-Caveat Lector-

Fowarded from Boyd Graves
September 17, 1999

Dear Professor Boyle:

Judge Wells has issued an Order directing me to refile by October 15th with
respect to the federal HIV discrimination issues but to exclude defendant,
Secretary Cohen, et al, and the collateral issue of the laboratory origin of

I AM going to submit a 'motion for reconsideration' within ten days of this
9/16/99 Order. I need a legal beagle right now! I intend to submit every
thing I have to show this judge just how wrong she is. In the face of the
progress reports and the flowchart of the Special Virus program, it is
to conclude that the origin of AIDS is a frivolous issue, unworthy of
judicial adjudication.

As best I can put together, please send me some legal cites on the issue of
setting aside direct evidence and reaching a finding of frivolity under
Section 1915(e), because I filed in forma pauperis. In other words, because
did not pay the filing fee, the judge was allowed to use a screening
mechanism under 1915 to determine if a poor person's case is worthy of
further adjudication. As you know it is commonly used by the federal court
dismiss primarily "prisoner complaints" that might appear to be

If this motion for reconsideration fails, Dr. Garth Nicolson has suggested
rebringing this in the World Court. I thought the U.S. Court of Claims
France sued the U.S. over Gallo and AIDS).

The current EEO battle with Department of Justice coincides with the actions
of the federal court. The Court's Order was a big surprise! WOW, we get
another shot to watch justice peek under the blindfold and rule in
with the tilt of the field.

The longer you play on a tilted field, the more level it seems
issue of eugenics is essentially racism. It is reflected in NSSM-200,
July 18, 1969 "Special" Message to the Congress on Problems of Population
Growth, and a number of other official documents. It is reflected in the
activities of the United Nations' Agency for International Development (AID)
whose only purpose is to coordinate the depopulation efforts. The United
States has been sending money to AID for 32 years!

Please let me know if you've got an honest lawyer in tow. However, give my
email address to some third year moot courter with a heart. I need a ton of
research to improve our chances. Thanks for any immediate input.

The people have another shot and I intend to take it, unless, perhaps you
might want to enter your appearance? PLEASE let me know, thanx, Ed Graves

ps. the case is Graves v. Cohen 1:98 CV 2209, filed 9/28/98, U.S. District
Court, Northern District of Ohio. eg

Dan S

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