-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 5/6/2004 8:02:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-
"A senior American commander said officers had been ordered to send their soldiers into the streets to assure Iraqis that what had happened at Abu Ghraib clashed with everything the United States Army stood for."
What a dumb idea. The soldiers will be lucky to return alive. -
How true.  My husband (an retiree from the U.S. military) said even before all this that he thought the way over the top treatment of the four "contractors" was some kind of a revenge thing.  It is very unMoslem to brutalize dead bodies, but if someone was insane with rage due to some weird kind of injury inflicted on their family (perhaps it was the family of the old woman forced to crawl around on the floor and ridden and called donkey), might just bring something like that about.  I was skeptical when he talked about it, but I was not aware of the horrendous methods of extracting information that seem to have become popular with the so called intelligence types in Iraq. 
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