-Caveat Lector-

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date 04-25-99

Back Issues of A-albionic's Journal, the Project, Available
On-Line for "Subscribers Only:

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The Project: Vol. 8, No. 4; Vol. 9, No. 1-2: Winter-Spring-Summer 1991-92 by
Lloyd Miller1992 In Print Newsletter, 28 pages, Order #00827

 Black Paranoia on the Rise: Conspiracy Theories Abound! Picking-up on the
growing intensity prior to the LA riot of the Black anger springing from
rapidly deteriorating conditions in Black ghettos due to the
de-industrialization of America, the Project presciently surveyed and
analyzed the spectrum of ruling class/conspiracy theories then circulating
in the Afrocentric community: Was Egypt Black?, Is Global 2000 an
Anti-Minority Conspiracy?, Is the Conspiracy Covertly White-racist (as
assumed by Black conspiracy theorists) or Race Amalgamating (as assumed by
the Right-wing)?, Why Did Western (White?) Civilization Conquer the World:
Genetic Superiority Acquired in Harsh Northern Clime, Genetic Evil, Lucky
Acquisition of Technology, Cultural Freedom and Access of Masses to Power of
Reason, Science, and Technology,...?, Are Drugs a Plot to Destroy
Minorities?, Was AIDS Developed to Destroy Blacks?, Did the Judeo-Masonic
(white?) Conspiracy Steal Its Secret Knowledge from (black?) Egypt?, New
World Order or New Dark Age of De-Development for All but Whites?, Does the
White Collective and Collective Consciousness Descend from Albino Rejects
from Black Africa?, Does Melanin Provide Blacks with Special
Occult/Spiritual Sensitivity?, Does the Incredible White Political/Military
Supremacy (less than 10% of world population) Spring from Furious
Compensation for Sexual-Spiritual-Emotional-Physical Defects Relative to
Blacks?...Reviews of the most popular conspiracy books circulating in the
black community. The Project theory of the role of race in the New World
Order conspiracy, originally under Cecil Rhodes and now...? Is Star Trek the
archetype of New World Order racial policy? White racism or "Brave New
World" Promethean, scientific culture in which Whites, Jews, and other
"advanced" groups have the advantage? Afrocentric Blacks falling victim to
"cultural Judo" strategy of the conspiracy? Who Is Ross Perot? His
connection to the Royal Family! Computerization of the Project book
catalog. Kennedy Assassination conspiracy books reviewed.


The Project: Vol. 9, No. 3: Fall 1992 by Lloyd Miller1992 In Print
Newsletter, 8 pages, Order #00828

 A-albionic adjusts to hard times and the computer age. The new computerized
permanent catalog system replaces haphazard offerings. Conspiracy research
power dramatically increased with the availability of computerized data
bases. Who Is Bill Clinton? Does the Project theory of his mentor, Carroll
Quigley solve the mystery??  Parapolitics/USA Magazine: New Source of
Support for Project theory of Carroll Quigley. The Carroll Quigley
Bibliography: Now all Carroll Quigley's published writings are available
from A-albionic. World Wilderness Conference organizer Maurice Strong lets
the Cat Out of the Eco Bag?


Project: Vol. 9, No. 4: Winter 1992-93 by Lloyd Miller1992 In-Print
Newsletter, 12 pages, Order #00865

 "New Age" Reign of Prince Charles Stillborn?..as a result of covert Vatican
attacks? Upsurge of IRA violence, CIA-SMOM-MI5 forces release Prince
Charles's "secret love tapes", Royal fortune to be taxed, suspicious fire at
Windsor Castle followed by another at the seat of the Hapsburgs! Vatican
inspired anti-Masonic campaign rages on in Britain. But, Judeo-Masonic
triumph continues. Pope plots to end America's democratic capitalism through
Mexican immigration and "primitivisation" of the American Church.
Vatican-Islamic alliance continues. The Holy Alliance: How Reagan and the
Pope Conspired to Assist Poland's Solidarity Movement and Hasten the Demise
of Communism. Clinton: Where is he really from...Oxford or Georgetown! What
does his early Catholic schooling and Georgetown experience with Carroll
Quigley as a mentor portend? Unveiling the Virgin by D. Guide...Real magic
of the Vatican as heir to the Pagan "Goddess Religion" of Rome. Recommended
reading up-date.


The Project: Volume 10, No. 1 & 2: Spring-Summer 1993 by Lloyd Miller1993 In
Print Newsletter, 12 pages, Order #00995

 Project Suspicions Confirmed: Royal Family Under Intense Vatican Attack!
Complexity/Chaos Theory: Plot or Progress? Diana, the Cardinal and the
Vatican! Diana, a Monk and the Catholic Church! Prince Charles Takes-on the
Vatican! Recommended Reading Up-dates. Is Clinton Deep Cover CIA?


The Project: Volume 10, No. 3 & 4: Fall-Winter 1993-94 by Lloyd Miller1994
In Print Newsletter, 10 pages, Order #00996

 Coefficients Club: Window on the High Cabal? H. G. Wells, Bertrand Russell,
Sydney & Beatrice Webb, and the Fabian Society: Transforming the British
Empire into the New World Order. The remarkably futurology of H. G. Wells
1933 novel, The Shape of Things to Come by H. G. Wells. H. G. Wells covert
tribute to Winwood Reade, the author of The Martyrdom of Man and the mentor
of Cecil Rhodes. The Tragedy of Whitewater House. Clinton Backs the IRA vs.
Britain in Northern Ireland! Backs the Pope vs. Britain in Bosnia! A Real
Blow for Canterbury, a Tactful Triumph for Rome: The Dutchess of Kent
defects to the Catholic Church. The Duke retains his position as the Patron
of the Grand Lodge. A Twitch in the Royal Thread! A member of the royal
family has become a Catholic. A new Establishment is being built!?


Project: Volume 11, No 1, 2, & 3: Spring-Summer-Fall 1994 by Lloyd
Miller1994 In Print Newsletter, 8 pages, Order #01045

 Liquidation of America or Service to the Crown? ...Balkanizing forces
encouraged in response to Clinton seizure of the Presidency for the
Georgetown Jesuit/SMOM/Vatican Cabal? Letter to the Editor regarding
LaRouche...Mason analyzes LaRouchian propaganda and finds a Vatican-German
agent! The Theory of the "Owners" Explained: Goldsters Battle Godsters for
World Control--Some Observations on the Owners and Other Realities by "One
Who Knows". Introductory Glimpse at the London Psychogeographical
Association: 35 Years of Non-Existence 1957-1992. Recommended reading


The Project: Volume 11, No. 4 & Volume 12, No. 1: Winter 1994-Spring 1995 by
Lloyd Miller1995 In Print Newsletter, 13 pages, Order #01046

 Sherman Skolnick on Barings Bank Failure...Vatican WWII pledge not to
interfere in Western Finance expires? Rockefeller-Vatican Alliance leaves
Britain Odd Man Out!--End of the Special Relationship? A New  Generation
of Vipers by D. Guide...an analysis of spiritual warfare in the ruling
class/conspiracy...the covert world domination of the Vatican growing?


The Project: Volume 12, No. 2, 3, & 4: Summer-Fall-Winter 1995 by Lloyd
Miller1995 In Print Newsletter, 12 pages, Order #01073

 Arnold Toynbee: The Oligarchy's One Time Foremost "Court Intellectual";
Unabomber Manifesto: Covert Propaganda for the High Cabal?; Establishment
Switching Gears on Race? OJ Simpson, Farrakhan, Million Man March, and the
Prophesy of Hoffman Nickerson's American Rich as reported by Dr. Emanuel
Josephson; The Jews in the World: Review of Fatal Embrace and The Secret
War Against the Jews. Real Meaning of the OKC Bombing? Recommended
reading up-date.

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Discussion List, not necessarily endorsed by:
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substancenot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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