Order of the Illuminati x the Washington Monument reveals the assassination of President Kennedy and 9.11.


Turkey – British Consulate and 9.11

At just past 11am on Thursday, November 20th 2003, the suicide bomber struck, and destroyed the front of the British Consulate killing the British Consul and many others.

Counting down from one hour before September 11th 2001 that is EST compared to EDT, to just past 11am November 20th 2003 is 800.50027 days.

And the Order of the Illuminati at 833 x 833 x 800.50027 days and divided by 1,000,000 is the height of the Washington Monument at 555.458333 feet (555 feet 5.5 inches).

So why would Islam use the Washington Monument, and the Sun when their religion is of the Moon?

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