-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 8:45 PM

I am many years out of the specifics of securities transactions, and my
knowledge of the mechanics of money laundering in the mortgage markets
almost non-existent, so what I am going to say is more conceptual than I
would like. I finally realized the essence of why the politics at HUD played
out the way they did during the Clinton administration.

Traditionally, the multifamily mortgage insurance and Section 8 subsidy
constituency had relatively little power in the scheme of things. Their real
power, if they had any, came from who was in their tax shelter LP group that
could get scared (the partners at various New York law firms, investment
banking firms, accounting firms and on up through to the Queen perhaps if
rumors are true) or their ability to serve as or be a DOJ proprietary that
could exploit gentrification and de-regulation in more creative ways than
some of the traditional Section 8 folks.

The relationship of DOJ covert operations and HUD is one I keep musing
about. DOJ was in charge of doing all litigation and legal matters for HUD,
as they are for most or all of the federal agencies. If DOJ covert ops are
as profitable in money laundering as some have alleged, the next question is
what is their competitive edge vs. some of the other groups. One of them may
be that they do the litigation and legal enforcement for all the federal
credit programs, of which HUD with FHA, has about 33% of the total amount
outstanding (about $1.2 trillion in the early '90's) and the Clinton
Administration has ballooned it a lot since. That gives them interesting
access to influence the design, allocation and enforcement/litigation
related to the annual origination of what today would be as much as several
hundred billion a year in federal credit and related securities.

The 800 lb. gorilla at HUD has always been the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (FHA). My guess is that
the Clinton Administration has either bankrupted the fund, or gone a long
way to doing so, but I doubt that will come up until the markets drop in the
next cycle. From 1994-97, I watched policies that at the time made
absolutely no sense. It was explained to me that folks like the Clintons and
Cuomo love providing guarantees to facilitate more and more debt and that
their constituents are often fee driven entities based on debt (banks,
mortgage bankers, etc). The lengths that the liberalization went to made no
sense given that market liquidity argued to shut this stuff down and let the
private sector work(Part of the problem here is that when private markets
operate, the pressure increase to include real estate players based on
performance as opposed to politics). At one point we estimated that the
combined total projects of FHA volume plus what they were mandating that
Fannie and Freddie do meant that some low income neighborhoods would have to
finance and refinance at awesome rates. The joke was "how can everyone
refinance their mortgage twice a year if they are in prison?"

I am sitting here with all my databases in a state of mess under court
control so this is without benefit of numbers. The missing link that would
explain the patterns we experienced from 1989-99, would be a craving for
government guaranteed paper and related securities for purposes of money
laundering and/or quick transfer of laundered funds globally. Intuitively, I
suspect it has something to creating bank and other eligible paper or
securities in volume. When Daiwa Securities got an FHA eagle, I should have
figured on this. Frankly, my mission was to figure out how to finance the
whole deal with equity, so the specifics of how the debt operation on the
titanic was not that interesting.

If the need for government guaranteed paper is the case, it may explain why
some of the complaints on the single family loan sales were so aggressive
and weird (Oscar Wyatt, Chairman of Coastal, demanding that I be fired
because I was a woman), why the thought of merging to place based was so
dangerous on either origination or asset management, why the Wall Street
firms winning placed based bids where they learned how the 203(k) program
worked was such a sore point politically, why Chip Tatum had a mortgage
banking operation under the umbrella of the "Denver Connection" as Webb
calls them, the volume of mortgage financing moving through BONY and a
variety of other phenomenon and behavior among the single family mortgage
bankers and home builders.

It is interesting, I bet decriminalization could tank a lot of Taco Bells,
some mortgage bankers and more than few  homebuilders. Meantime, if any
body knows of a money laundering expert with deep knowledge of money
laundering in the mortgage markets and homebuilding, point me to them.

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